~ .YY3 r THE STLTE OF P8~tl8a, O v COUNTY OF EEItH. ~ BE IT RffidELLBHNED, that on this 24th day of Yaroh, A, D. 1928, there I was begun sell holden a Special term of the Co~misaioners~ Court. of 8err Coutrty, at the Court House thereof, in the town oY Rerrville,_2e=ea, oftioers present: . i John 3, ltklm, Cauatp Judge, /, F, Brown, Commissioner, Preaiaot Ho. 1, D, D. Beard, Comaieeloaer, Preoinot Ho, E, Wm, T~ rger, Coesaiesioae r, 8re oinot Ho, 3, W, H, Farr, Commi rimer, Preolaet Ho, 4, 1, F, Yoore, Shsrifi and Jno, 8, Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having Deen regularly opened, the following prooeedings were had, to-wit: , Ho, 1357, Conatruotion of Low Water Bridges on Lone Star d, Hope Cro aeinge on North Fork. Thin 24th day ai Yaroh, 1936, the Court sitar inepeating the aitse m the Ground anA considering the satiaiaotory bridge work heretofore perYorned by Bruno Schott under similar agreements, did make cad enter into an agreement wlth Bruno Schott to oonatruat iaw~water bridges 16 feet wide inaid® at the Lone Star and Hope Crossings of the North Fork of the Gaadalupe River, in Commiasioaees~ Preoin et Ho, 4 pt $srr County, with material sad labor furnished by Barr County aooo riling to plans an4 sDeoitixti ms agreed upon, es id Bruno Sabo tt shall receive for auoh ylaae, apeoifioationa, use of his i mma Hall eEtipment and hie persmal sups rvieion of the work, the sum of 3960.00. Ths cost of said brill gee ino lull ing the cum allowed Yr. 9nhott to be paid lf2 out of 8. b 9, ¢1 Pend eat 1/E out Ot H~.lo 8. /4 Fund, and the County Clerk i~ authorised to papr for anq materials a~ pay rolls upon approval thereof by the County Judge or the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1358, PROVIDING CARE FOR YR, & YRS. J, -'. WIL80H, Th1e 29th day oS Yaroh, 1936, Yilae Wilson be and Se h era by allowed the sum of not to esoeed ~E,00 per week out of tkn Gsnaral Fund to take ogre of hie patents, same to be paid at times and in amounts ae au~orised Dy the Oounty Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o Ths fore goixig minutes on page 263 hersol, ware read in open Court anQ found Coravet, atti are hereby is all ra spa eta approved by the Caurt, this :e 2 day of Yarah, 1986. Attoet: ouaty Clerk ~ ~Couaty Judge. ~- ~ ~ F , B putt. . o-o-o-e-e.a THE STATE OF TffiAH, COUNTS OF SEBR. HE IT R~tESBE~D, that on thte 13th day of 1pe`il, 1936, there wen begun affi holden a Regular Term of the Coaniselonsre~ Court of $err Cwuocty, at the Court House thereof, in the town oY Rsrrville, Tasae, officers preeentq ° Bohn 3, ltkine, - - - - - Coulxty dodge, 1, P,:Brown, - _ - - _ _ -CoaesieeiotMr, Preainet Ho. 1, D. D, Beard, - - - - - - -COmmieeioner, pre0laet Ho. E, 1Ra, $arger, - - - - - - - Comrniseioaer, Pre01IIOt Ho, 3, W, H, Fur r, - - - - - - - comriaaioaer~,t Preeinet Ho, 4, 4. F..Yoofa 9beritt and JohnB..I,eavela p Cor~l-y Olerk, Lod the Court having been regularly, opened,"th o tollowia g pawoeadlaAlt wese hard, to-wit: Ho, 1360, APPROPAL OF 1WHUAL SCHOOL FU9ID STATEItIIPT ]T; CH1S. $CHHHIHHH $AH~$,•D>EP09ITDHT. this 13th day of AprSl, 1936, came on to be e=+min ell and audltedby E'hW Coart.~the' • annual statement of School funds for year sndi.ag August 31st, 1936, prepared"and. ubmibiel '~ by Charles Schreiner Bank, County 8ahool Dspoeitozy, and it appearing to the Court that said statement ie true and correct, same ba anA. is hereby approved by the Coact, and the •°-8~,