for payment by the Coanty Clerk in amounts end oat of reey~otive'lnnda ae shown y minutes of ~oounte plowed for Kerr County, Tezae, which are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1736, APPEOVdL OF RBPORT QP THP JUSTICE OF TAS PEACS, PRBOINCT N0. 1, FOB DHC. 1837. This 10th day of danuary, 1938, Dame on to De ezamined by She Oourt the report of Joa Burkett, Jr., Juatios of the Peace of Preoinot No. 1 of Karr Oonnty, for the month of Daosmber, 1987, of oriminnl Deese filed, fines, jadgment and jary fees oolleotad, showing the sum of $79.30 oollsotsd and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of $84.00, end it appearing to the Coact that said report is oorreot, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk shall pay onto dnatios HarketL hie tea of $84.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is aorreot, creme ba and is hereby approved, and the Couuty Clerk shall pay onto Jastio• Barkett his fe• of $84.00 as follows: $16.21 oat of the E. d, H, )ttni and $67.99 out of the Oenarpl H'nnd, by proper warrants on the County Treaearar. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1737, dLLOwINCH OF OFFIOH PZPBNSS FOE LOCdL SYPLOYY6NT OFFICK. This 10th day of January, 1938, it appearing to th• Court that the oonduot of the employment oYYio• by the local junior Interviewer for the State office, Doo 8tova1l hsa and Sa now of great benefit and oonvenisnoe Lo the taz-payers and oitizena of Kerr County, and that the appliaetion of said interviewer for partial ottiae ezpenea to the extent of $10.00 per month ahoald De allowed. Hie said application for eeii allowano• of $10.00 par month be and Sa th eratore granted, payable by Lhe Cou~y Olerk out of the Oenerel 8nnd to the Tazae State KmploymenL 90rvio• on or after the fir et day of each and every moth, Dsglnning >ab. 1, 1938, until dieoontinued by further order of thin Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1738, 1PPROV~L OB DPsCH10;ZS8, 1939 EKP08T OB COUNTY PUBLIC HS~IA'H HD'88H. This 10th dap of January, 1938, Dams on to D• heard the report for Daoamber, 1987, of ]bra. winitred Borg Hankins, which repart b• and L1 hereby aaaapted Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1739, ~PP80Y/S OF DKCH1038$, 1937, COUNTY HO1tS DHIEDNSTRdTION iGBNT'S EEP08T. This 10th dqy of danaarg, 1888, Dame on to be heard the report for Daoembsr, 1987, of Yias Jane •ottord, County Hoa Demonstration (gent, which report b• and ie hsreDy aooepted Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1740, -APPEOV4L OF ~S88S80$ a COLLPSOTOE'S DHCSiBNB, 1937, OFFI08 EKP8N88 EHPCET. This 10th day of iannary, 1838, same on to bs examined by the Oourt the Daoembar, 1837 report showing a total of $44.61 of actual and neoeaeary offioa expenses inonrred by K. H. Nichols, iseaeeor ana Collector of Tazee for Karr Oonnty, in the oonduot of hie otiioe for sail month, which report.appearing oorraot, b• and ie hereby approved Yor its full amount. o-o-o-o-o-o Th• State of Tezea. In Commiesionors' Court, Kerr County, Pezei, No. 1741 County of Kerr. 8egular January Team, 1938. This 10th dRy of January, ~. D. 1938, Dear on to be oonaidered by the Court, the offer of The $anaon-Davidson Oompany of San Lntonio, 4azea, to sell unto Karr County for the use and Denafit of Karr County Road Diatriot No. 3, five $100.00 Harper Independent School Dietriot bonds, dated IHq, 1, 1834, due Dao. let, in the late sixties, bearing 6$6 aemi-