The 3tata of Taaae, County of Kerr, ( BE IT REMEB~BRED, that on this 15th day of March, A. D, 1937, there wan begun and holden a Special Term of the Commi~sionere' Court of Kerr County, Tezaa, at the Court House thereof, Sn the town of Kerrville, Tesas, oYtiaere present: John 3, Atkins, - - - - - County dodge, Henry Eoketeia, - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No D. D, Beard, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Ho, 2, Wm, Karger, - - - - - - Commiaeioaer, PrsoinoL No. 3, T, J, Moore, - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No, 4, A, F. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leaved, Cou~y Clerk, sad the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeedinge were had, to-wit; #1592, Amendment to Order organising COIINTY PRISON GANG, Thin 15th day of Yaroh, 1937, it appearing to the Court it ie neoeeeary to aeleot another Foreman of the Kerr County Prison Gang who ie aooeptable to Sheritt Frank Moore ae e deputy sheriff, it le therefore ordered by the Caurt that auoh new foreman be •eleoted by Commissioner Henry Eoketeia end 3herifP Moore in place of Jett Dunoea and euoh new tore- men shall be deyutised by Sheriff Moore immediately following his appointment ae au oh foreman and deputy. No. 1593, PIIRCHA3E OF 97 OF AN ACRE OUT OF THE JAMES MCRRAY SURVEY N0, 54 FROM CRARLES MOLTER F08 RIGHT OF WAY OF CHEERY CBEffiC ROAD, PRECINCT ~3, This 15th day of March, 1937, it Sa ordered by the Court that Preoinot No, 3 of Kerr County purchase from Chaa, Molt sr .97 of an sore of land out of the James Murray Survey No, 54, to bd uee8 ae right-oY-way of the Cherry Creek Bead in sell pm eoinot, Yor the pries of $18,75 in Dash plus that part of avid old road abandoned Sn making thin change, and the County Clerk is authorised to pay for same out of the R, & B. ¢3 Fund upon delivery of proper deed by Chea, Molter to Kerr County. 0-0-O-o-o-O..o-o fto, 1594, CONDITIONAL PURCHASE OF ADGM3 MOTOR GRADES BY PRECINCT N0, 1. On this 15th day of 1[areh, 1939, attar duo oonsidoret ion of the grades. bide hsreto- fore submitted to the Court, and the inspection by the Court of the graders offered, Commissioner Henry Eoketeia be and Sa hereby authorised to purehae• suD~eet to n 30 day trial thereof, the Adams Motor Grader No. 103, 39 H. P., weight 14,600 pouade, with 10 foot mole board and without Dab or starter, from the J, D. Adams Company of Indianapolis, Ind., for the prioa of $3,550.00, less 2,$ oaeh disoouat of X71.00 end ~12t5,00 ellowsao• for the old Caterpillar maintainer of Preainet Ho. 1. Arsl said J. D. Adams Compaxtiq noting by Measre. Arthur G, Bodgera end B. D, Williams, its ea le~ea, in open Court agreed to sell said old maintainer traded in by Preoinot No, 1 to Preoinot No, 4 of Kerr County for the oaeh prioa of $1,000.00. And oo~raet orders were ezeeutad by the Court to sever both of ea id traneaotions ea par carbon oopiea of said oontraota f11ad with the County Clerl Upon the approval and aooeptanse of said new grader by Comnieeioner Eckstein after a 30 day trial thereof, the County Clerk be authorised and Se hereby direetsd to pay unto said J. D. Adams Company the net oaeh pries of $2254,00 thereof out oY the R, & B. #1 Fund, ae well ae pay said Company the oaeh prioa of $1,000,00 Yor Bald eeoond-hand Caterpillar maintainer out of the R. d, B. #4 Fund. Failure on the part of Commissioner Eoketeia to approve end sooept said new maintainer after its 30 days' tsdal shall Sn all reapeote oaaoel the County's puroheee_~order therefor and shall relieve Kerr County from any further liability thereunder. ao