30 3 go, 1526, APPROVAL OF BOND9 OF COMR. & CONSTABLE, PRECT, ~2 AND J. OF P., PRECT. ~1. Thie 11th day of January, A. D, 1937 came on to tie examined by the Court the off ioial ^ bonds of the following named officers, e~eoted for PreoiBOta']los, 1 and 2 oY Kerr County, at the November ale otion, 1936, and 1t appearing to the Court that ea oh and ell of said bonds are good and suPf ioie nt, and that each of same should be approved by the Court. Therefore, upon motion duly made, eaoo nded and unanimously adopted, said bo nde and each of them be and are hereby approved by the Court and ea oh of Bald off ioera are hereby directed to take the proper oath or oa the of offioe as required by law, and all of said bonds shall thereafter be raoor dad by the County Clerk in the proper record of hie offioe, viz: D. D. Heard, County Commissioner, Precinct No, 2, D, D. Beard, Road Commiseione r, Preainot go. 2, R. W. Bishop, Coss table, Pre0lnot go. 2, Jose ph W. Burkett, Jr. Juati ae of the Peace, Precinct ffio. 1. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1526}, ACCEPTANCE OF DECE4D3ER, 1936 REPORT. Thie 11th day of January, 1937, came on to be heard by the Court the December, 1936 report of Miee Winifred Borg, Couffiy Public Health ftnrse, which report'Da and is hereby accepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 1527, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S DEOEMBER, 1935 OFFICE ESPENSE REPORT. Thie 11th day of January, 1937, Dame on to be eaeminad by the Court the report of John R. Leavell, County Clerk oov Bring hie actual and neoeseary ea penaea incurred by him in the aonduot of hie offioe for the month of December, 1936, totaling the Bum oY $413,20, and it appearing to the Court that the County Clerk ie entitled to each and ell of the expenditures Bate d, said report in its entirety be and ie hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 1528, COHTIgUANCE OF 9ERPICES OF MRS. PEARL GRANES, AS COUNTY RELIEF CASE WORKER. Thie 11th day of January, 1937, came on to be examined by the Court the report of Yra, Pearl Granee, County Caee-Worker for month of Dooember, 1936, which report having been ', found sorreot ie hereby appra-ed, and said Pearl Granee bs Bad 1a hereby a®ployed for another month from Jaaaary-lbl1y,198lpT ae euoh Case Worker~tor the diebribat ion of surplus relief oommo dities in Kerr County at the eama ea lacy of $30.00, payable by the County Clerk out of the General Fund on or after~debruary 15th, 1937. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o go, 1529, PAYMENT OF MA CRINE RENTAL, ETC. FOR W. P. A. KERRVILLE SEWING PROJECT. Thie 11th day of January, 1937, it appearing to the Court that Karr County will be required to pay one-half of the January sewing machine rental and incidentals not eaoeeding $35.00 and all of said rental end inc ids ntala not to eaoeed $35.00 each month thereafter, incurred by the Kerrville W, P. A Sewing Project - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and it appearing to the Court that the County ie 3ust ified in making suah expenditure in view of the benefits derived by the tea pays re oP Kerr County Prom said project, and the County Clerk ie hereby authorized end directed to pay 1/2 of euoh January expenee and all oP a@id eapenea each month thereafter out of the General Fund until otherwise U ordered by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o