~ Ho, 1570, APPROVAL OF BOND OF DEPOSITORY OF COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS FOR $10,000,00, Th1e 16th day of February, 1937, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the Pledge Contract o~ ?Bond of Charles Schreiner Bank, (Unincorporated) of Kerrville, Tszae, pledging unto Kerr Couat~ 'gone 2}~ Home Owners Loan Corporation Series "B" Y387H Bond for $10,000,00, dated Aug, 1, 1934 '~' IC due Aug, 1, 1949, Yor the faithful performano• of its duties ae Depository of all County ~~i~SOhool Funds of Kerr County, Tszae, and it appearing to the Court that said HOLC bond is 'i ~~,~~~sooeptable ea security for such eohool fuffi depository bond sad that said HOLC bond has ~~'~ '.been deposited Dy Chas. Schreiner Bank with the Frost Rational Honk of San Lntonio, for the ~f~beaefit of Kerr County socording to their receipt attached to original pledge ooRtract, Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded sad unanimously adopted, said pledge contract ~~'I ~I and Dond of Chsa, Sohreiaor Bank, ae County Depository of School Funds of Kerr County for the it ~jnezt two years, be and is hereby eoaepted and approved by the Court Sn duplloate, the originall~~ '~~of which shall be filed by the County Clerk and recorded in the Offieial Bond Record of Kerr ~~~i ~~iiCounty and the Dopy thereof to be mailed by the County Clerk to the State Department of Educe- f tion together with Dopy of receipt of Frost Natioffi1 Bank covering security so pledged, i~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~~:No. 1571, APPROVAL OF COUNTY DEPOSITORY'S TRUST FUND BOND. I. This 16th day of February, 1937, same on to be e:emined by the Cou rt the pledge eontraot '. Dior bond of Cherlea Schreiner Bank, (Unittoorpornted) oY Kerrville, Tszae, pledging unto Kerr ~i~County one b;6 Kerr County Courthouse d Jail Bond Ho, gb for $1,000.00, doted Apr. 10, 1926, i send one 3~ $1000,00 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Coupon Bum #37140L, dated Jen, lb, ~~ ''1935, maturing Jan. 15, 1947, to secure all of the trust funds belonging to the County and I i ~,Dietriot Clarke of Kerr Cou~y for the nett two years, and it appearing to the Court that 'said security is good and auffioient end that such oo~raot and Dond ese in proper legal form,' ' Therefore, upon motion duly m9 de, seconded and uneafmouely adopted, said pledge contract I'or bond of Chas, Schreiner Bonk ae Couaby Txuet Fund Depository of Kerr County, be and ie ~'i~hereby acoeptad and approved by the Caurt, and said two bonds eo yledged to Kerr County Ilthereunder, be and era hereby deposited and pieced in the ouatod,V of Bohn R, Leavell, County 'I ~~~Clerk of Kerr County for sate-keeping, same to ba held end kept by said County Clerk Sn his jfire-proof vault aub~eot to the further order of the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURTS ORDER DE9IQNATING COUNTY DEP09ITORY OF KERB COUNTY, The State of Tezee, In Commiaslonera' Court of Kerr County, Tszae, Ho. 1572 County of Kerr, Special Febxvary Team, 1937. A~hereaa, oa the 8th day of February, 1f37, th• Charlse 9ohreinor Bank, (Unincorporated of Kerrville, Tezea, presented its bid to sot sa County Depository of Kerr County for the aezt two years and offering to pay 1~lOth of 1jG interest on ell daily balances of funds deposited with end held by it for Ksrr County, which bid was the sole end only bid reoaived Dy the Court sad same has sooepted Dy the Court, and said Bank was selected by the Court as County Deposito of Kerr County for all County Yunde for the term of two ysnra ending 60 days attar ed'ousnment of the regular Yebraery, 1939 term of this Court; and, ~hereae, said Cherlee 3ohreiaer Bank hen furaiehed proper bonds in the amounts sized by the Court ea required by law end said bonds were approved by the Court on the 16th day of February, 1937, and the County