.SO S No. 1526, APPROVAL OF BONDS OF COMR. Fc CONSTABLE, PRECT. ~2 AND J. OF P., PRECT. ~l. Th1a 11th day of Jenua ry, A. D. 1937, came on to tie examined Dy the Court the off Soial r- bonds oY the following named offioera, elected for Prsoi nota`Aos, 1 and 2 of Kerr County, at the November election, 1936, and St appearing to the Court that eaoh and ell oY said bonds are good and sufficient, and that each of same should be approved by the Court. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seoo nded and unanimously adopted, said bonds and eeah of them be and are hereby approved by the Caurt and each of said off ioara are hereby direoted to take the proper oath or oa the of offioe as required by law, and all of said bonds shall thereafter ba reaor dad by the County Clerk in the proper record oY hie offloe, viz; D, D. Beard, County Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, D. D. Beard, Road Commissioner, Preoinat No. 2, R. W. BiahoB, Constable, Preoinot No. 2, Joseph W. Burkett, Jr, Tueti ae of the Pesos, Preolnot No, 1. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1526}, ACCEPTANCE OF DECEMBER, 1936 REPORT. This 11th day of January, 1937, Dame on to be heard by the Court the December, 1936 report of Hiae Winifred Borg, County Publio Health Nurse, whioh raport'be and Se hereby eooepted by the Court. o-o-o_o_o-o No. 1527, APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK`9 DE0~6BER, 1936 OFFICE EEPENSE REPORT. This 11th day of January, 1937, Dame on to be eaaminad by the Court the report of John R. Leavell, County Clark acv axing hie eotusl and necessary ea penaes incurred by him in the oo nduot of hie ofYiae for the month of December, 1936, totaling the sum oP =413,20, and it appearing to the Court that the County Clerk Se entitled to eaoh and ell of the eapenditurea Bated, said report in its ant iraty be sad ie hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1528, CONTINCANCE OF 9ERV IC ES OF MRS. PEARL GRANE3, AS COUNTY RELIEF CASE WORKER. This 11th day of January, 1937, Dame oa to be eaamined by the Court the report of Mrs, Pearl Grenee, County Ce ae=Worker for month of December, 1836, which report having Deen found oorre of is hereby apDrovsd, and said Pearl Graces bs and is hereby employed for another month from 7amurY'SAi1y,lYY˘pT aw eaoh Case Worker for the di etribut ion of surplus relief aommo dit iea in Karr County et the same salary of $30,00, payable by the County Clark out oY the General Fhnd on or after rabruary 15th, 1937, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o II No, 1529, PAYMENT OF LLI CH INE RENTAL, ETC. FOR W. P. A. KERRYILLE SEVIING PROJECT, a I~I Thie 11th day of January, 1937, it appearing to the Court that Kerr Couirty will be required to pay one-half of the January sewing machine rental and incidentals not ezoea ding X35,00 and all of said rental end ineidenta la not to aaaeed X35,00 eaoh month the reefter, incurred Dy the Kerrville W, P A Sewing Pro je at - - - - - - - - - - - - - and it appearing to the Court ~ha~ the County Sa justified in malting such eapendit are in view of the benefits derived by the tea pays re of Kerr County Prom said pro Jeet, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and direoted to pay 1~2 of eaoh January expense and all of s@id eapensa eaoh month thereafter out of the General Fund until otherwise ordered by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o