State of Tezea, ( In Commienfonere' Court, Barr Co¢atg, 4ezae, -~/$ ( Bo, 1585 Canty oP Karr. ( Regular Marsh Term, 1. D, 1937. CRASTIOE 9BD OPERATIOE OF COCBTY COBVICT ROAD CdEO, 'Phis 9th day of March, A, D. 1939, upon motion made by Commissioner Beard, seconded by Commissioner &okstefa end unanimously adopted, be sad it is hereby ordered by the Court that all persona of the.mals sez oom feted or to bs eonvioted 1n the County and Juetloen' Courts oP Kerr County on misdemenaor effirgen who raiaee or are unnDls to pay their delin- quent or ou=rent finer affi scats eDall be taken into eaetodp by 9heritf Freak Yoor• or Constable Tom Barnett, affi given the option of paying their tines and costa, or, working ont pp their fines and scats oa the Coanty main in Commfaafonera' Preoinet Ho, 1 ea members of q the Kerr County Prison Gerig ender the anpervisf oa of Commissioner Hemp Yoketein, for whieh road work they ehnll rseeive n oredlt of iS,00 per day on their tines and scats sad each of said prisenern to furnish :hitr even board, sad all prisoners failing to pay their fines and refusing to work On the roads shall lay out their Sines end oosbs in jail on broad and water as provided by law. Such prison-work project shall bs ozgaaised and euperviaed Dy Commissioner Eckstein and shall start Monday, Marsh lbth, 1937, or an noon thereafter ae prnotfoable, and Commissioner Eckstein Se hereby authorised to hire Jeff Duncan as foreman and guard of such yrison gang at $3,00 for sash day sotuslly sewed, said Jeft Duncan to be deputised for sash servle• Dy either SDeritf Moore or Constable Burnett. p SDeriff Moore and Constable Burnett shall make every effort to furnish Commissioner VIII Eckstein a euffiefeat nnmDer of each prisoners ao as to maintain and overate such Prison G Gang at ell times aE the memDerahip of 6 or more workers azoludfag its guard. o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1586 Conetruotfon o! low-water Bridge across Guadalupe River for Sddis Bosrner, et, al. This 9th day of Mnroh, 1934, it appearing to the Court tffit spplioante, Eddie Bosrner, et, sl„ offer to donate unto Kerr Coa,nty the nnm of X940.00 or more torarda the cost of ~ the eoaatruatioa of a low venter bridge aeross the Gaadalups Bivsr oonaeoting the Chas. 6psit p' and Eddie Bosrner properties in Preainet Ho, 3 of berr Oouaty, and it appearing to the beet interest of the County and the te= payers to be sorrsd by nail bridge that said offer should be aoeepted by the Court; therefore, soma be and is hereby accepted D7 the Court end Commis- eionera ^m, %arger and D, D, Btnrd shall have said bridge eenatrueted during the Bummer of 1937, the remainder of the cost thereof after appl,Ving the #940.00 or more ao donated, shall De paid Dy Commlesioneuts' praeinete Eos, E and 3 plan sad insludin` the coat of the road sad appronsh en north slde of the rives whieh shall also be borne by saf6 preeinste. o-o-o-o-o-o-o !D. 1b87, ORDEB DISPOSIEG OF JUffi IB COIIBTY RELIEF OFFiOE AHD SHERIFF*3 STORE ROOM, TDie 9th day of Mnreh, 1937, County Judge ltkine sad Commissioner Aanry EokstalA be and ors hereby authorised and dlreeted by the Conr4 to have the 9hsrift'e store room in the Court House cleaned out, and to sell ell of the stills, Brooks, Dottlea and other jnak therein ae well ae naq aelnbls junk or equipment nt the County Relief Office Ds longing to the County sad not needed in the operation of said off foe, o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1588, COHTIBfT1ECE OF SERVICES OF 1SSISTABT TO TiiE COUR1'Y JQDGE, Thin gbh day of Merah, 1937, it appearing to the Court tffit the servieen of Mrs. Lillian S, Jones as nsaietant to the County Judge and ezoffioio County School Superintendent are et ill naoeasery and should not be dispensed with at this Lime, therefore, the employment of ~~ Mrs, Jones as such aeeieteat be and ie hereby continued from Mar, 15, 193?. at her oreaent