3 ~ 3 itaL• of Tezan, 1 In Oo#sinaionera' Ooart, Eorr Ooanty, Town. 1 Po. 1608 County e! Eesr. 1 lpril Term. !• D. 1987, ~ 4hia 18th day of lpril, !. p. 1989, name on to D• ooneidered the ratter of olsaring the pnblio road DeLweea tlu propsrtie• of J. !. $Saaoa and Us lfoaty in Center Poi, Teas, of eay and all obetraotiona now ia, oa or aorou said road, and it appearing to fhe Coact that acid road ie end has bean a pnblio road for nogg yarn and ahoald remain epee for pnblio nee as originally opened and •etabliehed. Therefore, oa motion made, asoonded and unanimously adopted, bs and it is hereby ordered by the Court that J. !. ffianon within thirty days Eros Shia aat• remove from said pnblio road ae barstoiere laid enL and •etabliahsd, hie fono• and •11 othez property owned Dy hie aitaetsd is end now obatruotivg eaid road. Qpon failure en the port of said J. !. Elsaon to oomply with Shia ordor, Lho Coact shall take euoh atepe ae may b• aeoeaeary to remove each obntrnotiona from pid road at his eipeaae. !red Lhe County 01erk is hereby dUseted 4o give not io• of th i• ordor to J. !. RSUea Dy mailing onto him at Oeates point, leiaa, • eeriifiod copy of Chia ceder. o-o-•-a-o-• po. 1606, ClH7l88 iND TlBUL~TIOH Cp $BTIIBNg Op OOOHTY 80HD02, T$UBTEE ELSOTIOE. Thi• 18th day o! lpril, 1987, Osa as to D• opened and tabalgted Oho vationa retarnn of Lho County iohool Trnatoe 31eotloa hold throughout =ors Oonnty,~asaa, oa lpril Srd, by Lho OontA;. 1887, whieh reLarns wars duly opened, oanvaeNd and tabnlatel/ar'aluwn is Tol! Y, page+ 1bS-16B, Eeoord of Yleotioa Estarns of Eosr Oonnty, Toraa, to which refereno• U horn mans. o-o-o-o-o-o Eo, 1607, T81Q?OAd$Y lISUwlBOE TO PIHCSd COpTRER.-B. Thl• 18th day of .-pril, 1987, Panoha OOntreraa bo and Sa hereby allowed Lhs enr of Siz Dollars per month oat of LW Ooneral pond as temporary grocery aliowama~, wh1iM shall Da paid Dy Lho County Clerk each aoath by prover warrant drawn agaimmt Nld Oenesal >ooi. o-O-O-e-e-a Eo, 1601. IOOfPRd8C8 0! COODTY C1iY iOpJ~S!8 inpTELY $$pOBT. Shim 1ftb Qq of lysll, 1984, came on Lo be hoard the reHost of 10.'n, pearl awaaea eoveriai hoi aativitlN as Coantp Caae worker for the diatribaLiq~ ~ nusplns rsliet oomeod143N dgwin~ Yaroh, 1987, which-report be cad la hereby aeew~ld >AP the Ooawt, o-o-o„n-e Stud of Tean, 1 1 County of Earn. 1 whe»u, it has ooae Lo the attention o! the Ooarlsnionorn' Coact of Earn County, Teaa, is regaler nsaeion on thin, the 18th day of lpsil, 1987, that the gtata $ighway Coariuion has, by its lllaut• Eo. 18861, dated 9epteeber 88, 1986, orderM that ell landwape deplopaaL prolaota in LM future will be oonfine4 to Shone highway ar porLionn thereof, whore Oho Ooaaty, is whloh the projoot i• toonted, agreoa M aware for cad en behalf of s~ without coat Lo Lho itato, agre~eat• free all property owaern whew land Lles between the limits of enoh pro~sot• cad within a diatano• of three hundred (800) fw4 of Lho highway, aeaenrwd peryeadionlarly from rights-oi-way or bom- aary liae• of each lendwape pro~eaLa, whereby each property owner agrees not to ergot or permit She ereotlan of aigna of nay and ell klnd• end agrees to remove or oaaee to be removed all aigna of nay and all Yinde within thin area. It 1• therefore ordered that Earr Oonnty noting herein by and through its Coaelnaionera'