?09 ao, lbbl, TaYPO$6HT OOHTIDCLaCE OF 9aBPICaB OF iS9ISTLaT TO THa COIIDTY NDpa, TL1. 1lth day of Jemary, 198T, Dams on to De eoasidered by tha Coact the mstter et Ooat;nuing or renew;ng the employment of Yrs, Lililea 3, Jones a asaiebant to the County Judge end ezoffioio County 9ehool Superintsadaat, end SS appaerlag to the Coact thn4 tha earrioas of aaeh nssistaat sea Da dispsnee6 with utter flu 18th day of Yaroh, 1987, it is ordered by the Coact that the amploymsnt of Yrs, Joase at aueh assistant aforesaid be and ie hereby aontianed to Yaroh loth, 1987, at her prsse~ awnthiy salary OS =86,00 per month, end the Coaaty CUrk shall eontiaue to pay sash salary to Yre, Jones Sa semi-monthly Day= meats of ~17,b0 snob with wasrants drawn on tha County Treasurer against the pemral >tind. Do, 1bbE, COaFIBYlS20F OF COOHTY OIEItS'S I89CLDOa OF wLaBLaf TO 0, D. a088 80H Haflwi H/w This 18th dny of January, 1987, it appearing to bha Coact that tha Caaaty Clerk at sequast of County Judge John 3. Ltkias sad Cosmiseioaas Hsary aeketeta did iame enl dslirsr unto 0, R, peen a warrant on the Ceaaty Treasurer for ;60,00 sgalast iha H, b D. /1 Faad of date, Jaa. 16th, 1987, in payment ter s16ht et wny for State Highway ao, D1, withoa• definite authority iron Shia Ceurt sad that the 61srk's tetioa is leaning Baia warraas and bha County Trensarer'a snDN4aeai payment thereof should Da aypro~ed ana oamflrmaa by thir Court, sad tam• De sad is hereby in all things spDrowed and eoafirmed Dy tha Ooart as fully as if name filAl Desa preeioualy anthosipd by order of this Court, The torep;ng ie4sater,ai^pags• ion and 80! henot, wars sand is open Cant and Sound oorreet, sad era lureDy is nil respest• ayprogd Dy flu Court, thin the 18th day of Jaaaary, L. D, 1987. Ltteet• an r D7 c~G~spaty. Thu Stets of Tezes, 60 ., rr oea y, asas, o-o- -o_o-o_o County of incr. ~ ?>e it remamDSred, the4 oa Shia 87th dq7 of January, 1989, we• begun e~ hol6ea a speeial teem of tha Conaleeion•rs' Court of Eerr Coaaty, at tha Court House thereof, in the town et %arrv; lla, Tazas, Otfiaera praaaaMs Jsha a, Likina, - - - - County Judge, Henry aeketeis, - - - -, Gommiesdon~r, ~eo71nN Ho. 1, D. D. Board, - - - - Comaiss;oaer, PDeslaet ao. 8, am. aargar, - - . - - 6omm;ssioaer, Praoinst 70. 8, T. J, Moore, - - _ _ - Comminioaer, Prseinet ao, t, end thi Court haTi~og Desn regaiar]y opeaad, th• following proeeadiags warn had, to-wit: lbba, PuaaHLSa of a_1/s LaHas of alias of wa: asaY IDd I,IYHaaaaH, aT. LL., son sT1ra HI(i1aAY ao, 87. the 87th day of Jeaaaiq, 1987, it Sa ordered by the Court flat Barr County purehasa troy Yrs. Ida J, w, Linberger sad haobaad, 6larle• F, LiaDergsr and Yrs. 6oosgia a, aehmayer sad husband, L. L. RahsNJer for the atat• of Tessa, fair ana ono-halt (~-1/81 sores of lead out of the am, ttatt Swney Io, i8 is Yerr County, emDrasad sad to De usad ea right of way for propoasd new State Highway ao. 89 bs4wsea Yemille sad Center Point, Tszas, for the prise of ~86p,00, and,seld grantors os aelLrs d1d in oysa Court azeeuts sad deli-er mto the Court for the State of Te7gts proper right-ot-way deed eon~sying unto the atet• snob {} eeree of sight of way, whioh deed was ezeoatsd and deliwsred su~~ett to the following agreement, ooaditions end aztra oonsideration, vie; That said eonsiderstioa of i8b0,00 Sa money D• set aside effi held is eserow by 6hs