Yax Spearath be and ie hereby granted as prayed for, and the Taz Colleotor's CertifiQats of Cancellation Ho. 18 wee signe8 by the County Judge at the request of the Court is open Court, whioh osaoellation oertifioate shall be euDmitted by the Collector to the State for approval of the Comptroller of Public Aaoounts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo, 1428, APPLICATIOB OF ASSI3TABCE FOB AHTHIIB LOTT, (Colored) This 14th day of July, 1936, it appearing to the Court that Arthur Lott, (Colored) is eiok and without funds and unable to •aiwi for himieelf in say way, it is therefore ordered Dy the Court that Slisa Cents be and is hsreDy hired Dy the Court to take oars of him for whioh servioee the County agrees to pay ~tGO per lroek payabU Dy the County Clerk out of the Geaeral Fund oa each Wednesday beginning July 22nd, 1936, and the County Judge is hereby authorised upon applloetion of said Elise Coats to fnraish the asoessary food, medicine and other neoeeaitisp of life for use of said Arthur Lott. o-o-o-o-o The Yoregoiag mimites on pages Z78 to 276 hereof inoluaive were read in open Court and found oorract, end are h*reby in all reepeota approved Dy the Court, this the 14th day o! July, A. D. 1936. At#eat: e er B Deyuty. Co J g , err o y, eras. 0- THE STATE OF TEYA9, COIIHTY OF KEdR. ( BE IT BE41Ed~&BED; that on this 10th day of August, A. D. 1936, there was begun and holden a Segulnr Corm of the Commisaionare' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezas, officers present: Bohn 3. Atkins, - - - - - - County Judge, A, P, Brown, - - - - - - - Commisaioaor, Preoinot Ho. 1, D. D, Beerd, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Prpoinot Ho. 2, Wm. Karger, - - - - - - - W. H, Farr, - - _ _ _ _ - Commissioner, Preoinot Bo, 3, Commissioner, Prsoinot Wo, 4, and the Court having been regu]arly opened, the following prooeadinga were haQ, to-wit: B0. 1429, ALLOWABLE OF CLdI163 AHD ACCOIIBT3. This 10th day of August, 1936, Dame on to be examined by the Court the various claims and sooouate Yiled against Kerr County and its respeotive Commiaeioners' pseoinots sines last term of the Court, all of whioh aooounte and oleims were approved for peymsnt by the County Clerk in amounts and out of respeotive funds a• shown by tae Yinutee of Aooount• Allowed for Karr County, whioh are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o~ Ho. 1l3G, b1ATTE8 OF CoBTIHUIHG THk EOrtPL0Y14EET OF COIIHTY CASE WOBKES. (Contiaued to aext day oY the Court) O-o-4~~p-0-O Bo, 1431, TB6B3FS8 OF $6.21 F80Y B, 8, B. ~2 FCWD TO H, do B. ~3 FVHD, This 10th day o! August, 1936, it appearing to the Court that Preoinet Eo, 3 did in error pay unto Chas, Schreiner Co, for Preoinot Eo, 8 at last term of the Court, the sup of =6.21 oovaring 3 mattooka and 4 handles, it Se hereby ordered by the Court that said sum of ;6.21 bs transferred by the County Clerk from H, do B. #2 FOad to the credit of 8, 6 B. #3 F o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~~ r.~. _ _..