a hate written or printed on tkieir ballots'the words: °FOR TRR I89SSANCR 07 BONDS AND THR LB7YING OF TRR TAY IN PAYYRNT TRPsRR08.° And those oDDOaed shell have written or Drinted on their ballots the words: "4GAINST TRR ISSUANCE OF SOND9 AND TRR Lk19YING OF ~ T1.Y IN PAYMENT THEREOF." The Sheriff of Lhie County shall give not SOS of said slant ion by posting three notioee in three Bublio planes in said Dietriot for three weeks before the eleotion. Dated the 17th day of October, 193b. ~iA.~ un y u g , err toga 'y. azaa. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE SR4TE OF TEEAS, ' COIIETY OF YSRR, ( BE IT RAdi~iBERED, tha4 oa this 12th. day of Bog ember, A. D. 1935, there was begun and holden s Regular Tarm of the Commie si oner e' Court of Esrr County, at the Court Rouse thereof, in the tavn of %srrvi lle, Tezae, of fioers present; Bohn S, Atkins, - - - - - County Judge, A, P, Brown, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinob fto, 1, D, D. Beard, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot fto. 2, Wm, Earge r, - - - - - - - Com