2 7 ~ N Kerr County out of the General Fund, the per diem or oompsnaation to which they ors eatitlsn under the law for eerviese rendered in ooaneot ion with said sleet ion. o-o-o-o-o-e Ho, 1441, NOTICE OH COUNTY BUDGET FOB 1981. This 10th day oY August, 1936, it ie ordered by the Conrt that the County dodge ' poet proper notioe at the Court Houae door and insert news-items Sn this week's iaeuee of both local newspapers, to the effeot that the public hearing will be held on the proposed 19SW County budget at the Court Houae in Kerrville, Tezae, ai 10 O~oloek A, H„ Saturday, Aagaet 15th, 1936, which ie the time and plena Da reDy set Yor the pub lie hearing oa said proposed 1937 County Dadget by the Court, '- o-o-o-o-e.o-o State of Tezas, ~ in Commieaionere' Court of Kerr County, Tszas, Ho, 1442 County of Rerr, August Teim, 1986. This 10th day of August, 1936, came oa to be eoneidered Dy the Court the petition of A, K. Parke end seven others, all sit Scene sad tree holders of Pre olnot Ho. 4 of Ssrr County, Texas, asking that n neighborhood orthird ola es road bs •staDlishe8 in avid preoinet end County, cunt and along the routs hereinafter mentioned. And it appearing to the Court that said eitisens cad tree holders are entitled to such road, said petition De and ie hereby granted ss prayed Yor, and said road 30 feet in width be and is hereby opened and eetaDlishsd as n third Blass public road over cad along the following route, vin: Beginning at a point in the S. W. line oY Stets Highway Ho. 27, near dank Smith's mail Doz and following present traveled neighborhood road aprons Survey Ho. 417, Peter Fohr, in front of the old Jealuoa homestead now occupied Dy dank Smith, in a westerly direetioa to the old Junetion and Kerrville road, thenoe following said old road to Byas Hranoh, thenoe ng present road aoarosa lands of Parke Brothers to flu home of maid Park Brothers. And the Commissioner of Preoinet Ho. 4 ie hereby authorised and dire oted to work eeid road as a part oY the road system of his precinct at the espense of Sorr County. o-o-o-O-O-O Ho, 1443, 1¢OPIHG AHD RSCONSTRIICTIHG HOCK FENCE OF 3aHREIHSR INSTITUTE ON HEW HIGHWAY, Phis 10th day of August, 1986, be and is hsreDy agreed by the Court in ooaeideration oY the donation by 3ohreiner Inet State of re gaited right-wt-ray for proposed new State Highway Ho, 27, that Kerr County nt Ste own eapens• will re-oonetruat or eause said fence to be re-eonetrueted including the entrance end cattle guard along the 8. S, line oY new highway after the rooks and materiel have been taken down end mowed over ~R said net line oY the highway by the State Highway Department. Said Yenee and sntranoe shall Ds reaonetrue so as to agaal in appenranoe and eonetruetion eeid fence and antraaoe as presently ezieting, o-o-a-o-o-o-o Ho, 1444, COURT'S RECESS. Aug. 10th, 1936, It SsThereby ordered Dy the Court that the current term oY the Court be race seed over to Saturday, August lbth, 1936, at 9 O'clock A, M, for the purpose of traneaoting the remaining bueineae before the Court at this texts. Ho. 1446, COURT HE-COHP&NED. o-o-o-o.e.o-o This 15th day of August, 1936, in pursuance witb reoeae taken by the Court on-August 10th, 1936, the Court reoomrened with all members present sad the following proceedings were had, to-wit: ...::3::::::