Allowed for Yerr County, Te~us, whioh are made a part of thin ordsa. o-o-o-s-o-o-o.o HO. 1b99, APPORTIOHIBHT OF X50,000.00 ROAD d BAIDOE B'OBiD. . On Lhia 12th day of April, 1937, asms en to bs oonsiaered the appartionmsnt •f the onapportioned faad• now to the oradit of the general road apd brSdg• fund of Yerr County, and it ie hereby ordered by the Court that X0,000,00 of said fiend b• apportioned among the four preoimts of Parr County, end oredited by tW Ooaaty ClerY Lo avid preoinots, as follows To Praoimt Ho. 1 49}~j(i amounting to ;11,8b0.00, ; To Prsoimt Ho. E, 9}~{ amounting to ~2,77b.00, To PreolmL Ho. 5, 9~i amounting to ~2,74b.00, and To Yreaimt Ho, 4, 3$~, amonnti~ to +~9.b00.00. a-e-e-o-o-o-o Ho. 1600. TAAHSFBR PROP R. 6 H. ~2 ;0 R. 6 H. ~ IH PAYd®1T OP BRIDBB 7AAH IHBTALLIO~HT. , This lEY aey of April, 1937, it Se ordered Dy the Ooart that the Ooanty OlarY transfer on the booYe of his ofilo• the em of ;1,000.00 iros Road i Bridge #2 Pend Lo Boaa and Hrii Fend of Preoimt Ho. S, to oover Lhe Anaual:inatallwnt now due and payable by preolmL Ho, 2 to preoimt Ho. S on the Center Point low-water bridge loan, thereby rednoing the balano• owing on said loan to the enm of ~Z,OOD.00. Comwleeioner Sarger hereby waiving ell olelm to interest on said loan for the peat year on eoooanL of the oonnty depository only paying the ooanty 1/lOth of lyti on daily balemes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1601. IHTRR-PRBCIHCT DOHATIOH PROP PRBOIHOT H0. 1 TO PRHCIHO'p B0. •. This 12th day of April, 1937, be and it is hsreby ordered by the Oonrt that the sum of =2,b00.00 be transferred by the Oonnty O1srY from the road sad bridge fund of Yreoinot Ho, 1 to the osedit of road and bridge fund of Ps'eoimt Ho. •, as an inter-preoimt donation under agreement between Coms>iseiomra Henry Bokstein ant Tom amore and the ConrL. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1602, APPR07AL OP AYPORT OP THS JU8TIC8 OP PSdCB, PRBCIHOT H0. 1 POR Y4RCH, 1957. Thee 12th day of ,pa'ii, 1834, same on to be ezamined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr., Juatioe of ttu Peao• of Preoimt Ho. 1 of Parr County, Texas, for the m~nth of Yareh, 1989, of oriminal oases filed, fines, ~udgmsnt and furl Sees oolleoted, eho~Ying sum of ~Sb.90 oolleotea end deposited with the Oonnty Treasurer, ant it ling him to a fee of #86.00, and it appearing to the Oonrt that said report is oorlset, same bs and is hereby approved, and tiu Co:mty OlerF shall pay onto Justios Hnrkstt hie fee of =38.00 ae follows: X11.88 out of the Road and Bridge Pend and j21.07 out of the Osneral Pnad. o-o-o-o-s-e Ho. 1603, 6PPROYAL OF OOUHTY CLHAY'8 AAD A58R. 6 OOLR. OF TAZBB HOHTHLY OFFICB BYP. HBPORTB. On thin 12th day of tpril, 1987, oame On to bs eotamimd by the Coart the ldsroh, 1887 report of Z. H. HiohOle, Aeesaeor and Ooilaotor of Tales for Yerr County, oovering his eotaal and moseaary ezpenaee inserted by him in the oondmt of hie offio• amounting to ~39.8i, •lso, the Ysroh, 1987 report of John R. Leavell, Coonty Clerk of Ysrr County oovsr- ing his aotnal and neoeasary espemes inonrred Dy him in the oondnot of his oitio• amounting to X257,04, Doth o! whioh reports appearing oorreot, b• end are hereby approved in their fall amounts reapeotively. o-o-o-s-o-o-o-o Ho, 1604, Hf4RCH, 1957 RBP~i' 01 HD:BB 9THIFRBD BORO, OOUHTY PUBLIC SiAId'8 HURBt, Thia 12th day o! Aywil, 1987, same on to ba heard the Yaroh, 1987 report of Pisa Borg, Oosaty Pnblio Health Horse. whioh rsoort be and is hereby aooeptsd by the Oonr 3a~ O-O-O-O-O-e