N No. 1729, 1ppROV/L OF MONTHLY EKPKNSB REPORTS OF /38ESSOR 1ND COLIT+CTCR 3 7~ OF TOKE9 lI0) COIINTY CLEF. Thia 13th da,7 oY Daoeaber, 1937, same on to be ezamined by th• Court the November, 1937 reports oP B. R. Ndohole, leeesaor and Collector of Tezea and John R, Leevell, Connty C1erY, covering actual and neoeeeary ezpeneee inourrad by the-m in the conduct of their respective oiYio ea, amounting to $31.E4 and $305.07 re ape alive ly, wh ioh ro ports appearing correct, be end are hereby approved by the Court in their Pull amounts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1730, 1CCEPT/NCE OF BID OF BRUNO SC ROT T, CONTRICTOR ON 17lTER1TION OF COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. Thia 13th day of Daoenber, 1937, came on to be considered by the Court the bid oP Bruno Schott, Oontreotor on two propoeed alterations oP the oPPice oP the deaeasor and COlleo for oP T9a96 in th• Court House, and Pro po ei ti on No, 2 ae outlined in Mr, 8ohot t'e bid be and Se hereby accepted, and he is hereby authorized and direoted to take out the 2 aide (hall) lighba and door leading to the hall end replace same with three operating wi ndowe end ehelvee on outeid e, and do the ne oe esary plaster lug and painting, all Por the price oP X80.00, to be paid unto said contractor out oP Lhe General Fund oP the County at nezt term oP the Court sitar completion oP fob. o-o-o-o-o-o-o State oP Tezes, 1 In Commdeaionere' Court, Ksrr County, Tezea, ~ No. 1731 Connty of Kerr. 0 Regular December Term, /. D. 1837. This 13th day oP Deoemb er, 1937, oeme on to be co add ered the olo ad ng oP that pert of the old Band are Road from 8t ate Park entrano• down the River through the Pankrata end Fitzeimo ne pro par ties to new Bandera Road, and it appearing to the Court that ei nos the oampletion oP said new State Perk or Band era Road that ea16 part oP old road above mentioned hea Deen abandoned an8 should be oloeed. Said portion oP eeid old Beal era Road Pram State Park entrance down the River through Bald Pankratz end Fitzaiaona propsrtise td the new road, Se therePOre ordered oloeed end dlacontinued by the Court, end the right of way oP such oloeed e~ abandoned toed Se hereby divested oat oP Kerr County and vested in the property owners entitled thereto, and Commis- sioner Henry Eekste In be and ie hereby auth orizad and direoted to canoe such oloeed road along where same intereeota the new toed on the Fltzaimone property, and the property own ere may enclose their respective parts thereoto~oto1o-choir Penoed sm loeures. fto. 173E, PERMIT FOR T. P. & L. CO. TO LOC/TE POLE IN RIGHT OF 1f1Y OF H/RPER RO1D. Thia 13th day of December, 1937, oeme on to be considered by the Comm the verbal application oP Manager R. M. Yiokle for permission to the Tezea, Power & Light Company to locate a service pole at its 9arvey Station No. 6 plus 00 in the edge of the Harper Road in Praci mt No, 1 oP Kerr County, 950 Peat N. 40 8. Prom west corner of the *, Scott 8ohrei property, and it appearing to the Court Lhat acme should be granted ae preyed Por. Said Company Se the re Pore authorized to erect said vole at herein described location, and it is hereby agreed by and between said Company and the Court, that in event eeid road is widened in the Future, the Court will make provision Por the relocation oP ea18 pole and that Kerr County will pay the reasonable eapense oP moving said pole, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1733, dCCEPTINCE OF OCTOBER 6DID NO9E8BER, 1537 REPORTS OF OOQNTY HOldfi DEYONSTRITOR. This 13th day oP December, 1937, oeme on to be heard the Oot. and Nov. 1937 Reports oP Mies Jane Aoftord, County Home Demonstration igeut. of Kerr County, each oP'whiah reports b• and is hereby accepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o