327 the aooonnt• and reoordo o! said J. T. Yoora during his last 18 moat ha is oifio• as Tat Collector of Ysrr Coanty, namely from Jaly 1eL, 1888 Lo Deoember 81st, 1994, im lnsi~a. o-o-s-o-o-o iltate of Tazas, 1 In Commiosioaere' Oonrt, Ysrr Ooaaty, Tezos. Ho. lblb Oonaty o! Ysrr. 1 Regular Yay Rom, 1999. Thi• 10th day of Yay, 4• D. 1899, in ynrsaanos of legal ad~ertieamaat therefor, ell mamDere of Lha Coats being preeen4, ome oa to ba opened, pub Holy road and tab alatal the reoelVea sealed blds/!or the oonstraotion o! the 8tota park HoN 1a prsoiaot Ho. 1 of L~rr Coanty, 2~ m1U • in length, ooaneotiag State Highway Ho. 16 with the Boadera Hoad along a roat• eoathweat of the Oasdalnpa HSVer, and for the repair dad SmproVaaeat of that portion of the old Turtle Oraak Road from said state Highway Ho. 18 ooroea the Onadalapa Hiwer, all in eooordaao• with ylana and epeoitioat Iona prepared for said road projeot• Dy Hnginaar Horton, ao follows: Y. s. Vann and ~ompagy, total bid ~44,018.bg, 0. Y. Wayland, total bid ~4g,1B4.04. Lad this lEth dqy of YW. ~• D. 1899, otter avid bide haying bean oaretully dad t horonghly ooneidared by the Oourt, and it appearing Lo the Oonrt Lhat She Did er propoul of said L 11. Vona i Oosya>,y for the ooxutraotiem of acid projsots L the lowest and beat Dil dad entirely rsaeoneDla aai Sn line with preaant oonetruoLion prioae, and Lhat it is to Lh• Daat interest o! Ysrr Ooanty 4o aoosDt acid bid. Thereupon, ea motion of Oommieaionsr Henry HOkeNim, sesonled Dy Oommiawioaer D. R Hoard a~ ananimoaely adopted, eai8 bid or proposal of f. i•, Vann b Oompany ae aforauid, D• and Se hereby eooapted by the Coiat, ani the oaatraot for said oonetraotion projeots De and i• hereby awarded to said A. Y. Vann b Company and said oontroot tharefsr was in opea~ Coact pr spared and azsontsd in galatnpUts and avid ~. 1-. Versa b Oompaay is dlreoted to make good and snffioient Don! for Lha faithfal perfomeao• of sail oontraet for the full emeaat thereof. o-o-a-o-o-e Bo. 1616, APPHOVIS O8 HHPOHT O8 THS JDHTIOH OH T~ pH~CH, P8&04'. H0. 1 8(Ht LPHIy, 1889. Rhiw 10th day o! Yay, 1987, oame on to Do s=amiaed Dy the Ooast Lhs report of Joe BnskatL, Jr., Jastio• of the Peaoe e! Praeinst Ho. 1 of Yerr Oomty, Tezas, for the month of lpril, 1889, of oriminal oases filed, fines, jadgmant end jasy leas eellestN, ahowiag •om of =8b.80 ooilaotad and deposited with the Ooanty Tseaeasa:, entitling his to a !a• o! X61.00, and it appearing So the Coact that acid report is oorreot, same D• sad Se hereby approVN, and flu County Olerk shall pay onto Juetlo• Bnrk~Lt hie fee s! =61.00 ae fellows: =18.19 out of the Hoed b Bridge land dad ~9E.BH ono of the Beaarol land. o-o-e-o-o-o-e eo. 1617, TBl4'OH~RY SID )'OB ~~ Y, ObBDHHH. This 10th dyy of Yay, 1987, oame on to De oonaiderad the applioation of Y. -. Carlile for temporary aid for w. Y. Bordner, end 34 appeari~ to the Court that said I. Y. Bardnar Se entitled 4o tlnanoial aid ae prayed tar, ani he Sa hereby greeted an allowano• of X8,00 per ~gath out of the Bsnerol Hand, yayoDla Lo t. *. Carlila for the benefit of avid ~. Y. Bordner, aaoh month Dy the County Clerk by properly drawn wasrant against the Co. Treasares. o-e-o-e-o-o Bo. 1618, Y1HOH ~ bp$u,, 19H- eHpORT4• This 11th day et Yoy, 1999, oaw oa to be hear! Dy the Boast the reports eabmitted by Pisa Branoa• rilroy, Home DamonetraLlon ~geat o! Ysrr County, for the months o! Yareh sad April, 1987, which reports be dad era hereby accepted by the Coact. