~ ~ ~ No. 1,287, PROPOSPfION OF THE CITY OF ALPINE, TESAS, TO EZCHANGE BONDS HELD BY KERR COUNTY. _ On this 14th day of OotoDar, 1935, came on to be ooneidere6 by the Court the propo ei ti on of the City of Alpine, Tease, offering and proposing to repla oe and eaohange the outetan dtag bonds of its 1931 Refunding Bond Issue of wh ioh the Kerr County Permanent School Fund owns and holds Borda Nos. 174-184-185-206, dated Oot. 10, 1932, Yor $1000.00 eaoh, bearing 5~jb' nevi-annual interest, maturing Dec. 15, 1949, De o. 15, 1950, Deo, 15, 1950 and Dea. Lb, 1952 respectively, with s new 193b Refunding Bond Issue; end it appearing to the Court that the Kerr County Permanent School Fun6 ender the terms of said refusding propoeitlon will receive Sour new boffin for $1000,00 eaoh in ezohange for the Your bonds now held by said fund, ea16 new bonds to bear the eeme aerial poeitlon and maturity dates as the bonds now held by Re rr County do relative to the it 1932 issue. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unenlmouely adopted the proygsltion of said City of Alpine as aforesaid be sad le hereby accept ed by the Court to ae siet and amble said City of Alpine to re-finance said 1932 Refining Bond issue, and County Judge, Sohn S, Atkins ie hereby authorized and directed to execute the eooeptanoa agreement submitted by the City of Alpine for and on behalf of the Kerr County Permanent School Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1289`, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT No. 1. This 14th day of October, 193b, came on to be ezamlased by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr., Juatioe of the Peace oY Praoi not No. 1 of Kerr County, Taxae, Por the month of September, 1935, of criminal Danes Yi le d, Pines, yud8ne nt and fury Yeee oolleate d, showing the sum of X24,20 oo lle oted and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling said Juntioe to a Yee of $33,OOy and St appearing to the Court that said report is oorreot, came ba and ie hereby approved, and the County Cls rk shall pay unto said Joa Burkett, Jr„ hie pee oY X33.00 with two warrants on the County Treasurer, one for $13,91 age in et the R, Ys B. Fund and the other Yor X19,09 against the Gen anal Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o No. 1,298, APPROVAL OF COURTY CLERK'S AND ASE590R 4Nll COLLECTOR'S MOPITHLY ERPENSE REPORTS, Thin 14th day oY Ootob er, 1935, came on to be exam lased the monthly expense repo rte of E. H, Niohole, laseesor and Collector oY Taaes, covering hie satusl and neoeeeary oYPioe eapansea Yor the moatha oY Augu et and September, 1935, amounting to $8.11 @ad. X8.05 reapeo- tively, also the monthly expense report oY John R, Leavell, County Clerk covering hie eotual and necessary oPfioe eapeneee for the month of September, 1935, amount lag to X211,95, all oY which repo rte appearing true and oorreot be and hs reby approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1,290, ACCEPTANCE OF SEPT FS2BEB REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH NVRSS. This 14th day of October, 1935., came on to be hoard the September, '96 Report oY ~disa Huth Jaas Moore, County Health Nurse, wh ioh report be and Ss hereby aooe pted by rase Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1,291, APPROVAL OF j93b STATE AND COUDPYY TAE ROLLS. This 14th day of OotoD er, 1935 came on to be easmined Dy the Court the State sad County Tea Rolle for the year, 1935, prepared 6y Emmet H, Niahole, Aseeasor and Collector of Tazee for Rerr County, Tezsa, and same having Deen iouad oorreot sad in proper Yoga, same were oertlPlad and approved by the Court as shown by the Court's oertiPioate oY approval attaehed thereto, duly signed Dy all the mem bars oY this Court, in triplicate. o-o-o-o-o-o-o