No. 1729, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY EEPENSE REPORTS OF dSSES90R AND COLLECTOR OF TASES AND COUNTY CLERK. i Th1e 13th day oY December, 1537, same on to be ezamined by the Court the November, 1937 reports of 8. $. Niohole, deeeeaor and Collector of Tazes aid John R. Leavell, County Clerk, covering actual and nooeeaary ezpsnees Snourred by them in the oonduoS of their reepeotive ~ oYYiaea, amounting to $31.E4 and X305.07 raapeativaly, which reports appearing correct, be ~' r and are hereby approved by the Court in their full amounts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1730, ACCEPTANCE OF BID OF BRUNO SCHOTT. COBTRY:TOA ON dLTER1TI0N OF COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. Th1e 13th daq of Daoembar, 1937, cam on to be aonaidered by the Court the bid OY Bruno So hot t, Contractor on two proposed alterations oY the oYYioe of the daseeaor and III Collector oY Tazes in the Coat House, end Propoaitlon No. 2 as oatlined in Mr. Sohott'e I bid be and is hereby eooepted, std he is hereby eathorized and directed to take out the 2 aide (hall) lights and door leading to the hall end repleae eama with three operating windows and shelves on outside, and do Lha neoeeeary plaetering and painting, all Yor the price of $j80.00, to be paid unto said aontreotor out of the General Fund oY the County at nozt term oY the Court attar completion of Sob. o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Texas, 1 In Commiaeionera' Court, Kerr County. Tezaa, ~ No. 1731 Coanty of Kerr. 1 Regular DacemDer Term, d. D. 1937. This 13th day of December, 1937, Dame on to be considered the closing of that part of the old Bandera Road from 8t ate Park entrana• down the River through the Pankrata end Fitzsimons pro par ties to nen Bandwra Road, end SS appearing to the Court that aim e the completion of said new Stets Park or Bend era Aoad that said part of old road above mentioned hea Deen abandoned and should be oloaed. 9a id portion of acid old Heniera Road tram State Park antrame down the River through ea id Pankratz erd Fitzaisona propsrtise to Lhe new road, ie therefore ordered oloaed and discontinued by the Court, and the right ai way of aaoh aloeed and abandoned road Sa hereby divested out of Kerr County and vested in the property owners entitled thereto, and Commie- eicner Henry &skata in be and ie he raby authorized and direotod to fence such oloaed road along where same intereeats the new road on the Pitzaimone property, and the property owners may enclose their reepeativs parts thereofowotoio oho r fenced •m loauree. No. 1732, PERMIT FOA T. S'. b L. CO. TO LOCATE POLE IN RIGHT OP 1fAY OF HARPER ROAD. This 13th day of December, 1937, name on to be considered by the Court the verbal application of Manager R. M. MSOk1e for permission to the Tezae, Power & Light Company to locate a eervioe pole at its 9arvey Station No, 6 plus 00 1n the edge of the Harper Road ~~ in Preci m t No. 1 of Kerr Coanty, 550 feet N, 40 8. Paom we et corner of the •. Scott Sahreine i property, end it appearing to the Court that same should be granted ae preyed for. i Said Company Se therefore authorized to erect said vole at herein described location, I and it is hereby agreed by and between said Company end the Court, that in event said road ~ is widened in the future, the Court will make provfelon 4or the re loo at ion oY said pole and M that Kerr County will pay the reasonable ezpenae oY moving acid pole. '~ o-o-o-o-o-o V ~ No. 1733, ACCEPTANCE OF OCTOBER ASID NOVFHBER, 1937 RSPORTB OF COUNTY ROMP DEMONSTRATOR. i This 13th day of Deoembar, 1537, acme on to be heard the Oat. and Nov. 1937 Reports I poi Mies Jain Aofford, County Home Demonstration Agent- of Kerr County, each of'whiah reports be and is hereby eooepted by the Court. 34~ o-o-o-o-o-o