~I State oP Texae, ~ In Commissi m~e rs' Court, Kerr County, Texas. ~~ .I?o. 1u72 County oP Kerr. ( Au??oat Term, A. ll. 1537. This 9th day oP August, A. ll. 1937, terse on to be c r~sidered by the Court the matter '~, ' of contiruit~p: the County farm demonstration work in Kerr County, Texas, for a-Mother year ' Prom September 1st, 1937, and it ep nearing to the Court that the services heretofore randere~ by Agent, a. W. Sheen and no•ri rendered by Agent, T. W. Hillin are to the best irit erast of e I the stockmen end Parmerand tax payers of Kerr County and should be continued. ~, Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it is orderad by ~~ ~~ the Court that T, tt. Elillil{n be and is hereby omploy ed ea County Agent Por Kerr County for the year, beginn iii Sept. lat, 1937, and the eum oP wSU0.U0 be snd is hereby ap proprist ec~ stul set aside out of the 3oad snd Sri dge Pund oP l:e rr County Por the purpose of paying the County's portimz oP suoh County Agent's monthly salary during the period mentioned, '~ same shall be paid by the County Clerk unto said ..gent in 1L eguel monthly installments ,III pay sble on or after the first day oP each and every month beginning Oct. let, 1937 snd ending September 1st, 1938. !, A;,d the County Clerk ie hereby di rooted to Furnish a certified copy oP this order to ~, the T:xtension Service, A. k L?. College oP Texas, College Station, Texas. ~~a ~. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ::0. 1G 73, ACC EPT.:;!Cr: OF JU:[E ~i JULY 2:SpORTS Or WV_~TY L::'_iU."ST Ra^_I0:1 dGSiJT. ' This 9th day oP August, 1937, came on to be heard tho June end July, 1~:i7 reports of ' ?:'iss Frances gilroy, County De montt rot ion Lgent of Karr County, !vhich repo its bs and are ', hereby in ell respects accepted by tiie Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Lo. 1074, °;i3'UvJ Ur' H15U. 00 BY COUiJTY TAX AS 5::5 SOR TU R. L. $1 SIIJKL;G FUTJD. ~' This 9th day oP nuguet, 1937, come on to be considered the erroneous advance made by ,, this Co~.irt to E. H. ;!ichole, dssessor snd Collector of Taxes for Kerr County, at its last ' i July term, out oP the R. ll. $1 Sinkingr`und, and it appearing to the Court that the ,r15U ~ii so advanced out of said Sirixing 's`and should be returned by the Assessor to seid Fuad. ! ' Ssid n. °. _Iic hola is therefore re lue aced snd directed to refund said ;,~150.U0 ura o ', seid R. D. yl Sinking Fund a9 it appears that said Pund will iiot be liable Por any portion ~', of his commisslona for 1937. ~~ o-o-o-o-o-o ~, :o, 1ti 75, APFLIC.:^_IOL 0~' CHAS. SCH.4s~i;,s;R Bl SK .'OR ??s;-Ui:8I G1Ji.' i01J AS COU:JTY i~PCSITORY. This 10th da;+ of August, 1937, cane on to be considered by the Court 'a he spplic st ion filed by Charles Schreiner Bank, (Unincorporated) oP Kerrville, Texas, for its re-deaigr;atio~ ', as County Depository oP Kerr County as provided by House Bill iJO. 572, Acts of 45th Legisls- ~.. tore, 3epular 5e e.aion, 1937, to cover the current unexn fired tarm of such depository. '~ And it ap pearirrg to the Court that seid Charles Schreiner Bank is re lu lred under said legislative act to make nets bonds as such depository. Said Charles Schreiner Bank is therefore revue ated and directed by the Court to " make the re luirod ne~,v bonds es County, School and Trust Fund Depositories of Kerr County, in the amounts oP file present bonds respectively, which bonds siia ll be presented to this Court at its next special term on the loth day oP August,.1937, for approval, after which approval acid Benk's application