3 6 g Ths Yorgoing ydnntea on pages 868 to 36g hereo2 inelnsive, were reed 1a open Conr4 ana Yoaad oorreot, and are De rsby in ell reepsola approved Dy the Oonrt, thla the i~ , bey o1 ~~. u, ~, D. 1989. ltteets ~ d ~-~ponrity OUrk - y 8 r eM 0t{a y, ezaa. By peputy, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0.0 Tne State oY Tessa, County oY Kerr. 1 Be it remembered, that on this 8th day oY ISov ember, A. D. 1537, the m wee begun era holden a Regular Term oY the Commise ionera' Court oY Kerr County, at the Court Houee the re oY, in the town of Kerrville, Texas, ofiiaere present: John S. Atk iris, - - - - - County Judge, Hexmy &ck stein, - - - - - Commie sione r, Precinot No, 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - Commis aione r, Precinct IJO. 2, #m. Karger, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct i9o, 3, ~ i i T. J. Yoora, - - - - - - Commis adoner, Preoinot No, 4, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooeedin ga were had, to-wit: t ..o. 1708, ALI01f4iJ CE CF CLAIMS AIdD ACC OUI7T 3. Thia 8th day oY November, A. -. 1937, acme on to be examined by the Court the vari oue a lei me and eaoounte tiled ag einet Kerr County and dta reepeotive Commiaedonere' precinata einoe last term oY the Court, all oY wh ioh eaoo ante end claims were approved Yor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oP reepeotive Yunde ae ahom by the ;dinutee of Aooounte Allowed Por Kerr County, Tessa, which are mado a pert oY this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ico, 1709, dPPRO YAL OF RcFJRT OF TH& JUST IC I•. OF TH8 PBACi9 OF PR%CIlCT 190. 1 FOR OCT., 1937. Thia 8th day oY llov ember, 1537, came on to be examined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr., Justice oY the Peaoe oY Preoim t Iio. 1 oY Karr County, Tease, Yor the month oY October, 1937, oY and urinal oases Yi le d, Yinee, judgment end jury Yees oolleate d, showing the anm oY ~8. 00 aoll voted end dapo sit ed with the County Treeaurer, entitling him to a tee aY Y6.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report ie oorreot, eeme be and la hereby approved and the County Clark shall pay unto Juatioe Burkett hie tee of $6,00 ea Yollowa: by County Treaea rer'e warrant against the General Fund. ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1710, PURCHASE OF 1.59 ACR&S CF RI GAT OF #AY FROY IdRS. LIMA KCKSTiiI Id. • Thie 8th day oY Iovember, 1937, it appearing to the Co urL that there Se required by ~ the State oY Texas Yor widening and improving State Highway I:o. 248 leading to the Kerrville State Sanatorium, a strip oY land ae rose the pr emi see oY iira. Lino Sokateia containing 1.55 sores oY land, and ae re yueated by the State Highx ay De pertment euah additional right-oY-way should be aeonred at the ooat and expense of Kerr County. It is the reYore .or de red by the Court that same be purohaeed by Korr County Yor the State oY Texas Yor the price oY $125.00, said puroha ae price to be paid by the County Clerk - out oY the 3. do B. Fund oY Precixwt No. 1 oY Karr County, upon exeoution and delivery oY Froper deed by Mra. Eckstein to the State of Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o