3Sf No, 1680, AL7AwAIVCE OF FEE TO HARRY CIIATE FOR GORY ON 1938 COUNTY BUDGET. _ Th Se 16th day oY Auguet, 1937, it ie ordered by the Court that Harry Crete be paid e tee oP ;p100.00 out oP the General Fund by the County Clerk Por hie work on the 1938 County Budget, upon the oo mpletion by iv˘, Crate oP said County Budget in triplio ate eacording to law o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pe gee 355, 356, 357 hereof, were read in open Cour and found A, D, 1937. Attest: ox erY Co u ge, i oun y, ~sas. 8y Deyuty. o-o-o-o-o-o correct, and ere hereby 1n e11 reepeats approved by the Court, thle the day oYo~ `i HE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ I I COUIJTY OF KEHR. I 8E IT Ril6dlgiERED, thst on tiria let day of September, 1937, there wss begun and holden a Spec iel term of the Commis sione re' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House thereof, in the town oP Kerrvi lle, Texas, officers present: Johxr S. Atkins, - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct 1JO. 1, ~ 'ti ildem Karger, - - - - - - - Commiae Sonar, Prec Snot i4o. 3, ~ T. J. 1000re, - - - - - - - - Commiasio ue r, Preoinat No. 4, and the Court havix,g bean regularly opens d, the Yollowing proceadinge ware had, to-wit: No. 1681, CAiJVASS OF RiTURiVS OF SPECS6D ELaCTION HI;DL IN KERR COUNTY ON AUG. 23, 1937. Thie lflt day oP September, 1937, same on to be opened the rat urns oP the Special Election held throughout Kerr County on 1[ondey, Augu at 'L'ard, 1937, which rat urns were duly canvassed and tabulated by the Court ae shown on page 157, Vol. 2, oP the Record oP Election Returns oP Kerr County, Texas, and the County Clerk be and ie hereby authorized and directed to pay unto the oPfiaera holding said election out of the General Fund the regular per diem allowed each election oPP is era by law Por holding acid election. o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing mixxut ea on page 357 he reoP, were read Sn open Cou t axxd Pound correct, snd are hereby in ell~resr.eete approved by the, Court, this the~~y oP A. D. 1 n'tteat: ,~y _~crG Cou Ju ge, err ounty. axes. ~• Co ~ By aputy. 7 0-0-0-0-0-0-0 TEE STATE OF TEXAS, COUIJTY OF Kr'.RR. I BE IT Rn8(dldBr Ri.D, that on this 13th day oP Se ptemtier, A. D. 1937, there ~.vse begun snd holden a Regular term oP the Commieaione re' Court oP Kerr County, at the Court House th ereoP, in the town of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, officers present: John S. Atkins, - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - - -Commiaeioue r, Precinct No. 1, D. D. Heard, - - - - - - - - - - - - L'ommia slo ue r, Yrecinet IJo. L, :7111iam Karger, - - - - - - - - - - Commiesio ne r, Pree inct IJO. 3, T. J. -bor e, - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct IVO, 4, and the Court havixxg baexx regularly opened, the Pol lowing proaeeddnga were had, to-wit: IJO. 1641, AISA'!fAiVCE 0 COATIS A1JD ACCOUNTS.