.3 7 3 ~ Ho, 1724, APPRO7AL O) SEPORT O) THE JUSTIO$ Q) TH3 P$AO$. T880INOT N0. 1. l0$ NOV. 1889, Th1e.13th qaV oY Deosmbsr, 1987, saes oa to bs ezamined by the Coast Lha xvport of Joo Barkstt, Jr.. Juetioe oY the Paao• 02 Prsoinot No. 1 of %err Coanty, Sezae, for the month o! November, 1881, of eripinal ogees filed, Yinoa. judgment and fury Seas oollaoted, showing the sam oY ~60, 16 oollaoted and dsyoelt eel with the Coanty Traamir er, ant it ling him to a tee oY =60.00, end it apDaaring to the Court that acid raporL i• oorraet, same b• and is hereby apgoved, sad the Coanty Olark shall pq sate 3ns6 Soa Burkett hie tea oY 10,00 as follows: j16,1E oat oY Uis Hood & Bridg• )and and #{B.gS out o! the Oeaaral !'and, by props: warrants on the Coanty Troaanrsr. o-o-o-e-o-o Ho, 178b, PARTIAL ALLOg1N0$ TO i8. T. C. }ZN$ POR R$EPINB 3QS8 YIDiNI$ DAVIB. This 18th bay et DaaawDer, 1987, saws pn to b• oonaidere6 LDa npplloatlon of Yrs. T. 0. - lino foe an •llowaaa• for keeping YSss itinaie Dav1a daring Daeomboa, 1987, and ohs be and ie hereby allowed the eam of X10,,00 out oY the General Panel, to bo paid Dy the Coanty ClorY with warrant on Lha Coiwty Trsaaarss. o-o-o-o-o No. 17z6, TABULAR STATEM$NS 0) OOUNTY CL$RZ. Thi• 18th Bay oY Daoemler, 1887, •ama on to Do oo naidered sad ezamimed Dy the Court Lha tabular statement o2 th- iadebteflaaea, azpenditure• end raoeipts of Barr Oounty tot Jaartar ending Oot. 31st, 1887, oompilad and eabm144od by Jno. Y. Lsagil, Ooa~y Clerk, whioh raporL appeasing eorriet Da and Sa hereby approved Dy the Court. O-o-o-O-O-e Mate of Tezas, ! In Oeosiaaiozwsa' 4ourt, gets Oonaty, Tezas. ~ No. 1727 Coanty of Ssrr. ~ Regular paoaoler Term, ~. D, 1987. TRINSPER OP SAPSH$$PINO ANO CUSTODY OP BONDS 0)N$D HY gSRB COUNTY. On this, the 18th day oI Deoombar, 1887, dt appaAi7lag tothp Coast that Ches. Sahrsiaar Bank, IInlnoorporated oY Yerrvssla, Tozaa, as County end $ohoel Pnnd Depoeltory oY gars County, Tszae. hoe tiled olaim for ~4d.C0 to oover ono 9ear'e handling sad inaoranoo oharged on the boado for ~dd,000.00 sow held by said Bast in the rawet Natiowl Beak o; San Antonio, Ta7tae, Yor sate-koeping, mid it farther apyearlag to the Coast that aeid Doada oaa Ds plaood in the onatody oY Coanty Troaearsr, 7im11 geld Yor safe-keeping ani oolleatioa of interest end grinolpal without ezponN t0 Lha Ooaaty, it is therefore ordered by the Ooot that Bald Charles $ohrainer Sank reosll and N transfer th. {44,000.00 of bonds belonging to the Perolaneat 4ohool Panel of gars 6onaty a and the X3,000,00 oY bonds belonging to Road Dietriot No. 8 Sinking 8und of %err County, from the Proet National Bank o! San Antonio, Tazae, to aeid Treaearar, $, bold, oho shall keep same in h1e ouatody in the Court Hoaa• Yos eats-kaey ing and oolieotlon: ooad iti onod howenr, that Lhe transfer of snob bonds into the bends of the Coanty Treasurer will aave Yerr Oouaty aunh 1f 10th oY l~i ina~a'anoa sad Dandling charge by the Depository. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1728, ACC$PTAPIC$ OP NOVEMBER REPORT OP OOUNTY IDSALTH NURSE. This 13th day oY DeoemDar, 1937, oama on to De hoard the written report of Mrs. rinifred Borg Hankins, County Publia Health Narao Yor the month of November, 1837, which report be and la hereby saoeptsd by the OOnrt. o-o-o-o-o-o