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1619, APHIL, '87 BBPOHT OH COIIHTY PIIBLIO BSA711'H HQHSH. this 11th day of ~, 19$7, caw on to b• hoard Dy Lhe Conn tho deport of 1[iss Borg, County Pnblio $ealth Hnrso for April, 1987, which report b• and is hereby accepted by the Court. o-o-o-•-o-o-o Ho, 1620, AIIT80RITY FOH THAHSFlzH OF FOHDB TO TA88 CARS OF aUHS H i $ 11AHHAHT 8IH%IHO FOSD BSQOIHS1iHTg. ?hid 11th day of 14W, 1989, 8. Celd, County Treasurer and John H. Leavell, County by the Ceurt C1srY bs ant acs harebY anthorised/te transfer the sum of (680.00 from the Sinking Fand o! 8oad 151etriot Bo, 2 of Sett Oonnty or from Lhe Hoad and Bridg• fund - - - - - - - - - - - - •t Freolnat Ho, 2 to LW Sinking land of Sett Coaaty H. 6 H. warrants of 1986, it aoHed 0f to Lake sera /and disoharg• t!u priaoipal dad interest utnring against said Land oa Jnne lE, 1887. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1621, APPR07AL OF COUNTY TRSAgiTHE$'S QUARTHRLY HSPOHT. This 11th day of Say, 1989, aamo on to D• examined and audited by the Court th• report of S. hold, County Trsaenrer, eovering the receipts and diebnrsewnt• of Lerr County for quarter ending April 80th, 1989, and it appearing Lo the Court attar careful and thoroa ezamination and inspection et said reports together with flu cancelled warraate, checks, bonds and coupons aooompaxyying saw, that said report la true and correct in every respect, and same b• and is horeby approved by the Court, all as is shown by the oertiiloat• of approval signed by the Court and attaohod thereto, and the County Clerk ehsil record said report is the loose-loaf raoord in hie office and 211• such oanoelled warrants aheoYs, bonds end coupons for eats-keeping and future retersaoe. o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o Ho. 1622, 08DSR AUT808IZIH0 »OHAHQS OF RIGHT-Ol-wAY OH STATS PAHY HDAD AHD 3HC[1HIHB AHY H$11 BIOST OF wAI HSQUIHgD 1QH 8118 HOAR. This 11th day of ifgq, 1987, it appearing Lo the Court that the proposed State Part Hoed in Praoinot Ho. 1 of Sett Ooanty oonnooting State Highway Ho. 16 with the Bandera HoN has been partially rs-located end that no right-of-way therefor has a• yet been sogairea across Lhe pro parties of Otto Pankrata aN B. A. litaslmons. and that it is noaouary Shat all of the right of way for said road as now surveyed and staked oa the gronnl be acquired Dy Sett County before Lhe oonstrmtioa of said soad is ooarsnoed by i. w. 7ann & Oompany en 11+V7 P.4th, 1987. Therefore, County Jgdgo, John 8. Atlcina and Conwiaaioner Homey SOkstoin b• and •re hereby authorised dad directed to purohaso the setts right of way deeded Yor east road across the properties of Otto Pankrat: dad 8. A. litasimons, to be paid for by the Coaaty Clerk out of H. k B. /1 Faced upon delivery to Sort County of properly ezesntea deeds thereto, and Cossty Judgo, John 8. Atkins be an• is horoby farther enthorised and directed to convey book Hato the property owners entitled thereto iy quit-o lain deeds for and on behalf of Yerr County, Lhe portion or Bortions of the right-of-way for said Stets Part Road that were hereto aonveysa Dy ssid property owners to Lerr Oonnty for ssid Toad end arc now abandoc •d anfl no longes embrsoed within the right of way of said road ae now se-located and sta]cN en Lhe ground, for and in consideration of the a;eoation and delivery by said property owner respectively, of proper right-of-way deeds covering the right of way of said road a• presently re-located and estsblished. ?.24 o-o-o-o-e-o-o