The foregoing minutes on pagee.369 to 371 hereof inoluaive, were read in open Court and 3 ~~ found aarreot, and are heraDy in ell reapeota approved by the Court, this the f~~day of 8. D. 1937. ntteat: County Clark - C y- a o, ; on y, Tezae. y puty. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The State of Tesas, ~ 4 County of Kerr. ~ Be it remembered, that on this 13th day of December, A. D. 1937, Share wee began ad holden a Regular Tore Of, the Qomaisalowrs' Ooart Oi Karr County, at the Court Honee thereof, in the town of Ysrfvilla, TeACae, oitioere preaent~ John 8. 4txius, - - - - - - Oounty.~aage, Henry 16fkatein, - - - - - Coamisaloa.r, Preoinot Ho. 1, D. Be Bears, - - - - - - - -Commieeioner, Preoinat Yo. 2, ~. Yarder, - - - - - - - - Commissioner, preoimt Ho. 8, !. J. IWora, - - - - - - - -Oommiseioasr, Yrecinot Ho. a, and She Oom't hsving been ragnlarly opened, the lollowing prooeedinga were had, to-wits Ho. 1722, ~L7.OIf8DCi Op OIJI1® e&D BCCOD8P8. This 18th day o! DeoemDer, A. D. 1987, Dame on to be szamined by the Co art the varioaa olains and wooaati tiled against Yerr Oonnty and its respsgtive pommiesionsrs' preoinats einoe last term of the Court, all of whioh aosounis and olaima were approved for payment Dy the County Olerk in amounts end out of respeotiv farads as shown by the lfinntea et 8peounte 811owed for $err County, Tszas, whioh are made a part of thla order. 0-0-0-0-0-0 The State of lszea. I 1n 4omniaslonera' gonrt, Yerr Oonnty, Tesep, So. 37x8 Coanty of $err. Regular Deeeaber:Ters, 1989. This 18th day of Deoembsr, ~. D. 1989, Dame on to be ooneidered by the Court the offer of The 8anson-Daviflaon Company of fan 8ntpnio, Tezaa, to poll onto Yerr County for the nee anfl benefit of its Permanent 8ohool ynna, Soar X3000.00 Tyler Ooaaty ltoaa Diatriot Ho. 1 Bond e, dated dept, let, 1928, motoring in 1966 ani 1967, Dearing 6~i semi-annual inters et, both prinalpal ani interest Bgable at"~wttios of State Treunrer at Bustin, and rued interest, Tazas, at the pries of 1.0~d~{' and it appadring to the Court that St Sa to the Dest interest of Yerr Ooanty and said whool Land that eagh bones be pnrohased. TD:ereiore, neon mat ion duly made, seoondea end unanimonaly adopted, said oiler of Thy 8anaon-Dsvidaon Opmpany be and is heraDy aooeptea py the CgWDt, end ttut said Donis be parohaaed and paid for aooardingly, eud~th• Qharle~ 8ohseiner Bank, Depository of Yerr Oouaty be and Se hereby aatheriRed and diregtN ;o pay for acme out of the permanent 8ohopl yard of $err County eo tar as the available money thereof will permit, end uid Depository ie further anthorlt`se~a and direoted to pay the remainder of the parohaae prioe of said bonds oat of the 8vairsole iohopl wand of Yerr Ceantyt- 13 and when Baia abow- deaoriDed bonds are dellverea to said Depository. • oertifled Dopy of Lhie order when delivered to tho Bepoaitory shall aathoriae said depository to oonenmmate said bond purohaas aooording to the terms and oonditiona thereof. o-o-o-o-a