to have said E~ mile State Park Hoad oonatrnoted in eooorianoe~ith present epeoitiaetlons ?.24s applicable to State highways of elmilar design end importanas, and Coanty Jadgs Atkins Se II hereby authorised end directed to advertise for bids on said pro~aote to D• opened and tabulated at the regalar Stay Tsrm of this Co art; aid, A. K. $wing Company of San Antonio, i Ip Tszae, la hereby employed to handle the prooeedare. printing a~ legal end of said warrants ~ •t a tee of not to ezeeed one per oenL of among of warrants issued hereunder. i Tho wage NaU on herein msntiened road projects i• tat by the Conn at 95 Dente per hoar for skilled labor, 4b Dente pea hoar for Snteraediats labor ana 80 caste per hour for eommon labor, with eight hour days. Saoh bid i'eoeivad hereunder must b• aooompaaied by eertitied check in Savor of the ~onnty Jodgt er the Oourt for ByG of bid submitted, to insure good faith, which checks ara to be retnrnla to the respeetive bidden! entitled thereto with ezoeptisn of cheek of Lhe snoeesttal bidder, and the Coanty resezves the right to re~eot any enter insq contract and and all Dids, and the saaoeuinl bidder stall b• rsgniroq to/anbA,bemd 3os the laithtnl pertermans• of hie contract name as it new required by the 8tats Highway Department on fib pro~satt. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Tho foregoing minate• on pages 3E6 ani SE6 hereof, were read in open Court ani tennd correct, and ara hereby in all respects approved by the Coors, this Lh• Elst day of AprSl, A. D. 1859. Attest: aunty Jtdge. By ~ ~.~_. Deputy. Co ,t ga o Tarr Dun y, Tezat. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE 8TClS Og TSZ,dg, (1 COIJHTY Og KEHH. 1 Bli IT SS1d;10)SQSD, that on this 10th day of Ysy, A. D. 1839, there was began and holdon a Hogn]az 4axw: Ot She 4osmiiwloaen' Court of Karr Coanty, Tozat, et the ConzO House Lhsreot, in the torn of Kerrville, Tesat, officers poeeent: John 8. Atitinl, - - - - - - - - Coanty Jadge, Henry Soksteln, - - - - - - - - Commiseionez, Preoinet So. 1, D. D. Seazd, - - - - - - - - - Oommittloner. Preoinot Ho. E, b. Kazger, - - - - - - - - - - Commieaioner, ?rsoinet So. 8, T. J. SDOre, - - - - - - - - - Commiteioner, Yreoinot Ho. 4, A. 8. Yoero, Sheriff and Jno. S, I,eavell. Coanty Clerk, and the Coast having been regularly epenea, the following prooaedinge ware had, to-wit: Bo. 1613, ALbOwAACS 0) CbAp18 AHD ACCOCHRB. Theeo 10th, 17th and 18th days of Stay, 1889, Dams on to b• a:wined by the Coast the various alalme and aaoonnt• tiled against Karr County and its reepestive Conieieaionezt' preoinote sino• to et term of the ~onrt, all of whloh claims end aoooantt were approved for payment by Lhe Oonnty Clerk in secants and out of retpsotive tnnie ss shown by She Yinntee •f Aoooattt Allowed for Karr Coanty, TeaGaa, which are cede a part of this order. o-o-o-a-o-o-o Bo. 1614, BHTTISIIgNT Og ACDIT OLAlY AOAIHSR' SSTATS OB J. T. 1p0$S, DSC$I81W. This 10th day of Yqy, 1837, L. w. Poore, Attorneg-in-tact for Lhe heirs of J. T. Moore, deoested, delivered and remitted onto Kerr Ooanty his shook for ~7b8,09 in toll wtLlamnt of the Ooanty'e claim againlet the Satate of J. T. 1(oors, daeeaesi, as shown by SRhibit Y-TC. page 48 of County Auditor j~ed S. Ptinghaapf'a rspozt dated Sept, let, 1838, approval sad adoptel by this Court end now on file with the Conaty Clezk. Said audit sad claim ooverin6 3 ~ ~ ~ the