Depository bond for $50,000,00 was sent to the State Comptrolle for approval by him for the State of Te:ae and a duplicate-original of the bond of said Bank ae County Depository for eohool Yule of the County has been Bent to the State Department of Education at Austin, Rezne, for filing in that office; sour, 3/4 3~~' III THEREFORE, snit Charles 3ohrslner Bank, (Unimorpo mtsd) of %errvllle, Tezae, be sad ~ i• hereby dseigmted by the Court at the County Depository of %arr County, Tezae, for all '~ ooanby and school funds of %srr Cou~y sad for ell Srust funds of the County eat District Clerks of %err County, Yor the trio year term herein mentioned, and it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, County Tez Collector, County end Diatrlot Clerks en6 nll other . eonnty and preolnet oftlaera of 8err County reosiving moneys belongi~ to any fu.n'1 of I %srr County daring geld term, to deposit suoh monya in the herein deaigsated County Depository, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1573, 6LLOKAECE OF CldillS /ED 1000CHTH, This 18th day of FODruary, 1939, same on to b• •zamins6 Dy the Court the various I ''~, slalms and sooonnte filed egalae4 8err County and Ste rasps abiva Commiasioaers' prsoinsts sines last term of the Court, ell of rdiioh aoeounte and oleime were apyrovsd for payment by the County Clerk in emou~a end. out of raepsotly funds as ehorm Dy the liimtes of looo¢nts ,, Allowed for %arr County, Tezae, wh10h are Wads a pert of this orde:. ooo-ooos Bo, 1576, /lL0i/D0E OF R, 8. TRAHSPORTATiOH OF S, R. wIHTE$9 AHD ALICE PIOSSH9 F/YILISB. Th1s 16th day o! yeDruary, 1937, 11 appearing to the Court that the families of E. R. '~lfintere end Yra, llio• 8loksns ooata iaiag S meabsra sash are residents of %errvills, Tszas, sad are in destitute eiroumetances and amble to find nor do suff loieab work to enquire Lhs ne osasit US of life, and it further appearing to the Coart that said families desire I, to move to Corpus Christi and Laredo, Tezae, reepeeSlvsl,y, where sash of them have relatives .and business trieadc who will assist than Sn making a living. lad it sppsaring to the '~. Court that the R, R, farce sad freight far the Sr household furniture to the oitie• de sigmted ~~~trem %arrville will net a:eeea the sum of X50,00, nn6 it appearing to the Court that St end is to the Dest interest of the Conaby-the said faallUe that said transportation Ds paid Dy I%err County to enable auoh feailisa to gel to suoh lecntions end get Dy, end same be ant lie hereby allowed D7 the Court, anfl the County Clerk and County 2reesurar era hereby 'i authoriasd to pay same out of the General Faffi of the Coanby apoa receipt of itemised statement or other proper ev idenw o1 the oost of acid transportation. 1~ O O O e 0 0 0 The foregoing minutes on pages 313 to 315 hsreat ineluaive, wore reed in open Court I and found oorrsot, end nra hereby in all re cps ets approved by the Coasb, this the 16th day of February, A, D, 1937. Abbess: ~ ~ by C1srY / By putt', Co gs, rr on y, zas, 0-0-0-0-0-0- -0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEi6II, 1 COCEg7 OF %ERR. HE IT REI~SBERED, that on thin eth day of Yaroh, /. A. 1937, i there was begun and ho]den a ROgula2 Term of the Commlasioa•rs' Court Dt %srr County, Tezae, at the Court Rouse thereof, Sn the Eera of %errvilla, Teaas, eftioare preseab: John S, ltklas, - - - - - - County Jndgs, Heart' Eokstein, - - - - - - Comminionsr, Prso suet Ho. 1, j D, D. Beard, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preelast Eo. &, 1~; im, %arger, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Prsoinet Ho. 3, I ~; T, J. Poore, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Praeinot Ho. 4, j A. F, Poore, Sheriff and Jno, B, Leevsll, County Olerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, bha to llowing pro one dings were had, to-wit: