3.Sr iVO. 1669, APPROVAL OF AUGUST '37 OFFICE EXPEI+5E REPORT OF THE CO UIdTY CLERY. This 13th day oP 3ept ember, 1937, came on to be examined by the Court the baguet, 1937, • office expense report oP Jno, R. Leavell, County Clerk oP Kerr County, sho•.vi ng actual snd necessary oPPice expenses incurred by him in the conduct oP his office during said month amounting to lo2t6.11, and it app earing to the Court that the County Clerk ie entitled to such expendit arse and Lhst said report is in all res peote correot, and same be snd is hereby approved Por its Pull amount by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ido. 1690, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT $4 FOR AUGUST, 1937. On this 13th day oP September, 1937, came on to be examined by Lhe Court the report oP Ed Smith, Juat ice oP the Peace oP Preai net ido. 4 oP Kerr County, Texas, Por period ending September 12th, 1537, of criminal ceeoe £i led, fine e, judgments end jury Pees co lleoted, eh owing the sum oP yb.00 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to s Pee oP j;w.00, snd it appearing to the Court that said report 1s torrent, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk ah all psy unto Justice Smith hie Pee oP u6.00 as Yo llo wa: ,$1. LO out oP the R. & B. Fund and $4.60 out oP the General Fund. g o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ido, 11;91, APPROVAL Or' COUNTY Ci:nR'S TABULAR STA~dJSci~T FOR V,UARTcR s.IdDIliG July 31, 137, On th ie 13th day oP September, 1937, oame on to be examined by the Court the Tabular Statement oP John R. Leavell, County Clerk, oP the Indebtedness, Expenditures and Rece ipte oP Kerr County, Taxaa, Por quarter ending July 31st, 1937, which report appearing oorrect Sn every respeot, be and is hereby approved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF F~RR On this the 13th day oP September, 1937, the Commissioners` Court oP Kerr County, Te zas, being in regular session at a regular term of said Court, the following members present; John 9. Atkins, County Judge, Henry Eckstein, Commissioner Precinct No. 1, i D. D. Heart, Commissioner Precinct No. 2, • Wm. Karger, Commissioner Precinct No. 3, T. J. Moore, Commissioner Precinct No. 4, Jno. R. Leavell, Clerk County Court and Exofficio Clerk, Commissioners' Court, the following proceedings, among others, were had, to-wit: ~ WHEREAS, on the 12th day of May, 1937, the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County passed an order authorizing the issuance of $44,000.00 RERR COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE IMPROVE- MENT WARRANTS to evidence the indebtedness due W. W. Vann & Company, for the improving of certain roads in said County, ¢ecording to contract dated the 12th d¢y of T7ey, 1937, between said Company and Kerr County, said warrants to be delivered to said contractor on estimates as the work progresses, which order is recorded in Book I, page 330, et seq., oP the N,inutes of said Court; and, WHEREAS, said contractor has presented its Warrant Estimate No. 3-3a, under said contract, which is in words and figures as follows: 370NTHLY ESTIMATE Type oP Work Gr. & Dr. Structures Estimate No. 3 Location State Perk Road County Kerr From Aug. 9, 1937 to Sept. 11, 1937.