2 ~,S No. 1274, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACC OUDT3, This 17th day of August, 1935, came on to be ezamined by the, Court the varloue claims and aoaounta Yilad against Kerr County and its raepaotive Commisaioners~ precincts since last term of the Court, all of which accounts and claims were e~proved Yor payment Dy ~~ the County Clerk Sa amounts and out of reepeetive funds ae shown by the MLnutee of A.ooounts plowed Yor Kerr County, Tezas, whloh are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Yo regoing minutes on pages 223 to -~22b hereof, Sue Lisive, were read in open Court and found correct, and are hereby in all seep sots approved by the Court, this the 17th day of Augaet, A. D, 1935, Attest: C ty dodge, ~ County •, err n y, a a, Deputy. 0-0-0-0- -0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TE8-3, COUNTY OF BEHH, ~ BE IT REiiffiIBERED, that on this 30th day of August, A. D. 193b, there was begun and holden a ape eisl team of the Commis sionere~ Court of Kerr County, at the Court House th erect, Sn the town of Kerrville, Tezae, oftl care present; John 9, Atklne, County Judge, $ B, Srorp:y, Commissioner, Preolnet No, 1, D. D. Beard, Commie eioner, Precinct No, 2, Wm. Karger, Commie Oioae r, Precinct No. 3, W. H. Furs, Commiaaioaer, Preoinet No. 4, A, F. Moore, Sheriff and duo. 8, Leaven, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeadinga were Lad, to-wit; No; 127b, CANIAS3 OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN ERR COUNTY, AUGUST E4, 193b, On this 30th day of Aagnet, 1935, cams on to be oanwawted and tabulated the returns of the Spealal Election helfl throughout Kerr County on August 24th, 193b, which returns were opened, canvassed and tabulated sa ehovm on pages 147-149, in Pol. 2, of the Record of Election Returns of Kerr County, and as shown in the record of otPlcisl ballots at ' Kerr County, Vol. 1, pages 60-64, End the County Clerk is hereby authorised and dlreoted to pay all ofYi oars holding said election for their servloaa out of the General Fund as provided Dy law, issuing unto each of said oYfioass a warrant on the County Treasurer for the amount dos him. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1276, ENPi~07tALP.RT OZ BEBA CLARK FOR LtRS, BUNDICK, This 30tD day of August, 193b, 1t appearing to the Court that Yrs. l0uma Buaaiak ie unable to take oaro of herself and that Reba Clark Se willing to live with her and look after her for the daily wage of 2b cants, Aaoordingly, acid Heba Clark is hereby employed by the County to live with Mre, Bundiok and the Courty Clerk shall pay unto her the amount of wages due her on the let and 15th of each month, by warrants on the County Trsasarer drawn against the General Fund of the County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' No, 1277, GA1¢CELLATION OF SATE OHDER TO FRED J, ADAM9 AND AUTHOBIZING THE SALE AHD CON4EYAHCE OF THE ,}} OF AR ACRE OF OLD 8E$RVILLE 6 FREIW:RI6K9BUH6 HOAD TO Y, F, WEST.OB. This 30th day of duguet, 193b, it appearing to the Court that Bred d, Adams failed to Barry out the purchase oY the .44 of an sore of the :.old Kerrville & Frsderioksburg road lying Detweea the it sore plane 1} miles N. E, from Kerry ills, Teme, and new Stets