•Z ~ 7 The Yoregoing minutes on page. 226 hereof, were read in open Court and found oorreot, and ere hsreby in all reapeote approved by the Court, this the 4th day oY September, 193b, itteat: /7O .-,rfX~C_Aounty Clerk °~uty. Count ~oan y o-o o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TELLS, COUNTY OF %'SBR. 4 BE ZT RIISBSHED, that on this 9th day of September, A, D, 1935, there was begun and holden a Regular Term oY the Commissionera~ Court of Kerr County, at the Court Rouse thereof, in the town oP Kerrville, Tessa, oYYioers present: I John S, Atkins, County Judge, A, p, Brown, Commissioner, Preoin at No, 1, I ll, D, Beard, Commie stoner, Preo Snot No, 2, I ~Ym, Xarger, Commie stoner, Preoinot No, 3. Absent, lV, H, Furr, Comr. Preot, 4, a/o oY high-water, ~I A, F. Moore, SheriYY and Jno, R, Leav ell, Cou~y Clerk, and the Court having been regularly I'~i opened, the Yellowing prooeadinge were had, to-w1t: y I'. No. 1279, ALLOwANCS OF CLAItS3 AND ACCOUNTS, This 9th day of September, 1935, oame on to be ezamined by the Court the various olsims and sooounte filed against Kerr County end Commiesi onara~ preein eta Nos, 1, 2 and 3, sines last term oY the Gourt, all oY wh Soh sooounta and olsims were approved for payme xt by the County Clerk in amounts and out oY reepeotive Yunda ae shows by the Minutes oY Accounts Allowed Yor Kerr Cou~y, Tease, vdii oh are made a part of th to order. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 No, 1280, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINOT N0. 1. Thia 9th day oY September, 1935, came on to be easmined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr. Juatioe of the Peaoe oY Preoinot No, 1 oY Kerr County, Tezae, for the I month of August, 1935, oY oriminal oaaea filed, fines, ~udgoent and fury Yeae oolleoted, ~ showing sum oY $13,10 oolleoted and depoa ited with the County Treaaursr, entitling hIm to a fee oY $21,00 instead of X33,00 sa asked Yor, and it appearing to the Court that !~i said report is true and oorreat, same be and ie hereby approv ad, sad the County Clerk is ', hereby autho rued and dl rented to pay said ~y'21.00 Yee unto Tuetioe Burkett sn$Y ollowe, ~~~ X12,82 out of the Ge~ral Fund and X8.18 out of the Road and Bridge Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1281, AUGUST REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH NSTRSS, • ~ This 9th day oY Sept sober, 1935, oame on to be heard by the Court the August report ,~ of 'iiss Ruth Jane 7Aoore, County Health Norse, which report be and Se hereby' eooepted by the Court. ~ , o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 1282, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S AIIGUST OFFICE E%PENSE REPORT, i Thie 9th day of September, 1935, oame on to be ezaminad by the Court the Augu at report oY Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk, oo vering hie sotual and naoeaeary offioe expen see aggre- gating the sum of X215,20, whi oh report appearing oorreot, be and Se hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1283, AUGUST REPORT OF COUNTY DII~tONSTRAT ION AGENT. Thie •th day of September, 1935, oame on to be heard the Augu et report oY Mies Franoln