3 ~~ State of TeZaa, ~ In Commis ei one s' Court, Barr County, Teus. No. 1734 Oe anty of Yerr. 1 xeg ulcer Daoamber Term, 1937. This 18th dq Of Deoambsr, 1837, oama on to b• oonsidered the written applioetion of Eharlas 8ohreiner Hank, Unincorporated, of %errville, Tsus, County Depository o! %arr Coaaty, ee looted end deaig noted ee sash Dsyoeit cry at lebruary, 1937 term of this Court for a term of two years, beginning with >eb. Term, 1937 of Lhie Court end terminating with yebmary Tsrm, 1939 of thi• Cota~t, asking to ba re-designated ae each County Depository of %arr County for the remainder of the ourrszzt depository term, ae provided and er the terms and aonditione of Houe• Hill No. 572, dote of the 4bth Lsgielat~re, Hsgalar 9easien, 1989, end it •ppsaring to the Court that said Bank ie entitled to amh re-designation ea provided by said law. Now, Thareiora, said Charles 8ohrsiner BanY, (Uninoorporatsd) of Herrville, Tezaa, b• and is hereby re-designated by ttu Coart as the County Depository of Yerr County, Teus, for all county and school Yazd a of Kerr County and far ell treat iunde of Lhe Co az:ty and Di etr SOt Olerka of %arr County, for the remalndsr of the current two year term ending 60 days after ad joarnment of the regular February term of 1939 of this Court, as provided ~ by H. B. No. 872, /.ote of 4bth Legialatnre, Begalar Bea eioa, 1937, and said Bank shall not be required to make and tarnish new bond or bonds ae •mh depository, and it shell o out inae to be the duty of the Oo wrt y Treasurer, County Tat Collector, County end Dietriet Clsrke end all other county and preoim t otiioera of Yerr Ooanty receiving moneys belonging to any fund of Ksrr County daring said term, to depoalt such moneys in the herein designated ~~ County INpository. The bond or bonds of sash depository ae now is foro• being hereby aoaepted ana delare8 by the Court as good eni sufiloient bond to oaver all liabilities of said Dapo ai tory for the remainder oP ea7d term. o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 372 to Sib hereof, imlunive, wore read in open oort ens to and earreot, ana are fzsrsby is all respects approved Dy the Coact, this / dqy of January. ~. D. 198®, ltteat: suety Clerk Coa a ge, err can y, sus. By Deyaty. 0-0-0-0-0-R-0 THH 8T~TB Dp TH7Cd8, j COUNTY OF K6HH. ~ BB IT NB16sYBESBD. that on this 10th dqy of January, t. D. 1938, there wee began and holden a Beg ulcer Team of the CoaaleeloaerY' Court of Kerr Coaaty, r at the Court House thereof, in Lhe torn of %errville, Teus, oYfiosra presents John 8. Atkins, - - - - . - - County Judge, Hairy pbketein, - - - - - - - Commieeioner, Prsoimt No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - - - Commiaeione r, Yreoimt No. 2, gym. %sages, - - - - - - - - Commieaioner. Preoimt No. S, T. J. ]bore, - - - - - - - Comiseioner, precinct Ho. 4, ~. 8. ptoore, Shsriit sad Jno. B. Lsaveli, County Clerk, and the Oo art having been regularly opened, the following proo endings were had, to-wit: No, 173b, dLL0~N08 OB OLOIi6 AND ACOOUNT3. Thia 10th day of Jenwgy, A. D. 1938, cams on to b• euminsd by the Court the various claims end aooonnta tiled against Yerr County and Ste reapsotive Commiealonera' Breoimt• since lent term oY the Court, all of which weo Qate and claims wets approved by the Court foe,payment by the CouaCy Clerk in amonnte and oat of reapsotive'innds ae ehowa y • ,39G minutes of Aooonnte Allowed far Kerr County, Tezea, which are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1736, APPROVAL OF REPORT QF THE JUSTIOE OF TAE PEACE. PR80INCT N0. 1, FOR DEC. 1837. Thia 10th day of deanery, 1935, Dams on to be exuined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr., Justios of the Pseoe of Precino4 Bo. 1 of Kerr Oonnty, for the month of Deosmbsr, 1937, of oriminal Deese tiled, fines, ~ndgmsnt and 3ary fees oolleoted, showing the enm of #79.30 oolleoted and deposited with the County Trsaeares, entitling him to s fee of X84.00, and it appearing to the Coast that said report is oorreot, gems b• end ie hereby approved, and the County Clark shell pay onto Jnst ioe Barkett hie fee of j84.00, and it appearing to th• Court that said report is oorreot, acme b• and is hereby approved, end the County plerk shall pay onto Jwtioa Burkett hie !e• of X84.00 as follows: X16.21 oat of the $. do 8. )nni and 567.99 oat of the oeneral Fend, Dy proper warrants on the Connty Rreasarer. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1737, ALLOI/ANCE OF OFFICE EKPENSE FOR LOCAL EbTLOYiDaNT OFFICE. Thia 10th day of Janna=y, 1938, it appearing to th• Court that the oonduot of the employmaat offioe by the looal junior interviewer Yor the State offioe, Doa Stovall has end is now of great benefit and oonvenisnoe to the taz-payers and oitixans of Kerr County, and that the appliaatlon of said interviewer for partial oYfioe ezpenee to the eztent of 510.00 per month ehonld be allowed. Hia said applloation for said ellowano• of 310.00 per month be and Se thsrefor• granted, payab U by the Country Clark oat of the Oeneael land to the Tezae State Employment 8ervia• on or after the first dq of oeoh and every month, baginning 7eb. 1, 1938, until diaoontinned by further order of thin Court. o-o-o-o-O-p-O No. 1738, APPROVAL OF DEC$iRl$$, 1839 REPOT OF OOIINTY POBLIC ~AUi'H HV$SE. Thia 10th day of January, 1938, name on to D• heard the report for Deosmber, 1937, of IC•s. wlnifred Bosg Hankins, which repaart be an0 is hereby aaoepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1739, APPROVAL OF DECEI~E$. 1937, COIIRIY $OiCi DEIIDNSTRATION AOENT'S REPORT. Thia 10th day of Janaary, 1988, rims on 4o De heard the report for Beoembsr, 1957, of ltisa Jans wofford, County Hone Demonabration Agent, whioh report b• and Se hereby aooepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1740, -APPROVAL OF 4988SSCR b COLj.E0T08'S DEpBSBER, 1937, OFFICE EKPENSE 8EP0$T, Thia 10th dqy of 3annary, 1838, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the Deoember, 1937 report showing a total of 544.61 of aotnsl ens nweeeary offioe azpenaea inourred by E. H. Nioholq, Aeaeasar and Colleetos of Tazss for Karr County, in the aondnot oY hie offioe Yor said month, which report appearing eorrsot, b• and ie hereby apyrovod for its full amount. o-o-o-o-o-o Th• State of Ta=aa, In pommiasionere' pourt, Kerr County, Tsza4, No. 3741 . Connty of $err. Eegular January Team, 1935. Thia 10th dqy of January, A. D. 1935, Dams on to b• considered by the Court, the offer of The Ranson-Davidson Oompany of San Intonio, Tezas, to sell unto Karr Oognty for the use end benefit of Karr Connty Road Dlstrist No. 3, five 5100.00 Harper Independent School Diptriot bonds, dated Dso. 1, 1934, due Deo. let, in the late siztiss, bearing b9L semi-