32,9 Ho, 1,iE8, HYPLOYYBHT Ol $CPBH9IIII2I0 HDIOIHPHH CH $TATS Pd8% HOAD AHD TII8T1,H CBHH[ HDAD JOBi. Thin 11th day of Hiy, 1987, St appearing to the Oeust that 14 is neeeoary for %asr County to hire a anpervl sing engineer for Lhe oonetrnotiea of the IItat• Park Roaa !a Preginet Ho. 1 of %arr County from State Highway Ho. 16 to the Bandera 8oa6 and Lhe improve- ment of that portion of She e16 Tnrile Creek road from acid highway aortas the Oaadalape Hives, end it appearing to the Court that Oeo. H. Bradford is qualified and oompetent in every sespgt S• perform enoh engineering asrvioes for the Coamty, therefore oa moLien duly wde, seoondea and ananlmooely adopted by the Conn, said Geo. H. Bradford be end ie hereby employed as taah snper'fising engineer at the celery of ~82b.00 per month beginning Ifay 17, 1989 and ending with Lhe oompletioa and eooepitna• of said Dro3aoL, payab La monthly by the County Olerk by warrants drawn against H. • H. fl land st and of eaoh month's eervioe. %err Ceunty to inrniah a=tra labor end •npplies as sped by long inner Bradford tsr Lha perforwno• of his duties to the bast interest of the Ooomty, sad said eaglmaer is employes t:ith'.ths~~atileratandiag Shat ihie oontraot may bs reaoindsd Dy the County aL any time hie wrvioea prove nnaatiefaotory to tW Ooart. o-o-o-o-o He. 1626, gOAHT$H1Y HHPOHT OH 1iH88. 870. OS JOHd 8. LBAYSLL. Oonnty Clerk. Rhin 11th day of Hmy, 1987, tame en to be ezamiwd by the Ooast the quarterly report Piled by Conaty Olesk, ioLn A! beavall, oovering tines imyawd, ~aagwnt• rendered and ia~ fees oolleoted, daring quarter ending Apr. 80, 1987, in the 4owaty Conn of Kerr County, and it appearing to the Oonrt that said ~ U:k oolleoted and deposited with Lhe Coaaty Tseuanr the tam o! i$5.00 ender paid report aai that tame 1• aorHOt, sad said report De and Sa hereby approve4 by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-e Ho. 1626, APPIOSAL Op DI&TS303 OI.BHK'8 QIIART38LY HSPOBT. This 11th day of Hity, 1989, Dame on Lo b• azamlasd by the Coact 4h• quarterly report idol by Diatriot OUSk, Ooo. K. DeyU, oovering ~iws impowd, ~adgsent• rendered and Jury ices oolleoted Sa the Aiatriat OoarL of Kerr Ooaaty daring quarter ending ,tpr. 80, 1981, amounting Ls y67i00 whioh has been dapoaited by OUsk poyle with the Ooanty Tseaaaser, and it appearing to the Court that sass repots L trw and torrent, acme be sad is hereby approved by the Const. o-e-•-o-o-o 3e. 1686, APP80VAL O1 A$gH8$O8 AH8 OOLLgQT08'8 1pHT83,Y 0113031 YLPDHBa 8,$PORT. Thin 11th day of 1pW, 1987, taw pn 4o b• eiaml.aed by the Ooart the monthly report of 8. H. Hiohola, AaaeaaOS and Oolleotor ot. Two !a# Yost Oonaty, ooveiiag his entasl and aeoewary egy~nae• inonrred by him f.a the oom3laat of Lla ottiaa dosing April, 1989, uoant- Lag is iTl.ib, which report appearing ooraMt, ti• aW i• he#eby approved in the toll asooat by the 6oort.- O-O-O-e-M Ho. 1i8T, APAl0YA1 Ca OOUHTY 07.HHK'II tpHlllfj[ ~ H;PBHSi $gPOBT• This 11th et ttay, 1887, tame oa to be a43~med by the Oonrt the monthly rpgf of John H. Uavell, ieamtyOl.er2 of %esr County, aswttdag Lie aotaal amp aeoeaaary eipenaH iaanrred by Lim in the oondaot of hie oitioe daring yell, 1989, amounting to j88d.dd, which #dHajt appearing oorrNt, saw is hereby apptwwod tae the tall amount thereof by t!u Oeart. o-o-a-o-o-o Bo. 1686, TABCI,-fl 8TATSH~Ri C# 70HH 8. I$JYHLY, OOOHTY OLBB[ 108 QIIA8TH8 SHDIAO A18. 80,'8'-. Thin 11th dap et ]3qy, 1989, taw on to be amamimed by the OaRI`t the Tabular Statement