Commieetoaers' Court of Ksrr County for payment to whioluver of grantors shell show #o be the legal owner of the property oo~eyed at the nut term of the Dietriet Court of 8er! County, allowing time for deeition oa appeal tr4m said Court, And Kerr Coraty shell issue avid right-of-way end furnish not over 3 gates end aeoseeery approeohe• thereto, all of standard govt and sheep-proof design, material and workmanship, o-o-o-e-o-o The foregoing miaute• on pages 309 and 310 hereof, were read is open 6oart end touad eorreet, and ere hereby in ell respeet• apprwsd by the Ceurt, this the E74h de,7 et January, A, D, 1937, lttest: County Jadge B7 Deputy, THH JTATH OF THZAB, Co , as. o_o.o.o-o..o-o-o_o COVHTY OF KHBE, ~ BE IT EB1LH6f$HEHD, that oa this 8th dny of February, 1937, Shsre wet begun and holden a spsolal term of the Commissioners' 6ourt of Ksrr Coun#y, at the eoart hou thereof, in the town tt Kerrville, Tsr;as, oftioere present; John S. ltkim, - - - - - - Goss#y Judge. Bsary Heketeia, - ,- - - - - Cosaioeionsr, Prsoiht Ho, 1, D, D, Bsnrd, - - - ,. - - - _ Commissioner, Prsoinet Ho. 2, lfm, Berger, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Prttint# Ho. 3, T. d. Poore, - - - _ _ - _ - 6ommisslonsr, Prteinet Ho, 4, and the Court having been regularly opened, the tollawiag proaesdiags were had, to-wit: Ho, 1554, ALLOwAHCH OB CLdD[S AHD 6000IIHT3. These 8 end 9th days of February, 1937, Dams on to be examined Dy the Court the various elaims and aoeouata filed against Kerr Coaaty and its respeotivs Commissioaere' prvolnote linos last term of the Court, all of whieh aooount• and oLsime were approved for payment by the County Clesk in amouatp and out of retpsotiv lfinde es shown by the Ylautes of looouate lllowed for Ksrr County, which are made a par# of this trdez. O-p.e-O~.O-O Ho. lbbb, APPE09AL OF EHPOBT OF THH JOSTICS OF TBE PIDACH, PEECIHCT 70, 1 FOE JAH, 1937. This 8th day of February, 1937, tame on to be sznminsd by the Court the report o! Joe Burkett, Jr„ Justice of the Peaop of Pretinet Ho, 1 of Karr Cogaty, Teset, for the month of Jeauary, 1937, of eriminal tens filed, firs e, ~ndgsen# and fury fees tolltatsd, showing eum of 112.88 eollseted and deposited with the Caanty Trsneurer, eat itliag him to a tee of =1E,00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is Oorreot, same bs and ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk shall pay unto Juatiot Burkett his te• et ~12,p0 as follows; ;11,21 out of the General Fund and 99~ out of the Doed do Bridge Fund, o-o-o-o-e-e Ho. 15bb, COHTIHOAFCS OF 8E$viCHS OF t8Z8. PHAEL GEAHi3, AB COiTHT7t EHLIHF CASH AOHKHE. This 8th day of February, 1937, ame on to be ezamirr d by the Court the report of Yrs. Pearl Greaet, County Can lorktz:•for the moth of Jannasy, 1934, whieh report having been louad eorreet is hereby approved, sad ea id Pearl Grants be and is hereby employed for another month from February ib, 1937, ae enoh Case woaker-1tr the distribution of surplss relief commodities in Kerr County at the same salary of =30.00, pnyabls by the Coaaty Clerk out of the General Fund on or after 1[aroh lbth, 1937, 3io o-o-e.o-o-o