The State oY Tezae, County of 8err, ~ BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 15th day of March, A. D, 1937, there was begun and holden a Spealal Term oY the Commi~eionera' Court of Karr County, Tezae, at the Court House thereof, in the town oY Kerrville, Tezee, officers present; John S. itkina, - - - - - County dodge, Henry Eoketein, - - - - - Commleeionor, Preoinot No, 1, D, D. Beard, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No, 2, Wm, Karger, - - - - - - Commieeioaer, Preoinot Na, 3, T, J, Moore, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ho, 4, A, F, Moore, Sherif! end Jno, R. Leave d, County Clerk, end the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: #1592, Amendment to Order organising COUNT7f PRI90N GANG, This 15th day of March, 1937, it appenring to the Court St ie necessary to select another Foreman of the Kerr Country Prison Gang who Se acceptable to Sheriff Fronk Moore ae a deputy sheriff, it le therefore ordered by the Cant that such new yoreman De selected by Commissioner Henry Eoketein and Sheriff Moore Sn piece of Jeff Duncan end auoh new fora- man shall be deputised by Sheriff Moore immediately following hie appointment ea au oh foreman sad deputy. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1593, PURCHASE OF ,97 OF AR ACRE OUT OF TRB JAMBS HURRAY SURPEY N0. 54 FROM CHARLES MOLTER FOR RIGHT OF WAY OF CRERSY CREEK ROAD, PRECINCT ~3, This 15th day of March, 1937, it is ordered by the Court that Preoinot No, 3 of Ksrr County purchase from Chas, Molter .9? oY en sore of land out of th.o Jemee Murray Survey No. 54, to ba used sa right-of-way of the Cherry Creek Road in said Preoinot, for the pries of $18,75 in cash plus that part of said old road abandoned Sn making Chia change, and the County Clerk ie authorised to pay for same out of the R, 6 8. #3 Fund upon delivery of proper deed by Chas, Molter to Karr Connby. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1594, CONDITIONAL PURCHASE OF A~ MOTOR GRA-ER SY PRECINCT N0, 1. On this 15th day of Marsh, 1939, attar due ooaeidesation oY the grades. bide hereto- Yore submitted to the Courb, end the inspection by the Court of the grndere offered, Commissioner Henry Eoketein be end is hereby authorised to purely ee eub~eot to a 30 day trial theraoP, the Adams Motor Grader No. 103, 39 H. P., weight 14,600 pounds, with 10 foot mole board and without cab or starter, Yrom the d, D. Adams Coapsay of Indianapolis, Ind., for the prioa oY $3,550.00, lees Efb oaeh discount of $71.00 and $lE$5,00 tsede;.in nllowano• Por the old Caterpillar mainbainer of Preoi~t Ho. 1, A~ said J. D. Adams Company ant ing by Meaere, 6rthur G, Rodgers end B, D, Williams, its salesmen, in open Court agreed to sell said old maintainer traded in by Preoinot No, 1 to Preoinot Ho, 4 of Kerr County for the oaeh prioa of $1,000.00. And eo~raet or dare were ezeauted by the Court to 0o ver both of ea id tranaaotiont sa per earbon oopiea of said contracts filed with the County Clerk, Upon the approval sad aoospteaee of ea id new grades by Commissioner Eoketein nfter a 30 dny trial theraoP, the County Clerk be authorised end Se hereby direeted to pay unto said J. D. Adams Company the net oaeh prioa of $22b4,00 thereof out of the R, & 8, ~1 Fnnd, ae well as pay Bald Company the oaeh prioa of $1,000,00 for said second-hand Caterpillar maintainer out of the R, a B. #4 Fund. Failure on the part of Commissioner Eoketein to approve and eoaept said new maintainer after its 30 days' trial shall Sn all respects cancel the County's purohnes:~order therefor and shall relieve Kerr County from any further liability thereunder. ao o-o-o-e-o-o