! 3~ Coast, agrees and obligates itself Lo aeanre agreewate, baNd on good end •nlfioisnt oonsideratioae, from all property owners whose land lies between the limits of Proyeot Ho. FLY 406 Heop. Unit III oa Righway No. 27, from gtatien 968f66 to gtation 466f66 end frog Station 861f16 to StaLlon 886f60, not to ereot or permit the ereo4loa of eigaa et any end ell kinds, end to remotes or oanse to be reaond all signs of aqy and all kinds within a dietanoe of three handred (600) feet of the hlghwq, waanred perpendionlsrly from rights- of-way or boanddry lines of the landaoape pro~eot. Ceunty Judge Commlaeioner, Preolnet /1 oomiuf~ornr, Prsoimot fS Commissioner, 2rsoiae4 #5 Commissioner, Preoinot ~+t~ o-o-e-o-o-o-s-e Ro, 1610,4y1TR0RIZATIOH OB QUIT OLd11[ DSS) TO L. •. SCHHBIRSR FOR PdRT OLD TORTES CRSSK HOED This 18th day of ~pr11, 1987, oame oa to be oonaidsred by the Coact the appliastion of L. ~. 8ohrsines for a gnat-olaim deed from Kerr Connty oo~sring part of the aDaadanaa Tnrtle Creek $oad oontaiaing 1.25 donee of land, more or lees, out of the w, C. lranois sarray Ho. 146 in Kerr Oonnty, Tessa, as anr~eyed Dy the Coanty 8artey or on the ground, sad it eppearin to t!u Court Lhet applicant, L. •, gohrainer i• entitled tp reoein troy Ysrr Conaty deft 1.2b sore portion of acid abandoned road, and aooordingly his applieetion be and is hereby granted Dy the Oonrt as prayed for, end Ooanty Jndge, John 8s •Skina De sad la harsby eat horiaed and direotN to exeont• and deliver onto Yw. Oohreiner proper gnlt a Lim dead oo~ering acid 1.26 dons strip of Bald abandoned Tuxtla Oraek Road ae aar~eyad by Conaty 8arreyor, i.d,cb.,4taskay, oa the ground, for dad on 1lahalt oftha County of Karr. o-o-o-a-o-o-o Bo, 1611. AUTH'ORIBdTION OF QUI! CLd1Y LeSD TO 18. A 14;8f $. B. C4RRUTR, J8. This 16th day of 1psi1, 1887, name en to be considered qy the Coact the applleaLioa of Yr. ! ]ha. 8. B. Carrnth, Jr. for a gnat claim deN tram Kerr County poraring 1.1 aora^ of the abandoned Tnrtl• Creek Hoad, oaL of Lhe R. 0. Francis gurney Bo, 146 in Kerr Coady, Tezaa, •e ear~eyed by the Oounty 8orveyor sn the gronnd, and it appearing to the Coact LheL applio ants ors eat It led to reosi~s from Yerr Coanty acid 1.1 aora portion o! said abandoned road, therefore their application b• and ie henDy granted by thr Coact a prayed for, end County Judge, John g. dtkinm be and 1• hereby aathorlsN and dirsotad to •seente and delisea onto Y. 6 itca. 8. H. Cerruth, 7r., tos end on behalf of Kerr County, • pmpar gait-alalm deN oo~ering said 1.1 sore strip of said abandoned Tartle Casey Road ea aortey ed on She ground Dy ~, L, Starkey, County eur~eyor. o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o The foregoing minntse on Dagaa 821 to 824 hereof lm laaioa, were read In open Coact and fonnd oerreot, and are hereby Sn all reapeata approved Dy the Oourt, this the 18th nay of 1pri1, ~. D. 1887. •tteat3 ~~~~~a~~-~`- o a y ~ Oo •. ~.. a. By -Depnty. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0