3 ~ 9 He. 1,8$8, Bio?bozlo~m op goPBavIBIaG aaslasxa oa $TATS PAad: aoan A8D ToaTls cas~a soup Jolla. ~ Thid 11th day of Yay, 1989, it appearing to 4W Court that 14 i• aeoouary tea Larr Coanty to hlre a anperviaing engineer for the ooastruotioa of the 8tat• Part Road 1a PrioinoL Ho. 1 of IGrr Oonnty iron State Highway Ho. 16 to She Banlera seal and the improve- Want of that portion of the old TnrtU Croat road cram said highwq aoroa• the 6nadalape ~ Elgs, and it appearing to the Co art that Geo. H. Bradford Ss gaelifisd and oompeteat in every riapee4 S• porfora saoh engineering asrviood for the Coaaty, tharsfor• oa motlen duly made, seoodsa sad ananinonsly adopted by the Coact, said 6ao. H. Bradford be and Sd hereby employed ae saoh supervising enginssr aL the aelary of ~Y8b.00 psr month Dsginning Ly 19, 1989 and ending with the completion and eoosptano• of said Dro~ent, payab la monthly by the Coaaty OUSk by warrants drawn sgeinet a, b B. }1 ynad at and of saoh month's eervioe. Barr County to tnrnlah eztra labor and enpplie• needed by 10ug inesr Bradford tar the psrforwm• of hie duties to She Dwt iatereat of the County, end sail eaglwer is employed with'.ths~-htNadtaading that this oontraot may be risoinded Dy tlu Conaty at nay tiw h1• dsrvloa• prow nneatietaotory to the Court. o-o-o-a-o Be. 1686, QOAQT$alY RBPOaT OH liaRe. 8T0. 01 JOHa 8. LSAV&LL. Coanty CUrk. This 11th day of llgy, 1989, same on to b• ezamined by the Court the quarterly report iilod by Oomaty OUrk, dohs a! Lsavell, severing tiaaa impoNd, ~ndgmoat• riaderid sd j~ tans oollootod, daring gaarter ending Apr. 80, 1981, in Lho Oonnty Oonrt o! Y.srr County, and St nyyoaring to Lhe Coact that sail ~USk oolleoted sad dapoaited with Lho County Treasasor the anm et ~gb.00 under acid repor4 and that dew 1• oorriot, and said report b• and id horeby apprivad by the Ooart. o-o-o-o-o-e Ho. 16Eb, APPROtAL Op LIBTa10T OIJiaB'b QOAaTBaLY $BPOa't. Thin 11th day of 1W. 1989, saw on to b• gwinsd by Lho Oonrt the quarterly report filed by Diatriot Olerk, Goo. Y. Daylo, oovsring `Sw• impowd, ~odgment• rinderid and jury fees oolleoted Sa the Distrlot Qonrt of Kerr Ooanty during gearter ending 4pr. 80, 1981, awnati~ to ~b7100 Wish had boon deposited by Olerk poyle with Lha Coaaty Triadarer, and it appearing to Sho Ooort Shat acid report 1d trw and oorriat, same ho and Se herihy approved by the Court. o-s-•-0-0-0 ;io. 1686. APPROVAL Oy A88g8S0$ 18i$ OOI,IIi0p0a'8 1paTHLY O,yyIOdtJIXy$/18$ a$PO$T. Thid 11th day of aW, 198T, paw on to be eatuined by the Ooasf Lho monthly riport o; g. H, aiohols, bdneer and OolUotor of 4Wm toy twrr Ooamty, oova7lag hie actual sad aeoewary 1~, enaes inoarred by him in Ltu ooaLwdt of hid ottio• dosing Aprll, 19b9, amount- ing t' ~t1,66. whloh riport appearing oorreet. he ad W hemah7 approved Sn the lull great Dy the Coarb.. O-O-O-MM ao, lfBV• APPlIOVAL Op OOOai'Y CL~IK'8 1R1aRlR~T ~1 Y,SP~18$ $6POdT. Thin Llt6 at Yay, 1889. oar oa to W aa~mod by the Oonrt the monthly reygt of John a. 7wavoll, geamty Clerk of Lora' tloanty, wdwrrlaH hld wtwl sad nsoeaasry erpensaa Lnaarrsd by him in the oondaot of h1• oftio• daring ymll, 1889, aspnati~ W ~Ebd.bd, which rdpdgt appearing oorreot, daM is hereby appeewdd tdt the tall arnnL therw! by 4he Oeart. o-a-a-a-o-o ao, 1686, TABIILda gTAT81B3tt Og JOHd a. 7,8AV31,1, OOIIITY OLSaL y0a QUASTSR SaDIaG APa. 80,'8f. Thid 11th dap et Yap, 1989, oar on to h• amamin+d by the Ciapi th+ TabaUr Statsmenl