It ie therefore ordered end ad~ndged by the Court that the ppsehase of said rlgb# of way teem Chu. Aped Dy•Coaulooioner Board anfl the paywnt thereof by the County OlerY aad geasty Trseearer, be ad -are in ell reepeote oontirmed and approved by the Oonrt. o-o-wo-os-e Ro, 1682, Jose, 1984 RBP08T Op JRO. R. I,BAyBSS, DOUBT! CIBBY. This 12th day of Jaly, 1984, odes on to be esuin.a by the Oonrt the Jans, 1984 ttepos# of John R. Leawll, County Clerk, covering his aetaa], and aeoessary otiioe ezpsnee amo artting to X281.58, ~md it appeasing to tW Oonrt the{ said report L aorseot aad pfd Coaaty Q1•rk ie entitled to sil st,eaid ottlee sa$enditnree, aad eaid report De and ie hereby ppp;ovsd Dy She Conrt tos its tall aeq mt. o-o-p-o.o-o ,, Bo. 16b5, AQOIp®AHOR CD JUB$, 1984 R$POR! W OOURTY P~L1G Bi1dJIPS HURgS. This 12th day of July, 1954, war ea t0 De heard tM Jane, 1984 sepor0 of Pisa Miai~rad Dergs.0onnty Tnblio Hesith ~sas-, which report be and Se hereby sooepted Dy the Coact and ordered tiled by the Cesaty Olerk, , o-o-o-o-a-o The State of Tezas, In Comisalonorsr 4oar#, Lerr County, le~cee. So. 16bd Oonaty sf ]Grr. Jnly Term, .t. D• 1989. lhie 12th day of Jny, 1987, i# appearing to the Qoeft #hst Lhs righ#-o#-weJ of what la knows as the Beneoa Read in Preoit»t Re. S of Ssrr County was prwohased by Yerr County 1a~198b aad eaid road hue since been laid oat and worked by the Oommiseiones of 1leoinot Ro. 8 of Yerr 6eanty as • part of his public road system, ssn and e=oppt where said road oreepa the track of the T. 6 1T. OR Ry, Co• Said Benson ReN lrem its iatsrseetlem slth 8#ate•8lgbsey So. 8y and eztendiag north. soccer the 8. R, track to tla property of Arthur $eiaea le therefore laid out aad establish by the Ooost as a third-class pnblie load 8o t~et in sloth threnghent. to be workN by. the oommiesioner of eaid Preoiast Bo• 8 as • Asst o! hi# Dablie road system. And the lezas ant Bew Orleans Railroad Compax4y D# aad is hereby regnestN Dy the Oonrt to install a proper oroaeing o-er its traoka in eaid road, and the actual ezpense of oon- strnoting the approaches and drainage etruotuse• for sold read oroning shall be bonne , by Preoinot Bo. 8 of Serr Coaster, to be paid dyad p:eseniatlen of bill therefor to this Court whoa eaid work is oempletN, Ana the Ooanty C1erX shall inraish eaid T. 6 H. 0, By. Oo. with a pertitisd oelV of this order eo regnestN Dy Rr. B, 8. Holiimoa, repreeentatin etasid Sailroad Company. o-•-o-o-e IItate o! lazes. in Oommissioaers' Quest, $err County, laaale• Bo. lbb6 ConNy of ywrr• July lean, A. R. 1987. This 12th dqy of July, 1984, came ea to De oonsidesea by the Coact the pat itipa wigged by Orris Garland, A1Dert Sramer, R. ~. 8prenl. 5, A, Orentt, Arthur $de, los. 5. B. Bydo, lh~a. Y. C. Bishop, Ivy R, Hwttornan and J, •$. Ooggeehall tiled with She Ooaaty C1sFY An , Jamr 19, 1989, caking the Ooart to eetabliah a third class pnblie road 4p tuft in width from Yldway,t.o th- Lowrance 8phoel Hoaee in preoiaet Ho. d wt Ysia~ Oosaty, less, and St appearins t0 tho Oosrt proper notloew of the tili~.of Baia yetltion were legally posted at th*ee public places aad foe the length of time required Dy 7,aw, and LhpO np ob]eofiaa has been snide to the Coast 40 the establishment of sold road, and that all the loaf owwr! over whose yropesty said goad cane hen egreN to donate Lhs regniswd right et way LhoretoT and are waiving all claims for damages that nay be inonrsed by the establiwbeeat of said sw 3¢~