soy ao, id4a, [YYLpc[Troa ex Ydssas. F. [, BsRaER a a, a, aDEas Fob ˘, c, DEaD FROG HERR Cou~r, This lEth day of January, 1987, eons oa to be ooneidsrsd by the Court the applioatioa of Yean~s. F, [, Barger am H, 6, Elena for a dais-olnia Desd iron Eerr County covering that portion of 6ku old right-ot-way of the old abandoned highway at Ingram, Tszns, nd~oinin~ the property now owned Dy them, and it appearing to the Court that petitioners are entitled to reoeive that part of said old righ4 of way between Ste seater line end theiz property line, and nooordingly their applieetion bs end is hereby graded by the Court to prayed for, and County Judge, Jeha S. [tkint be and Se hereby authorised effi directed to ezeoute end deliver unto appliennts proper ˘, C, Deed covering 1}/100 of as sots of said abandonel right-ot-way as surveyed by the Cony Surveyor, for end on behnlt of ]Corr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-e HO. 1544, 6YPR0~-L OF [99EB30R A1D OOLIdCTOR OF TAZBH 9tOHTHLT OFFICE LZPEH9H RSPORT, This 18th bey of Jenmry, 1987, oems on to be ssmined Dy the Court the report of E, H, aioholy, [enneor and Collsotor of Tasee for Eerr CoaNy, Tezns, omering his notunl end neeeseary eipenees Saenrred by his is the oondue4 of his effios for the month of DeoerMr, 1986, mounting to j89.S5, sad it apyeariag to the Court tffit the County Clerk Sa entitled to sash sad all O! the ezpenditnre• lintel, said rayort De an6 is hereby ayprovel in toll. o-o-o-e-a-o-o-o ae, 1645, Tayroalsr [Llpuaca To Jana aaaatic oUT of assaedL aCaD. Thin 18th Bey of Janmry, 1937, same on to be ao neidersd the npplloetion et Jese arehem for temporary allowame from the Comity for his support sal maintsaano• until eneh time ae b• may reoeive his pension app1U d far, sad St nypearing to the Court that applieent it eat it led to the temporary aid asked for, sad ffi ie hereby allowed the cam OS X8,00 par month out of the Oeaeral Fund, to b• pale by the County Clark Dy proper warrants drawn on the County Preasnsr uabil snub tine that npplloent raoeiv ee hie psagioa. o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o ao, 1844, Tsalaa/Tloa OB Tan OOLLaCMO7 COaT$ACT BaTfaEa THS COURTS [TTOR~ lab IC6RR Co. This 18th day of Jeamry, 1957, it appearing to the Court tffit it is to the advantage of the Comaty that the ooatreet for the eollsotlon o! delinquent Lases heretotors entered into Dy end between this Court and County [ttorney, Yr. Salter Yetseh, De oaneslled sad terminated, and it Se ffiseby ordssed Dy the Coast that each ooatraet heretofore ezieti,~ between the Court and the County [ttoraty sweriag,the eolleetioa of delia9psat taze• '~ hia Sus Eerr eoaaq, bs and is hereby enaeellsd end terminated, •ffestive DeNmber 14th, 1966, with the eseeptdon tffit the County [homey shall De entitled to reoeive lba'i of any twee nulls used for the Ceanty stun those tee payers oa whom suite had at that tiw been filed sad were then peaditg Sn the 8letriet Court o! =err County, Tesas. o-o-o-o-o-o ao. 1847, COLLECTIOa Ol DELI1˘USET T[ZSQ DIRECT HY !Ha COUaT. ' Thin 18th day of Janmry, 1957, it appearing to the Oonrt that a ]urge portion of the de lingnent Sane• now owing p 8er; Coaaty osn De ea lle used under the direct eepervielon i of the Court through Lttsst writ tea for sad ea behalf of the dears >byilrs. Lillian S. Joaes,~i [aeistaat to the County Judge in has spars time, and tail Yillien 3, Jones be and is hereby anthorLel sad directed W write aneh 4e lingaent tan payers for affi oa behalf of the Court req˘esting the paymen4 of flu Sr delia9psnt fazes within snob tams or tints designated by the Court. It Doing tffi Sate~iea of She Court to have the County [tboray SSL delinquent taz suite against gush ta: payers n• tail to sesponl to She letters authorised herein, under a new a~eamed to be entered into the rter_