3~f s' Said petition U therefore granted Dy Lha Coart aa.yrayed tor, a~ edit road be and is -' hereby laid oat and eat ab liahed as a th1r8 olae^ paDiio road, 40 iseL is width throaghoat, over and along the route seS oat is Nid petition, ao tollowsi Beginning at a point in the 8, #. lino Of 8dghwq p0. E9, in or near the line o! inrrey Ho, 106b, 0. C. i i. 1. Hy. Co., at the corder o2 0. Oapland Lad bat lying wholly on th! land of Orrin flatland. Thence f. 45 1. 1846 rasa to the south corner o! ^aid Orrin Oarlsad land. Thsnoa dn'sw ooorae 164.4 rated to poiab. Thoaoo i. 45 S. 606 rams eeraer. Thenoo S. 4b R. 86p rasa to the ling of 8asreya 1016 and 1016, than tar trom lot msatdoaei Garland corder thin 40 toot strip line wholly oa the land o! J. E. Coggeahall and along hie linos. Theme shitting t,0 test 8. Z. on to the land of .-1Dsrt SSINr dad from thin Doiat on lying wholly on hie land, S. 46 Y. E018 rasa plea 40 Seat for acre r. Thanos p. 46 R, EOS teat. Thence t, SE} Yawl aboat EB80 test to the Lowrance whool hoau. pstdtionara also ogres in acid peeltioa to giro enoagh lani at corners of said road SheL era toe aDrnpt tq q Lo mob the handling dad tnrnivgof rshioiea oexnenisn4 dad ute. tad tW Coasisei oast o! Preoinat 80. 4 0! Yarr Connty 1e hereby ^uthorlaed and directed to lay oat am work acid road at the etpaaae of hie preoi not and to herutter work acme ea o part of hie preodnot!s paDiie road system. o-o-a-o-O-O Ho. 1666, 4ppROV~L op 1L56-1i5f ~HHUai HHpOBT Op oovxsr SOHCOL pfrHDi. Thin lEth lay of Jnly. 1887, dame en to Do stamined and andited by the Oonrt Lhe annwl report of t}u Oonnty School panels tot-woholastio yaar~anding •ogaat Slot, 1816, oompilN Dy ODarlas iohrelaee~Hank, (Oainoorporated), Coanty School lami Dapoaitory, and it appearing Lo the Ootmt that said anneal statement is Sn all respsoLa correct, sou be and 1s hereby approrad by the Coart da Inplioate. o-o-o-o-o-o-e 80. 1657, #450,00 (pirat) ~A1TOS TO 8. H• BICSOL4 OH HIS 1989 ~88YSgOdt'S fi08Y7HSI08S. This lEth day of Ja7y, 1887, Dame on Lo be aonaidersd by the Ooart the applioatiea of i. 8. 8lohola, •neasor dad Oolleotor of Ta:ea for Barr County, ier as adranoe of +450.00 ea his 1959 Oonnty Tat Ssaeaaor'd oommiasioaa, and it appsaring to the Coact that ha Sa entitled Lo sou es preyed toe a~ Lhe Coaa6y Clerk Se hereby aathopisad and ddrsoted is Day aooh adrame as follows: +500.00 oat of the Lary Coaaty Hood Hond ila]cing panel and 1150. out o! the Aoad Distrdot 80, l Oinking purl by pmepar warrants on the Ooaaty Tnaauser. 0-0-O-O-a-Me 80, 1688, JU8$, 1887 BgPOHT Op iCTOIS OBFICB SItP88$Fi Op 181p$HO$ 1ND COLL&OTOB OB TSB. On thin lYth dp of July, 1881, oau oa to be eumiaed by the Ooart t1u uathly report o! aotoal and neoaawry etpen.ea of B. 8. 81eheL, IaNUOr and Oolleoter of Sazes of Parr Osanty, for the oath et Jana, 1957, amoaatiug to }Si,f>0, and it appearing to the Coen that Lha Yaassor dad 0ollsotor da entitled to each atpenddtares is the conduct of hie off de e. dad said report be and is hereby approved Dy the Ooart for its toll asoaat. o-o-o-o-o-o-o po. 1668, OHDHH 4DT80$IZI80 COHY12~DtC3 TO 888. JOH&PHIHY H~IdOY LHO$Ifs Op 1/E ~CHB SH~CS. Oa this 1{th day of Jaly, 1987, oau on to be ooaaidorsd the ayyldoation of II~a, Josaphi~ Haltom Iwokie !or • quit-claim tool from Yorr Oonnty eorering the 1/E der tract oat of the w. O, pranoia Snrrey 80. 146, east aide of itata 8lyhway 80, 16, 1n Yerr Coaaty, Sezas, /esordDad dad eoareyed to the Ooanty of Yerr Dy Ldllie Brown Clapp is her deed dated Jay . lb, 1886, rsoorded In dol. bb, pegs 644, Deed Heoorda o! Serr Oeanty, Tszaai dad, it appeazin to the Court that Lerr Conmiy agiwl to Darehaw uii tract of land for >tca. Leckie as • port