fto, lb7b, ALLOWANCE OF CIdL7l9 AHD ACCOUNTS, These 9th and 9th Jaye of 1(aroh, 1939, oeme on to be ezamined Dy the Court the various olaims end sooouate filed against Kerr County and its respeotive Commissioners' preoinot• eiaoe la et term of the Court, all of which eooonnte and olaime were appra-ed Dy the Court for payment by the County Clerk is amounts an$ out of respective funds ae shown by the liinutee of Aooounte Allowed for Ksrr County, rdiioh ors made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o fto, ib76, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THE JU9TIOE OF THE PEACH, PHEC INCT N0. 1 for FHB„ 1939. This 9th day of March, 1939, cams oa to be e7ramiaed by the Court the report of doe Burkett Jr„ Juetioe of the Peao• of Precinct No, 1 of Ksrr County, Tszae, for the month of FeDroary, 1934, of criminal cease filed, f1n•e, ~ndgmeat ant 3ury tse• eolleotad, ehowing sam of ;81,9b oolleoted and deposited with the County Treaeurar, exrtitiing him to a tee of ;33,00, and it appearing to the Court that said report Se correct, same De and is hereby approved, end the Couaby Clerk shall pay unto auetioe Burkett hi• See of ;35,00 ae follows; =8,96 out of the Road and Bridgo Fund sad ;84,06 oat of the General Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 1847, FEBa4AHY, 1937 REPORT OF MI39 WIHIFRED BONG, C06ftTY PUBLIC HEALTH HCH9E. Thin 9th day of March, 1937, came on bo be heard the February, 1937 Report of Misa Winifred Borg, County Pablip Health ftursa, whieh report be end is hereby accepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-O-O-O Ho. 1599, APPROVAL OF BOND OF ED, .SMITH, JUSTICE OF THE PELCE, PRECINCT 80. 4, This 9th day o! liareh, 1937, same on to be e=ami~ d by the Court tho official bond of Ed, with, dueElee of the Peaoa in end for Juwtioe'e Prsainat Ho. 4 of Lerr County, elected at the last geaerel •leetioa, end it appearing to the Court that said bond Se good and euftioient, same Ds and i• hereby approved by the Dour#, sad said oftiear is dl reetsd to {aality by taking the proper oath. required by law, whereupon said bond shall be recorded by the County Clerk in the proper record of 'hir office. o-o-.o-o-oa.o THE STATE OF TEIAS, ~ In Commieaionsre' Court, Karr County, Taz