This 9th day of December, 1935, oame on to be heard the oomm4ttee eoneiating of Julius . R ~0 Real and others, asking that the Court employ a County Agent for Kerr County for the period beginning January 1, 1936 and ending September 1st, 1936, and St appearing to the Court that it ie to the best interest of Karr County and its tax payers that the proposition of the Extension Service, A, ~ M, College of Texas sa reoo:amended by tip committee be accepted by the: ~~OUrt, Thereupon, on motion of Commissioner Beard, seconded by Commissioner Furr and unanimously adopted, it is ordered by the Court that the sum of #b33,34 be and ie hereby appropriated avtl set aside for the purpose of paying Kerr County's portion of the monthly salary oP a County Agent during the period hereinabove mentioned, oame to bo paid by the Couxrty Clark unto said Agent out of the General Fund in ei ~t equal rinathly in etallmenta payable on the first day of each and every month beginning Fab, let, 1936 and ending Sspt., let, 1936, conditioned how- ever, that the Court reserves the right to withdraw the uneapamtde~ Da]a nos of said appropria- tion at any time attar the _expi ra tlon of the se oond month's sereioe of the agent hereunder, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1313, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF T'.iE' PEACE OF PRECINCT R0, 1. This 9th dqv oY De aember, 1935, oa~ua on to ba eaam ined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, dustioe oY the Pesae of Precinct No, 1 of Kerr County, Tease, Por the month of November, 1935, of criminal oases filed, fines, ~udgmant and fury fees aolleoted~, showing sum of $76,40 collected and deposited with the County Troasurer, entitllnC him to a fee of X39,00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorre ot, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Glerk ie hereby authorized and directed to pay said $39,00 fee unto Justice Burkett as follows: $9.14 out oY the Road & Bridge fund and $29.86 out oY the General Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1314, APPROVAi OF COUNTY CLERK'S AND ASSESS08 AND TAS COLLECTOR'S NOVF3dB ER OFFICE EIP, RE This 9th day of Deaember, 1935, oame on to ba examined by the Court the November report oY Jno. R, Lesvell, County Clerk, covering his aotusl and necessary office eapem ea a~gregat- ing~the sum of $284.66, and the November report oY E. H, Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Taaes, covering hie aotusl and necessary office azpe men totaling X45,75, both of which reports appearing eorreot, be and are hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o No. 131b, NOVEMBER REPORTS OF COUNTY HSALTR NUR3s. AND COUNTY DESONSTRATION AGENT. This 9th day of December, 1935, oame on to ba heard by the Court the November reportaof Mine Frannie Wilroy, County Home Demomtration 4gent, and - Misa Ruth Jane Mpore, County xealth Nurse, which reportebe and rp hereby aooaptad by the ~Cou o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1316, PURCHASE OF RIGHT OF wAY FROWI.SRS, DAPHNE HEIDEL, ET, AL, AT LEGION BRIDGE, This 9th day of December, 1935, oame on to be oo nsidered the neae saity for the sogaisi t. of required right oY way for the new approach to the Legion Bridge on the Bsndera Road, con- necting said bridge with the present Kerrville and San Antonio highway, and it appearing to the Court that said right of way as re quire d. by the County W, P, A, Engineer, H, G, Stegall should be acquired by the County, therefore, be it or dared by the Court that name be purchea and paid Yor out oY the Road and Brid~,e fund of Yreainot No, 1 upon di reotion and approval of the County Judge and Commissioner Brown. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1317, SALE OF 1950 ~ 6 a ~0 foot Eye Beams at 2~ by Preainot No. 2 to Praoinot No, 1, This 9th day of December, 1935, it appearing to the Court that Preoinat No, 1 oY Karr ,~¢/ County has ;;~iroha eed from Preclnot No. 2 of Kerr County 1950 oY 6 x 10 Yoot eye besms aslasged from the Center Point bridge at two cents per pound, amounting to the sum of X39,00; I,- The County Clerk is therefore direotad by the Court to transfer said sum oY y~39,00 from the R, & B. Fund of Pracinat No, 1 to the R, & B. Fund of Preoinot No, 2 upaa the acoounts ~ oP ssifl funds as kept in hie oP Pica, o-o-o-o-o-o-o The fo re ~o ing minutes on pages 239 to 241 hereof inclusive, were read in open Court snd Pound oo rreot, and are hereby in all re ap sots approved by the Court, this the 9th day of December, A, D, 1935. Attest: County Clerk ~ By Deputy, Cou u e, err oun y, ezaa. 0-0-0 -0-0•.0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEZAS, 0 COUNTY OF KFRR. ~ BE ZT REd[~ERE D, that on this 13th day of January, A, D, 1936, - there was begun and holden a Regular term of the Comm is al onere' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House the root, in the town of Kerrville, Tezas, oY[ioers present; John S, Atkins, - - - _ _ _ County Judge, A, P. Brown, - - _ _ _ _ - Commie si oner, Preoinot No, 1, D, D, Beard, - - - - - - - Commie at over, Preoinot No, 2, Wm, Karger, _ _ _ - _ _ _ - Comm Se stoner, Pre of not No, 3, w, H, Furr, - - - - - - - - Commdaeioror, Preoinot No. 4, A, F, Moore, Sheriff and John R. I,eav ell, County Clerk, and the Court haul ng been regularly opened, the following pro oeo dings, were had, to-wit; No, 1318, aL1owANCE OF CLAIMS AND dCCOUBiT3, These 13th dared 14th days oY January, 1936, name on to be eaemined by the Court the various olaime and sooounts filed agsin slt Kerr County and its reaps of Sae Comm iesloner e' ' preoiaote ainae is et term oY the Court, all of whloh ao aounte and olaime were apg roved Yor payment by the County C]ark in amounts and out of reepeotlve tunde ae shown by the l M inutee of Ac oo ante Allowed Yor Kerr County, Tease, whioh are made a part of this order. O-0-0-0-0-0-0 State of Tease, In Commieaionere' Court, Kerr County, Tezae. No, 1319, County of Kerr, Regular January Term, 1936. This 13th day of January, 1936, 1t appearing to the Court that sane questlon~iae arLa en ae to the statue oY the County road known as~the Sohulze leas by rea eon of the temporary alo~ing of said road, and it fur Cher appearing to the Court that the Riverview Memorial Park, Ino, is ereot ing on their property adJa oent to as id mad a rook wall of suY£io iant height and strength to hinder-'the natural draim ga oY said road. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that Herman Schulze shall remove the Yenae ooastruoted by him across ea id road, and that the Riverview Mamorlsl Park, Ino. shall not eonstrnot any wall or dam on their pr opar ty veiioh will in aqq way interfere with the present drainage of said road, or cause any water to stand on or leok oa, over or soroae i ~ said road, and Bald shad ie hereby declared an open County road closed only temporQy ~~ ~ at the river until the bridge care be put beak in oondit San. Said Riirervieu Memorial Park, Ino. ie hereby authorized to clear oiY and uae say or under gravel and rooks now on„eaid bridge or the rigit-oY-way of said road ism ediately adJaoent +~hereto, provided same era not used to in Jere said mad. o-o-o-o-o-o