No. 1729, APPROy6L OF MONTHLY EKPEN88 REPORTS OF l8SES80R dI~ID COLLECTOR 3 7 OF T1KE8 dDID COUNTY CLEBe. This 13th day of December, 1937, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the November, 1937 i reports of E. H. Nichols, leeeeeor and Col Lector of Tazea and John 8, Leavell, County ClerY, covering actual and neoeeaary ezpenaes incurred by them in the aonduot of their reepeotive p offices, amounting to '31.24 and X305.07 respectively, which reports appearing aorreat, be IF end are hereby apyrovsd by the Court in their full amount e. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1730, ACCEPTANCE OF BID OF BRUNO SCHOTT. CONTRACTOR ON A7I1'ERLTION OF COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. Thia 13th day of Deoaaiber, 1937, same on to be oonaidered by the Court the bid of Bruno Schott. Oontraator on two proposed alterations of the office of the 6eseseor and COlleotor of Tezae in th• Court House, and Proposition No. 2 as outlined in Mr. 8ohott'e bid be and ie hereby aooapted, and he Sa tureby authorised and directed to take out the 2 aide (hall) lighbe and door leading to the hall and replace same with three operating windows end ahelvee on outside, and do the necessary plastering end painting, all for the price of $80.00, to be paid unto said ooib rector out of the 6aneral Fund of the Coanty at nezt term of the Caurt after completion of fob. o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tezae, 1 In Commieaionere' Court, Ksrr County, Tezae, I No. 1731 County of Korr. 1 Regular DaoemDer Term, ~. D. 1937. Thi• 13th day of December, 1937, Dame on to be considered the oloeing of that part of the old Benders Road from Bt ate Park entrano• down the River through Lhe Pankrata end Fitzaimona properties to new Band era Road, and iL appearing to the Court that aim e the completion of said new SS at• Park or Bead era Road that ea id pert of old road above mentioned Lea Deen abandoned and should be oloaed. Said portion of eeid old Bend era Road from 8t ate Park entrame down the River through said Pankratz end Fitzsimons pro pertiee to Lhe new road, Se therefore ordered oloaed and diaaontinued by the Court, and the right of way of such oloaed avd abandoned road is hereby divested out of Kerr County erri vested in the property owners entitled thereto, and Commie- 9loner Henry Eekstein be and Sa hereby authorized and directed to fence such oloaed road along where same intereeot• the new road on the Fitzaimona property, end the property owners may enolaae their reepeativs parts thereofo~otiolo-oheoir Yenned •m loeurea. No. 1732, PERMIT BOR T. III. & L. CO. TO LOCiTE POLE IN RIGHT OF WdY OF HdRPER ROAD. Thia 13th day of December, 1937, Dame on to be oonaidered by the Coia'L the verbal application of Manager R. M. Miokle for permission to the Tezae, Power & Light Company to locate a earvlae pole at its Sarvsy Station No. 6 plus 00 in the edg• of the Aarpar Road in Preci mt No, 1 of Kerr County, 950 feet N. 40 &. Paom west corner of the i. soott 8ohrein property, mud it appearing to the Court that same should be granted ee preyed for. Said Company ie therefore authorized to erect said pole at herein described location, and St is hereby agreed by and between said Company and the Court, that in event eeid road Se widened in the future, the Court will make provision for the re loo at ion of said pole and that Kerr County will pay the reasonable ezpsnae of moving avid pole. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1733, ACCEFTANCE OF OCTOBER dDm NOPEHBER, 1937 RSPORTB OF COUNTY HOME DEMONBTR~T08. Thie 13th day of December, 1937, name on to be heard the Oot. and Nov. 1937 Reports of M1ae Jam Wofford, County Home Demonstration (gent of Kerr County, each of'whiah reports be and is hereby aooapted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o