3 Y"~ ~ No. 1838, TEMPORARY ALLOWANCE FOR 7dARL9 GARCIA. Thin 14th day of June, 1937, after hearing the appllcatlon of Marie 6araia for temporary aid end it appearing to the Court that epplioant Se entitled to the relief prayed for, the County Glerk be affi Se hereby authorized and direoted to pay her a monthly allowanoe of =8.00 per montb out of the General Fund by groper warrants drawn on the County Treasurer. Which temporary allowance herein granted by Lhe Court shell eontiaueuatil otherwise ordered by Lhe Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1539, NEW LOAN CF =1300.00 By PRECINCT ~3 to PRECINCT ~2, AND, AND SKTSNBION OP WHOLE INDEBTEDNS33 OWING HY PRECINCT E to PRECINCT 3. Thin 14th day of Tuae, 1937, under and by virtue of agreement made betrroen Commissioners Wm. %argar and D. D. Heard in open Court, St is ordered Dy the Court that the County Clerk transfer Lhe sum of 51,300.00 from road end bridge fund of Preciaot No. 3 to Lhe road and bridge fund of Preciaot No. E, same representing a loan made for the purpose of put oheaing a Caterpillar toed maintainer for precinct No. E from the Wm. %. Holt Maohinery Company. And Commieai over Benrd be and ie hereby authorized and direoted Lo purcheae the used Caterpillar No. 19 Auto Patrol now Sa hie posaesaion lram said Wm. A. Holt Machinery Company for the mt Dash prioe of '1740.00 to ba paid by the County Clerk upon receipt of proper bill with warrant on County Treasurer ngainat the R. & B. (~2 Fund. And said X1300.00 this day loaned by Prec snot ~3 to preoiact ~2 together with the ;2000.00 at111 owing by Preoiact ~E to Praoiaot /t3 on the ooet of preaenL Center Point low-water bridge, shall hereafter mature end bepome payable by prealaot No. E to preoiaoL No. 3 is three annual inn tallmanta of {1,100.00 eeah, due at the Apr11 Terms, 1938-1939 and 1940 of this Court reapeatively. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1840, Leo Monty, et. el. Oe. J. A. RSason. This 14th day of June, 1937, Dame on to be heard the aontroveray between Lae Yoaty, et. el. sad J. A. Riaeoa represented in open Court Dy attoraeya N. C. Baker and Grady C. Fuller, respectively, and it appearing to the Court that said road matter can only be nettled in the Diatriat Court of Ken County, Taue. Thereupon, on motl on of Comtai saioaer Beard, aeo onded by CoŽaieaioaor Soka teia and unanimously adopted, the County Attorney of Kerr County be end is hereby authorized and direoted for and on behalf of Kerr County Lo intervene in any suit filed in saifl DSatrlct Court of Kerr County for the removal of the obatructione is said road in Canter Point, Tezea, and otharxlae to`protad0 the'iatereattof Kerr County in said publlo road. II o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1841, MAY, 1937 REBRiT OF dNO. R. LEAVSLL, COONTY CLER%, OF HIS OFFICE EBPENSES. Thin 15thday of Juae, 1937, Dame on to be ezamined by tae Court the May, 1937 Report of John R. Leavell, County Clark, covering hie eotuel sad necessary oftloe ezpenae amounting to X275.87, and it appearing to the Court that said report ie oorreot and said County Clerk is entitled to ell of Bald office ezyeaditurea, and said report be and Se hereby approved Dy the Court for Eta full amount. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1642, MAY, 1937 REPORT OF S. H. NICHOIS, COLR. d ASSR. OF TA%ES. Thin 15th day of June, 1937, came oa to be szamineII by tae Court the Nay, 1937 Report of E. 8. Niohola, Assessor end Collector of Kerr County. covering hie actual and necessary office ezpenee amounting to =51.00, end it appearing to the Court that said report Sa correct and said offio er is entitled to ell of said espenae, sad Bald report be end ie hereby