State of Texea, ~ In Commissiouere' Court, Kerr County, Texas. i S Sy' ~ IIO. 1072 County oP Kerr. 1 Auy~ust :arm, A. D. 1937. This 9th day oP August, A. ll. 1937, came on to be c c~rsidered by the Court the matter !'I~~i ~~,, of continuitrg the County farm de monat ration work in Kerr County, Texas, for another yesr Prom September 1st, 1537, and it an nearing to the Court that the services heretofore rendered~~ '~ by Agent, 7. N. Sheen and no•n rendered by Agent, T. 9P. H111in are to the best Tut crest of e the stockmen and Parmerand tax payers of Kerr County and should be continued. therefore, upon motion duly made, seep nded and unanimously adopted, it is ordered by ' the Court that T, it, Hillipn be and is hereby omployed as County Agent for Kerr County for the ;year, be~inn irrg Sept, let, 1537, and the sum oP w800.00 be and is hereby ap propriat ec~ and set slide out oP the Road and Dri dge Fund of Kerr County for the purpose oP paying ~', ~, the County's portion oP auoh County Agent's monthly salary during the period mentioned, same shall be paid by the County Clerk unto said age nt in 1L eguel monthly inatallmenta '. pzy able on or after the first day oP each and every month beginning Ont. let, 1537 and ending September 1st, 1938. And the County Clerk is hereby di rooted to Furnish e certified copy of this order to ~, the 1'ixtension Service, d. & I,i. College oP Texas, College Station, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~ i:o, 1u 73, ACC::PT._:CB OF JUI:S ~ JULY 3.:PORTS OF CO U?'TY L-i:_:0'~.'ST'~~4 IO}; aGcIJT. ~, ' This 9th Say of A~s~,u st, 1937, came on to be heard tho June cad July, 1~:i7 reports of ' I'.iss Frances 'filroy, County De mo~rstret ion Lgent oP Kerr County, ~virich repo its be and are ~~~~ hereby in all raepacts accepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~. I:o. 1074, T:i:~'UlvD 0: Q150.00 BY COU:]TY T.iX AS:i::SSOR TU R. D. $1 SIJIKllIG FU:JD. ~~~ ~. This 9th day oP august, 1937, carne on to be con aidered the erroneous advance made by ~~ th ie Court to E. Ii. .Iiohola, Assessor and Collector of Texea Por Kerr County, at its last July term, out of the R. D. ~1 Sinking Fund, and it appeari rg to the Court that the w150 ' so advanced out oP said Sirrkirrg e'mrd should be returned by the Aslessor to said Fund. Slid i3. H. 1Jio hole is the re Yo re re due ated and directed to ref mid said y150.00 unto said R. ll. yl Si aci ng r'und as it appears that said P mid will :rot be liable Por any portion oP his commissions for 1537. o-o-o-o-o-o I ?;0. 1675, APPi.ICAT IOL OF CHAS. SCIi.4s~IaER BA'~K .`OR R;;.-DSSI GIJAT IUTJ dS CUU:JTY iLiPOSITORY. This 10th day oP August, 1537, came on to be considered by the Court the application '~ P11ed by Charles Schreiner Bank, (Uni~~c or po rated) oP Kerrville, Texas, for its re-de signatio~~t as County Depository oP Kerr County as provided by ??o use Di11 :Io. 572, Acts oP 45th Legisle- ~~ tore, 3a~ular Se ;~.aion, 1537, to cover the current unexpired term oP such depository. '~, Aud it appearing to the Court that said Charles Sc hrainer B¢nk is re lu Trod under ~~, said legislative act to make Here bonds as such depository. ' Said Cnarlsa Schreiner Hank is therefore re4ue ated end directed by the Court to make the re iuired ne~.v bonds ea County, School and Trust Fund "Depositories oP Kerr County, '. in the amounts of its present bonds respectively, which bonds shall be pre seated to this ~. Court et its next special term ou the 16th day oP aug uet, 1937, for approval, after which approval said Bank's application for re-designation will be granted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o I ~' iJO. 1ti76, APPRO`7Ai. OF COUTITY T'_2;;.:5'JR::R'S ~,UARTi:RLY .'t;::PORT. '. This 10th day oP August, 1937, oame on to be examined and audited by the Court the t -- __ - ------'--- ----- ~~~