3d~ Ho. 1595, TRANSFER OF $19.00 FROM R, ~ B. ~1 FUND TO R, a B, ~ FUND, Thin 15th day of Haroh, 1937, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk trans ter on hie books the sum Of 1p19.00 Zrom R, & B, ~1 Fund to R, & B. ~2 Fund to oover refund of part of the $34,00 paid for grader work oa the Bandera Road by Preoinot Ho. E to Preoinat Ho. 1 at last term of this Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Tha foregoing minutes oa pages 320 end 321 hereof, were read in open Court sad found oorreot, and ere hereby Sn all reepeota approved Dy the Court, this the 15th day of Haroh, A, D, 1937, I Attest;. ' ty Clerk ~~~~i By - --.eputy. Co y g~ o sr oua y, Tezea. 0-0-0-0-0 -0 'j T$6 $TATB Oy T8EI8, ,S OOUHTY OF HBRR, ~ BB IT RH10il®8H1~H, that oa this 12th day of April, A, D. 1937, there was began sad holden a Regalar Sei+ of the Ooooiesionsret Court of Karr Coanty, lszas, '! at Lhe Coats House thereof, in Lhe town of 8errville, Te~cae, offio ere p~rsasnt: John 8. •tkine, - - - - - - - - Oonaty Jadge, Hoary ioke4eia, - - - - _ _ _ _ poemieaioaer, Preoinot Ho, 1, i D. D. Beard, - - - _ _ - _ _ _ Ooalyioner, Preoiaot Ho, E, ws. Kargsr, - - - - - - - - - - Oo~iesloner, Preoinot No, 3, T. J. Poore, - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Comas aionsr, Preoinet Ho, 4, •. 8. Yfoore, Bkuritt ®d Jno. R. Lesvell, Oonnty OlerY, and the Ooawt having Dwa regularly opeaN, the following prooaedinga were had, to-wit: ~ Ho. 1,$96. DIBOOHTIHIIAHOH O) OLD ~RRPILLi i BBAB ORiiK Pt1BLI0 ROAD. On thin 12th day of April, 1989, b• and it ie hereby ordered by Lhe Ooart upon St• ~'~, own notion s2ter hearing the pereo nal epplioation of Rubin Doebbler one of the property owners oonosrned, that t!u old Yerrvill• b Bsar Oraek pablio road begianiug at the !. Jrsasrkoisbnrg and Ksrrvilh highway and running aorou the pro pertias of B. i 0. B. ' 8ehwethels, Dr, Viotor Keldsl, Hnbdn Doebblsr sad into the raaoh owned Dp 8. P. 8sith, ~'~ be and Sa hereby abandoned end dieooatinwd, and the right of way of acid road bs sad ~~' la hereby released by Kerr Coanty and ve eted in LIM property owners eat itled thereto. o-o-o-s-o-o-o Ho. 1,b87, DIBCOHTIHUAH08 OB PAR! OP 0$~tRY OR88K ROAD SB PR80IHCT H0. 3. Thi^ 18th day of April, 1937, after bearing the personal applloaL ion of Udo I. Lets, Lhe only property owns! ooawsned, Da and SL is hereby ordered by the Court that the portion of the Oherry Crook pablio road in Oomiuionere' Preoinat Ho. S of Korn Coanty eateading aosoee the K. H. Burleson survey now owned by wad Udo I. Lets, is hereby olossd sad dlpoatinaad, and Kerr Oonnty hereby releaes• unto said Udo I. 7atz all ije right, tit la or interest in and to snob abandoned portion of avid road, and Lhs title to said eDandoned eight of way shall in all reapeots volt in said Udo I. Lstz free and olwr of any olaim of 8err Oounty thereto for road parpoees or oiherwiae, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1898. ALLOwAHCB OF CLlIYB AHD ACCOUHTg. end 13th Thin 18th/agraof April, 1887, oame oa to b• saeuinsd by the Ooort She various olaisr end aooonnt• tiled against Kerr Oounty end its reepeotive Oomioionera' prsoinets eiae• lest tern of the Oonrt, all of whloh aoooaat• and olaLe were approved for peyseat by the Coanty Cierk is aegnate and out of raepeoLiq fand^ ^• shown by the Yinuf es of Aoooaat•