,`- ?02 TAE STATE OF TEZAS, I _ 1 COURTY OF KERR, ~ BE IT RE&iEMBERED, that on this 11th day of January, 1937, there was begun and holden a regular Term of the Commis sione ra' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezas, officers present; ' ~ John 5, Atkins, - - - - - County Judge, Henry W, Eckstein, - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, D, D. Beard, - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No, 2, Wm. Karger, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct Ho. 3, T. J. Moore, - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, and the Court Laving been regularly opened, the followingprooeedings sere had, to-wit; No, 1523, ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS, These 11th end 12th days of January., 1937, came on to be ezemined by the Court the vari claims and accounts filed against Karr County and its respective Commissioners' preoinets since last term of the Court, all of which accounts and claims were approved for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reapeotive Funds ae shown by the Minutes of Aaoounta Allowed for Berr County, which are made a part of Chia order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1524, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1 FOR DEC., 1936, This 11th day of January, 1937, Dame on to be examined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr„ Justice of the Peace of Precinct No. 1 of Kerr County, Tezas, for the month of December, 1936, of criminal oases filed, fines, judgment and fury Ease oolleoted, showing sum of $51.20 oolleoted airl. de go sited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a Pee of $33.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is correct, same ba and is hereby approved, and the County Clark shall pay unto duetioe Burkett hie fee of $33,00 ea follows; $13.54 out of the General Fund end $19,46 out of the Road & Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o OR-ER AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF No. 1525. COURT REPORTER'S SALARY ARD EYPENSE, This 11th day of January, 193?, it ie ordered by the Court that $450,00 of the official court reporter's salary for the 38th Judicial District together with her }spates accounts incurred in the attendance of Court inGGeeKnnerr CoF~UU~nn~tAy each year, shell be paid by the County Clark of Kerr County out oY the Juiy P'un~~sooor-BEng to the following oertifioata of District Judge, K. K. Woolley, to-wit: "Hondo, Texas, January 4th, 1937. To the Commisai onere' Courts of Uvalde, Karr, Medina, Zavals, Kendall, Real and Benders Counties: Gentlemen• This Se to certify that I Lave this day appointed Mrs . Mabel Knox ae Official Court Reporter of the 38th Judicial Dietriot end have filed her salary at $2700,00 per annum, to be paid monthly by the respective Cou~rties aompoeing said Dietriot, out of the General or Tury Fund (at the dieoration of the Commiselonere' Court) as follows: County Time Per Year Par mo. Uvalde 10 wk e. 10/42 of $270Q,00 $64L,85 $b3,57 Earr:a 7 7/42 " 450,00 37 ,b0 YeddLa 7 7/42 " 450,00 37,50 Zavala 6 6/42 " 385,71 32,14 Kendall 4 4/42 " 257,15 21,43 Real 4 4/42 " 257.15 21.43 Benders 4 4/42 257.15 21,.93 ~. ~- ~'~, Also, the actual and necessary ezpensea of the reporter while in the performance ~of her ' official duties (not to ezoead $600.00 per annum for the entire Dietriot) shall be paid after the completion of each term oY Court by the reapeotive Counties of the Dietriot (other than ~I the County of her residence), each County paying the expenses incidental to its own regular 1 or special term oY Court, said ezpensea to ba paid Dy the Commis sione ra' Court oY the County, i out of the General Fund of the County, upon the sworn statement of the reporter, approved ~ by the Judge. This will be your certificate of authority for the payment of salary and eapeytse acoouxtta, ea above outlined. Yours truly, _ (9lgned) K, K. Woolley, Diatriat Judge, 38th Judicial Dietriot."