dated May 10, 1937, bearing interest at the rate of 5$ per annum, authorized to ba issued es ~ .3y-B the total contract price to be paid said contractor under said contract; and that the County of Kerr has received full value and consideration for said Wsrrsnts Numbers 1 to 12, inolusi . ~ y,,. ~ my udge. ti ~/{~ ~~ ~,~ O/O ~,n ~ffi~ ~~ aA /ice ~''~ Comm sa o r Prec nets No. +~~~"ti \ w • 4. ~ "'~ t J ~:~, • .~ ra.• ~ ~~~~~.~ ~ ~ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 No. 16~~}+ICdlHA3E IN TE1dPORARY ALLOAANCE TO CARMEN GARCIA. This 12th day oP July, 1937, it appearing to the Court that the temporary ellowenoe oP Carmen Garola ie ineuPPioient and should be inoreeeed from the sum oP $5.00 per month to the sum oP $6.50 per month. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that said allowance be so innreeaed ePPeotive July let, 1937, and the County Clerk shall hereafter pay unto said Carmen Garcia an ellow- anoe of X6.50 per month out oP the General Fund with proper •arranta drawn on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o The Foregoing minutes on pages 342 to 348 hereof inclusive, were read in open Court and Pound correct, end ere hereby in ell respects approved by the Court, this the /day oP August, A. D. 1937. Attest: ~/ ounty Clerk Count gs, err ounty, Texee. By f Deputy. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 ELECTION ORDER. TO 9LL TO ".o'HOT.'. THESE PRESENTS SHALL COP,1E: KNCW YE, that I, Sohn S. Atkins, County Judge oP Kerr County, Taxes, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, and in pursuance of the proclamation issued by the Governor of the State of Texas, do hereby order a special election to be held throughout the County of Kerr, in the State of Texas, on MONDAY, the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1937 for the purpose of voting for the adoption or re,jecti on of seven proposed amendments to the State Constitution of the State of Texas as submitted by the Forty-Fifth Legislature in regular session assembled. The proposals to be voted on in the customary manner provided Por by the Constitution and-laws of this State at this special constitutional amendment election shall be as follows: 1. Proposing en a~endment to Section 16, Article XVI, of the Constitution of Texas; providing that the Legislature shall authorize the incorporation oP banking bodies and provide for the supervision end regulation of same; providing for ell of the capital stock to be subscribed and naid for before charter issued; restricting Foreign corporations from doing banking business; restricting corporate business to one place. 2. Proposing an amendment to article III of the Constitution of the State of Texas by adopting a new Section to be known as Section 51d, which shall provide that the Legislature shell have the power to provide, under such limStations and restrictions as may be deemed by the Legislature expedient Por assistance to destitute children and for the 3f9 payment of same pot to ezcea~l.sight Dollars (~8) for one ohlld.or 1Nelve Dollars (~l.$) far the children of any one family per month; further providing that the Legislature may Smpoas ,-- ayoh reatr lotions and regulations es to it may seem-ezpidlent; providing Chet Lhe amouatto be eapended out of state funds Ln nay one year-toff auoM aaslstanoe shell never exceed .the sum of Ona Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (~1,.50C,000); end providing that the Legialatur~ shall nave the authority to eooept from the Government .of the IInlted Ste<,ga .fiaennial aid for easistaaoe to destitute ohildren. - - 3. Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the .9taTip oi.Tezse~, amending Article 16, Seotion 81, providing Sar the aboliahiag of the salsry AS'EAPdaf ooffipeasating all diatriot, oounty, sad yrooiaot oftioere of this State, s~ furthei~'pieavt,4~pg"that, avob ofii- eera shall be paid is such manner and on euoh beau ae may be preeorSbeQ by the Legisle;ure. 4. Proposing ea Amendment to the CoaeLltutioa of the etete of Tssaeto Tie known ea Seotion 20 of Artiole 4III, providing that ao property of enp triad shalh>~be~eeaeassd for ad valorem tease at a greater value than its fair Dash market value; aIId givipg•Lhs Legis- lature power to provide that the State and a11~6avernlnental or politinnl aubdivlaioas or taxing distriata may allow a dleo oust for payment of advvelorem tams before the data whoa would otherwise beoame delinquent; sad providing that this Amendment shall beoaue effsetive January ~l, 1939: 5. Proposing ea amendment to Artlole III, Seotion 58, of the Coaetitutian of •Lhe State of Texas by adding thereto a new seotlon to be known as Seotion 52d; providing that the Legiele ture may authorize by law, after Rmslority vote of the rea Ldent qualified eleotora owning taxable propartp therein, the adopLion`of-a plan for the oomtruotion of paved ~roeda an8 bridges or both is Harris County end in ron4 dlatriot's therein; providing for the levy of etaz Lo pap for euoh construction. 6. Proposing an amendment to Article III Df the Coaet~fu~QII OS Lhe Ste to of Taxes by adopting a new Section to be known as Sentioa 51-G whloh shall Er4vids that the Legislature shall have the power to provide, under suoh limitations end restrlationa ae map be deemed by the Legialat~re expedient for aoeiataaae to th} needy blind over~Ehe nge of _ twenty-one (21) years, sad for the payment of same not to asoaed ~"ilLsem Diallgra (~15)=)pa~^ month eaoh, and providing for payment of auah asslatapas or aid~oal7to aottml bone fide citizens of Tezas and providin8 that the regnlreneatx for the length"Ot't3me of actual roe- ' idenae is Tezas shall never be leas then five (E)`yaara duringLhe ~alps GA.1; years i~}diatsly preceding the application for suoh easlataa0e•aad~oontlnpodslyfesoas~~Ters inaaediatsly prr ceding euoh application; and providing that the Legislature ahall~'.he44'the~authority to eaoept from the 6overamant of the Dnited Steteafihepolal ei.d'fo;"osslsta(t0s'to stah blind. a IF T8STIIDNY EC-, I have hereunto signed o4y Hams oftioislly'$ad'oausad the Seal OS '~ $err County to be impreaaad heaeon} et Kerrville,~Se=ea,'thia,'tibs~~t~h_a1W,o2 3s1p, J. D. 1989. ~ `- - - County Q . ,' . s}'-.'~~ o-o-o-o_s .oro-p . THE 8}',OTE OB TEXAa. + _ COIINTY 08 8&RR. ( B& ST R}slp';1~k;$$D, that on ph1Rd94h day eY~NBaei, J. D, 1939, there was begun and holden a Regular Tern ot. th! Goouaiasioners' Court of Ysrr County, laslla~ i at the Coart $oase therso2, in the town of 3Lsrrvilli, lazes, oi2losrs present: John 8. ~tkina, - - - - - Cosnty 7ndge, $anry edkatsia, - - - - - Com•isaioaer, prwinot No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - -COmmiaaioivr, Freoiaot No. 8,