April, 1987, whioh reports be and are hereby aoosptea by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1619, 4P8IL, '87 88PORT O! CDUBTY PUBLIC SBALTH BU888. Shia 11th dqy ox Xq, 1987, oaw on to b• heard Dy the Coast the zeport of hies Borg, County Pablio Health Nnrae for April, 1987, whioh deport b• and is lursby aooepted by Lh~ Court. o-o-o-•-o-o-e Ho. 16E0, AIISROBITY P'OR SBAHgI'Y8 OT 1U8D8 SO TALS CARB O! JUBZ 8 i B 11ARRANT 3INLI86 7Q8D RDQIIIRHt~1TTg• Shia 11th day of Yay, 1989, E. Celd, County SreMnrer and John R. Lsavell, County by tlu Csnrt Clerkt be aN acs harsDyy snthorised/te tranates the sam ei (660.00 iron the Binking land of $oad Llstriet 80. 8 of Yerr OoaIIty or Yrom the Hoed and Bridg• land - - - - - - - - - - - - et Treoinot Bo. 8 to tba Sinking land of Herr County 8. i B. •irrant• of 1986, if aeNed of to lake ears /and diwharg• tlu psinoipal and iatereat wtnring against acid toad M Jnae lE, 1989. o-o-o-o-o-a-o Ho. 16E1, APPROVAL 0! COUBTY SRBAgU$BR'S QUARTBRLY R8PO8T. Shi• 11th day of Yay, 1989, name on to D• examined and aadited by the Court th• report of E. bold, County Srsaearer, oovering the reoeipt• and diabnruwnt• o! Yarr County for quarter ending April 80th, 1989, ani it appeasing to the Court after oaretnl and thoson ezaminatioa and inepeotion et said reports together with the oanoelled warrant e, ohooka, bonds and oonpone eooompanying saw, that said report ie true and oorreot in every reapeot, and same b• and is hereby approved by the Court, all as Sa shown by the oertitioat• at approval signed Dy the Coact and attaohei thereto, and the County Clerk shall rsoord asid report is the loose-lost rsoord in hid oftio• and fil• •noh oanoelled warrant• ohooka, bonds and oonpons far sale-kesying and tut are reterenoe. o-e-o-e-•-o-o-o Ho. 1622, 0$DBIt AUT80RIEIHO 1DLCHA803 0? RIGHT-O!-fAY OB gTASB PABL ROAD AND a8008I2Ha ANY 8811 BIOSS Ol wAT RiQUIBBD ~ SA1B ROAD. Shis 11th day of ifey, 1989, it appearing to the Coact that the proposed State Park Bead in Preoinst Bo. 1 of Herr Oonnty oonneoting State Highway Bo. 16 with the eaaaera Road has bees partially re-boated and that no right-oY-way therefor has as yet been aognirea aoroas the properties of Otta Pankrats and H. ~. Pitssiwna, and tbat it la neoMSary that •11 et the right of way toe said road as now •nrveyed and ataYed oa the ground b• aognired by Lora County betor• the oonstrnotioa of said aosd i• oomwnMd ly w. R. 9ann & Oo~pany ea IIay E~th, 1989. Sheretore, Coanty Jnlge, Jeha 8. Atkins and Cosnissioner Heady SOkstain be and are hereby authorised and aireated to purohaee the eatra right of way needed !or sail road soroas the properties of Otto Pankrats and H. A. litsaisaas, to D• paid tar by the County Clerk out of 8. i B. #1 land upon delivery to Lerr Coanty of properly ezeentea deed• thereto, ant Cosaty Judge, John S. Atkins D• and 1• hereby inrthsr authorised and direotsd t• oon~ey baok Hato the property owners entitled therate iy quit-elaim deeds for and on behalf of Lerr County, the portion or portions of flu right-ot-way for said Stat• Paak yoa+ that ware hereto oonveysa Dy said property owners to Lerr Oonnty for asid road and are now abaadoi •d and so longer embraced within the right of way of said roes ae now re-boated and ata]ce; en the ground, for and in oonsideraLioa of the a;eoatioa and delivery by said property owners reepeotively, of proper right-ot-way deed• covering the right of way of Mid road u presently re-located and established. 3.2.4 o-o-o-o-e-o-o