,~OS ~ No, 1535, ORDER FISING SAL4RY OF CO(TNTY ATT0IZ~EY. Th19 12th day of January, 1937, it Sa ordered end do creed by the Court that the salary i oP the County Attorney for the euzrent 8earr 14TiR1 be and Se hereby tined at the sum of $270,00 per annum, to be paid out of the General Fund in 12 monthly installments of $22,50 eaoh by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Troaeurar on or attar the laa4 day oY eaoh calendar month. beginning Jeawarary5,pt, 1937. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1536, ORDER FI%ING SAL6RY OF 3RERIFF AND JAIL GUARA OF KKR COUNTY. Thia 12th day of January, 1937, St 1e ordered and de oreed by the Court that the Sher iff'e ea]ary for the -aarseat .fiaIDr >r9Na be and Se hereby flzed at th,e sum oY $1,730.00 .per annum, as follows: $1190.00 per annum sa Sheriff of Kerr County, and $ 540.00 per annum sa Jail Guard oY Kerr County. ~., Said aplary to be paid by the County Clerk to Sheriff A. F. Moore out of the General Fund. in twelvo monthly installments of $144,19 eaoh, dWelpg 19{~ by proper wnrranta drawn. on the County Treasurer on or alter the ~hy;day oY eaoh month beginning Jtawa;~~51, 1939. Saic} Sharift shall be further allowed the sum oY 45~ per day Yor boarding each priaioner in the County dell plus 15~ yer dsy Yor eats-keeping eaoh prisoner, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1537, ORDER FISING COUNTY TRE63URER'S COMId293I0N, Thia 12th day oY January, 1937, it Se ordered by the Court that the oommisaion of the County Treasurer for the ~earrent-'yeas119~lt shall be and Se hereby Yized at the rate of 2y~ on all reoeipta and di ebursemant e, not to ezoeefl. however, the sum of $133,33 toF any month, or, the aggregate of $1,600.00 Yor kh! yNr, 1974 4:.arac~; and said County ~~Tr~a~urer shall draw eaoh month!e oommiaeion of $133,33 ea earned, o-o-o-o-o-o se..155t, 09D11R DSSI>~ 3al~AI*8 07 0010lISSI0H~5, Shit 3R19- det7 at Jaaeasy, 1~N, if Sa ordered end deenad ~- the CoaRt that the oew_ _ panaatlaa of the Owsiaaionarlt of Lesr OonnRy De sad la ha7tV,Dy t3,[ad Dy the Court fez the parront yiar,:-lyila, eoaordiag to law, as tollatt: Sash eomaiasionsr rhall reesiH ;5.00 par der e• psr dies toz sash day sassed ly hlaat a molar at the Qaaaitaionarp' oaart to N paid eai of the g.aosel Hoed sad Br-4p taa~, aad.laph 9oatietlaaas abail tarthor raNl~e X5,00 tos sash der ter~N 7,a the iatpattlaa aa- aapareial4~ at eoarky roadt, saws to bo paid ont of flu road sal bridge tna- et hie seepoetiwe psrNinet, prewldeO hswewes, that the total Napaaaatloa or aa1asy of •noh aomotiaelonmr shall eat aalNtd_tha toilewing taete˘• tBrN aDe';, ta-~ti 9aamiaaioner et Y7»oiaat ]lo. 1 eua of $x00.00 rer reaX, 183'1, Oemal.8sloaar of Yntlaet =o, S sea of {600.00 fos 7ot7, 1957, Ooaoittloaar of prtlaat io, 3 ass st ~i00.00 tos rots, 1877, Ooraieeloaor et lrotiaet 10. ~eaa of $900.00 tes roes. 1957. o-o-o-ow-o Slu Otata of Solcat, In Oomaelatloarrt' Qonrt, Sarr Oot:dy, Saint. .~10, 1559 pOQl~ nt .,, January lame, 1, D. 1951. Oa that ltl~;#ay of Jeviaasy, 1917, !t appeeriag to the Court that the eoatmtN tea the oayloraeat of YlM 7YSaNt tilrey a• Ooaatr peMattsetloa 1p7A for ;ors Oapaty a=plra4 . Detaabas 31st, 195, sad it further appeasing b the Oonrt lmat St is to the bast Satazrlgr et Yass Oeaat7 that sash wesk ba aoatiaood !or asotaer 7oar,