aooonnta sad reoords of said J. T. Yoore during his last 18 months is offio• a Tae _. [; Collector of Serr County, aualy from Jnly leL, 1988 Lo Des amber 81st, 1984, ins laei~a, o-o-s-o-o-e i{tate of Tezas, { In Commiesionars' Court, %~rr County, lazaa. I Ho. 1616 Ooaaty of Ysrr. 1 Aagnlsr Ysy Tara, 1989, Thi• 10th day of Y49. ~. D. 1987, Sn pnrsaanos of legal ad~ertieement therefor, all members of the Oonrt baiag present, sue oa to be opansd, pnblioly reed and tabalatal tba rsoaind sealed bids/tor the oonatraotion of the State park 8oad in preainot Ho. 1 of Ssrr County, 2} miles Sn length. ooaneeting dtat• Highway Ho. 16 with the Baadera $oad along ^ roat• southwest of the Ouedalape $iwar, and for Lhe repair and impro~emeat of that portion of the eld Tattle Orak Roaa from uid State Highway Ho. 18 aoroaa Lhe Onadalnpe $lwer, all in eooordaao• with plena end epeoiiioetionw prepared for •e1d road pro~aot• by Hnginaer Horton, ae follows: w. R. Yarn ens Oompagy, total bid 944,019,b8, 0. L. Heyland, total bid 148,184.04. Lnd this 18th day of Yay, •. D. 1987, attar said bias hawing Deen oareiully end thoroughly ooneidered by the Conrt, sad it appearing to Lha OonrL iheL the bit •r proposal of said I, R. Yams i Oompa>,y for the oonatraotioa e! said pra~sets i• Lhe to west and bast bid sad eaLiraly reaeonaDle and in lino with present ooaetruotien prises, and that SL 1• So th• bast iatarest of Yerr Oonnty to aooapt uid bid. Thereupon, on motion of Ooesaieaioner Henry Hgketeim, seconded by Cemmiasioner D. 8. Heard ad aaaaimoasly adopted, said b1d or proposal of -. R, Yana b Company as eforeuld„ D• and ie hereby eooepted Dy the Oo ort, sad the oaatrut for uid oonstruotioa pro~eotm De and is hereby awarded to said R. R. 9ann b Company end uid ooatraoL tharafer wu in opea~ - Oonrt pr spared and ezsont ad in gaiatupUt~ and said w. R. Ysnn 6 Oompany is directed to mats good and enifie sent Dona for the ieithfal performano• of saii oontraet for the full amount Sharsot. o-o-a-o-•-e Ho. 1616, ~Pp$OY6L 07 up0$2 Cp T$H J08TICS OH THY PS~4C8. rSH02. H0. 1 p(Ht Ip$Ib, 1889. Tnia 10th day of Yay, 1937, ow on to Do esamiaed by the Court the report of Joa Hnakatq Jr., Jastio• of the paao• of Praolaat Ho, 1 of xerr Ooanty, T~saa. for the month of ~p:r11, 1934, of criminal eases filed, tins •, ~Wgment end ~ur7 lees Nllaetad, showing •am et =86.80 oolleeted and ieposited with the County Sseaaarer, entitling him to • fu o! j61.00, and St appearing to the Oonrt that said report !a oorraot, same b• and is hereby approwed, and the County Olerk shall pay auto Juatio• Bnrkatt hie Sae o! X1,00 a follows: =18.19 oat o! the 8eafl m Bridge pond and 188.83 onS of She General 1nnd, o-o-a-o-o-o-o Ho, 1617, THHC'O$dRY flID 108 R~ Y. Od8DH8H. This 10th dsy of Yay, 1987, oasm oa So be eonddared the applioat ion of Y. R. Caslile for tomporary a1d for R. Y. Gardner, and it appearlag to the Court that uid R. Y. Oardaer is entitled to finanolal aid ae prayed for, and ha is hereby grassed as allowano• of X8.00 pas month out of the Osural Band. payable to L R. Carlils for the benefit of saii w. i Oardnar, awh swath by Lhe County Clerk by properly drawn warrant against the Co. Traunrar. o-o-o-e-o-o Ho. 1618, Yl$QH ~ ~p$Ib. 1987 HYpO$S8• Rhin 11th day et Yey, 1987, Dana on La ba heard by the Oourt the reports submitted by Ylaa !tenses Rilroy, Home Demonstration lgeat of Lerr County, for the sw~hs at Yasoh sad