for re-designation will be granted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o i~o. 1070, 6PPR0`7dL CF CUU1lTY T3rid5'JR::R'S v,JARTi:RLY '.L.PORT. This 10th day oP dug oat, 1937, oame on to be examined and audited by the Court the 3~~ _~a = ~', s'~ .3 quarterly report of B. Gold, Caun4y Traaauror, oovering the reaeiptq end disbursaeronta of Fen County for gaerter ending July 3Ut, 1987, and St appearing to the Court after pare- Yul end thorough examination and inapeotlon oP said report together witm the oanoellsd warrants, aheoke, Londe and ooapone eooompenying same, that said report Se tree and oorrsat in every reepso4, and same be and ie hereby approve8 is open Court. all ea Se shown Dy the oertiYioate of approval signed by Lhs Court and atteohed thereto, and the County 01erk shall rsoord said report in the loose-leaf reoord in hie otYioe and Yile euoh Deno slled warrant e, oh.aoka, bonds and oou pone for aeteeke aping and tut ura reterenoe. 9-0-0-9-0-0-0 No, 1677, NOT ICK OF COUNTY BUDGET y0x 1938. This 10th day of Aug uet, 1937, St Se grflered by the Court that She County Judge poet proper notlae at the Court House door and insert news-items in this week's Sesues oY both loo el newspapers, to the eYYSOt ghat the pub lio hearing will bs held on the propee ad 1938 County budget aL the Court H9usa is Karrvi lie, Tszae, at 10 O'plook A. Y„ Send ey, Angwt 16th, 1837, whioh Se the Hero and pleos hereby eat Yor said pub lie hearing on the proposed 1838 County Bosget by the Court. o-p.o-a-4-O The tore~oing mingtee on pages 349 40 366 hereof ino lueive, ware read in open Court end Yo and~~~oorr~~ra~ot/,A~and are hdreDy Sn ell raspeots approved by the Court, this the~~iy of -E~~3~ H. 1937. Attest: ~r~L~j/o~~~,y ~ Co oat o ge, s:'r oza y, sue. By c~ O r-Depaty. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEXAS, ( 1 COUNTY OB K$RR. ~ BE DC RE18t'SIBERED, Lhat on this 16th day of August, A. D. 1937, there was begun and golden a 3peoial term oY the Commissioners' Court of Ksrr County, at the Court House thereo Y, Sn the t9wn of Kerrville, Texas, oYY Seers present[ John 8. Atkins, - - - - - - County Judge, $enry &oketein, - - - - - - Oomeuasionar, $reoiaot No. 1, lilliem Karger, - - - - - Ooewdeaionsr, }'reoinot No. 3, T. J. 1D9re, - - - - - - - Comniseion~r. .graoiaot No. 4, end the Court having Lean regularly 9poned, the to11oa1ng prooesdinga were had, to-wit: Noe 1678, ADOPTION OF THE COUNTY BUDGET AND, I.B7Y OF 1937 TAYB$. • THE STATE 08 TEIAB, 1 In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Teue, COIINTY Oy KYtH. ~ August (Speaiall Term, A. D. 1934, BE Ix tiE~BRED, that on th~a the lath dtp+ of August, 1937, the Commleaianera'-C onrt oY the County oY Kerr, State of Teses, Dona sued in epsolal aesalen, preeeat and preeid ing John 9. Atkins, County Judge and ell members of the Court aucoept C9mmisa Sonar Beayd LeiAg present, Dame on Yor aonsi derat ion the adoption oY the County Budget ee prepared by the County Judge and County Clerk and filed with the County Clerk Yor publio inepeotion. Proper notioei having been given on 10th day of Augaet. 1937, by the County Judge by the s posting of a Dopy of said notice aE the Court House door in the City of Kerrv111e, Texas, a oo py oY whioh notice being atteohed to said budget. No interested tax-payers appearing before the Court, attar thorough examination and ooneidsratioa of said Doua[ty Hudget by the Court, upon motion made, seconded and nnanimoua- 7,y adopted, said County Budget for 1938 ae heretofore compiled by the County dodge and