b ( No, 1380, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF~THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT H0, 1 Yor APRIL. This 11th day of May, 1936, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the report of Toe r-- ~ Burkett, Juetioe of the Peaae oY Preoinot Ho, 1 of Korr County, Tezae, for the month of April, 193b, oY oriminal Hasse filed, YS nee, Sudgtnent and'~ury Yeae Dolls oted, showing sum oY $100.65 Dolls oted and deposited with the Coanty Treaenrer, entitling him to a fee. . of $33,00, and St appearing to the Court that said report ie true and oorre of „ same be and is hereby in all thinge approved, and the County Clark Se hereby aathori*sd sad direoted ' to pay ea id $33.00 fee unto Juetioe Berko tt ae Yo llowa; $11,80 out of the 6saeral fend and $21,20 out o1 the Road & Bridge Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1381, APPROVAL OP QUARTERLY REPORT OF GEO, M, DOYLE, DISTRICT CLEBK, This 11th day of May, 1936, Dame on to be ooneidered the Heport oP Fiase Impo sad and Collected and Judgments rendered and ao llepted in the Dietriot Court of Kerr County, Teaes, in favor of acid County, and of Jury Yeea co lle etefl by Geo. M, Doyle, Clerk of said Court Yor quarter ending April 30th, 1936, whioh report appearing correot be and is hereby approved by the Court. < - o-o-o-o-o-o-o Po. 1362, APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REy08T p8 TOHN R, LElA16LL, COIIHTY CLERS, This 11th day of May, 1936, came On to be ezamined Dy the Caart the Report of Fines Imposed and Colleoted and Judgmenta>rendered-aad.~oolleoted in the County Court of Kerr County ,. Tezae, in Yavor of said County, and oY Jury lase eolle otsd by Bohn R, Leavell, Clark oY said Court for quarter ending April 30th, 1936, whioh report appearing oorreot be anQ Sa hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No.'1383, C0.^1T INUATION OF SERVICES OF MRS,.PEARL CRABIEB, A9 COUNTY RELIEF CASE WORKER. Thia 11th day of May, 1936, it is ordered by the Count that Mra, Pearl Grenee be employed Yor another month. Yrom May 15th, 1936, as Case Worker, Distribution oY Surplus Relief Co::~modlties in $err Comity, at the same salary of $30.00, payable by the County Clerk out o1 the General Fund on or oaYtar June lb, 1936, i o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' No, 1384, APPROVAL OF MONTHI7 OFFICE EXPENSE REPORTS OF ASSESSOR d, COIS.ECTOR AND CO, CLEHK, _ "Thia 11th day of May, 1936, alma on to be exam inedby the Court the report oY E. H, Niohole, Aaeeaeor and Collector of Tazee for Kerr County, oovaring hie sotusl and neoeaeary of Yioe ~espenaea Yor the month oY April, 1936, amounting to $79.50, and the roport oY John R, beau all, County Clark, covering hie satasl and ne oeeeary oYYioe espam es Yor the month of April, 1936, amounting to~$261,19, both of vaiioh reports appearing oorreot to the Court, be and are hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1385,. COUNTY HEALTH NURSE~3 REPORT. This. 11th day of May, 1936, Dame on to be heard the report of M1 ea Huth Jane Moore, County health Nurea of Kerr County, oov Bring her work in April, 1936, which report be and is hereby eooepted by the Court. O-O-O-o-O-O-p Ho, 1336, FIR$T ADVANCE TO TAE -SSE330R ON HIS 1936 COUHT7! CO;dMI33TOH3, Thia 11th day oY May, 1936, it is ordered by the Court that S, H, Hiohole, Aaeeaeor of Tazee for Kerr County ba granted an advanoe of $400,00 on hie 1936 Taz Aaeeaeor~s oommie- alone, to be paid by the County Clerk $200,00 out of the General Fund and $200.00 out of the