3a9 Bo. 1,6$8, 810'LOYIBHT Ol $IIPBR7I$I8o SBOIHSSB OH $TdTS PdBL 80dD d8ID TIIBTIdi CRREIC RDID JOBi. Thin 11th day of Ymy, 19$7, it appearing 4o the Conn Lhat it 10 nooosaary for Urt County to hire a eaperviaing engineer for She oonstrnotiaa of the $tat• Park Road in Progiaot Ho. 1 of YOrr County from $tats Highway Ho. 16 to Lho Bandera Hoad and Lho isprove- meat of that portion of tho old Tara le Creek read from said highwq aoroa• th• 6nadalnpe 81vor. and it appearing to the Court tha4 6ao. H. Bradford is gaelitied and oompetent Sa every reapg4 L• parlors enoh engineering asrvloo tar tho Coumty, therefore oa moLlen daly made, seoond od and ananimoasly adopted by Lhe Coast, said 600. H. Bradford b• end ie horeby employed ae aaoh tapervloing engineer at Lho ealery of ~Y8b.00 per month beginning lfay 19, 19$7 ant ending with Lhe oompletion and eooeptdao• of sald projeot, payable monthly by the Coaaty OUrk by warrants drawn against 8. 8 B. #1 ynad et and of eaoh moaih'a esrvioe. Yerr Ceanty to furnish estra labor and enppliea needed by hug fuser Hradiord !or the pertormaro• of his dutio• to Lhe Dest interest of the Oonnty, sad said engineer is employed sithlthr~h~pdentandiag Lhat this ooatraot may De rosoindsd by tlu County at any tia hie aervloe• prove nneatietaotory to LM Conn. o-o-o-e-o Be. 1684, QWBT$$I,Y BSPCRT OB FIBgO, BRO. of JOBH R. ,1,Sdp8LL, County Clerk. Thi• 11th day of Bt~y, 1987, oame on to be ez•mined by the Ooort the quarterly report filed by Oonmty Clesk, john 8! 3aava1l, oovering linos 1mpaNd, jndgsen4• rendered and jam fee• oolleotod, during gnartes ending ~. 80, 1989, in She poun<7 Oonrt of ]Corr County, and 14 •ypearing to the Ooart that said ~lsrk oolloot0d and dopoaitod with the County TreaOanr the aam o! ~$D.00 nudes Nid report ad that aamo i• aorreot, and sale report b• ad 10 hereby appropd Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-e Ho. 1686, .tPP807hb Or DI$TR;O! 07,$RS'$ QII~RT3aL4 $$PORS. Shit 11th lay of Yty, 1987, oamo on to b• aculnsa by She Court tho gaartorly report i110d by Distriot Clork, Ooo. Y. Day la, oovering ~1w• impowd, jodgNnt^ rendered and jury feaa oolUetod is the DSatrlot Court of Kerr County dnring gmrter ending •,pr. 80, 19$7. amounting to ~b7100 whioh has boon deposited Dy Clork Doylo with th0 OOaaty Troasnrer, and 14 appearing to the Oonltt Lhat said report io trw and oorreat, acme be and 10 horeby approved by the Coact. o-e-•-o-o-o :to, 1686, 4PP809,W Oy d8$8$$OR ~ 001TygQOR'g ,ypRtBiy OFFDS~{ >VCP888S BgPORT. Thim 11th day of flay, 1987, oaw pn to b• omasiaod by She Court tW monthly report o! S. H, 8lohola, dmpatos and ColUe4or of Tames t0s Parr Oona4y, aovgi~ hie aoLnal sad nooosaary egtpenao• inoorred by his in Lhe aomdmst et him ottio• daaing 4pri1, 1987, uoant- 1.ng t$ i-1,66, which repost appearing oorsaat, ti• ad Se heseby approved in the full amoaat by tho Coa}•t. 0.O-0.e-aA eo. 1d87. •PPlt0Y1L OAT OOUBTS CbRRC'$ RO11TlIRT ~i YiFBD18Ji ${POR1'. This 11th et Yay, 19$7, case oa to be aa78~fed Dy the Oonrt t!N monthly reyp[f et Joha R. Iwnell, geamtyOlork of YOrr Ooaaty, oaemmimg hie totsal ad asoesuy ospenae• inaarred by hL in the ooadaoL of his otfio• dewing X11, 1987, amount ing to +88-.84, whlah 7epl~t appearing correct, aaM Sa hereby appmow0d toe the tall amount thoroof by the OOnrt. o-o-a-o-s-o Ho, 168$, T4BU1dR BTI.TSbViElt ~ JO88 R. LBJ7R11, CDBR4'y OI,BBL y0H QII~$T8R SBDIHO tPB. 80,'87: Thla 11th d~7 et 16y, 1989, caw oa to be esamin0d by th- OaR}it tlu TODalar statement