tor-paymen4 by the Cou~y ClerY in amounts and out of respective funds as shorn y 39G minutes oY laoounte Mowed for Kerr County, Tezee, which are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o fto. 1736, dPP$OVdL OF RSPORT QF THS JUSTICE OF THS PE1CS, PRECINCT N0. 1, BO$ DSC, 1837. This 10th day of January, 1938, Demo on to be ezamined by the Oourt the report of Jos Burkett, Jr., Juetios of the Peace of Precinct No. 1 of Karr Oonnty, for the month oY December, 1937, oY criminal Deese filed, tines, judgment and Jury lass oolleoted, showing the enm oj! $79.30 oollsotsd and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a tea of 184.00, and it appearing to the Coast that said report Se correct, same be and ie hereby approved, ant the County Clerk shall pay auto Justice Barkstt his foe of 184.00, end it appearing to Lhe Coact that sold report is aorreot, aem• be and ie hereby approved, end the County Clerk shall pay unto dnetioe BurYstt hie fas of X84,00 es tollowa: X16.21 out of the $, m B. Bunn a:ri X67,78 oat of the general Bnnd, by proper warrants on the County Treasurer. O-0-0-0-0-0 fto. 1737, bLL011611CS OF OFFIOS SZPSNBS FOR LOCL7. SYPLOYiDbP7T OFFICE. This 10th day of January, 1938, it appearing to the Court that the oonduot of the employment office by the loael junior interviewer Yor tho State oifioe, Doo Btovall hoe and is now of great benefit and oonvenisnaa to the taz-payers end citizens of Kerr County, end that the appliastion of said interviewer Yor partial oifioe ezpen6e to the eztent of $10,00 per month should be allowed. Hie said application for safe allowance of $10.00 yer month be and Sa therefore granted, payable by the County Olerk out of the general Fend to the Tezee State Smployment 8srviae on or alter the first dqy of each and every moth, beginning Bab. 1, 1838, until discontinued by further order of this Court. a-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1738, lPP$OVIL OB DSCSID3BH, 1937 REPORT OB COURTY PUBLIC HBIIli'H HUBS. This 10th day of January, 1938, Dams on to be heard the report for December, 1937, of She. Riniired Borg Rankine, which report be anal L hereby aooepted Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1739, ~PP$OYIS OF DECSi®$$, 1937, COUBTY HOLDS DSi®N8T$ATION JgSNT'3 RSPORT. This 10th day of January, 1838, name on to he heard the report for Beoembsr, 1937, oY plea Jane woiYord, County Home Demonstration lgent, which report be and is hereby aooepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1740, 6PPRDV4L OP •588980R & COLLEOTOR'8 DSCSidBBB, 1937, OBBIOB E7CPBNSS RSPO$T. This 10th dry? of Sannar,7, 1938, Dame on to be ezaminsd by the Oourt the December, 1937 report showing s total oY X44.61 of aotusl and necessary cities ezpen6ea inanrred by S. H. Siohola, ieaeaeor ana Collector of Tazew for Kerr Oonnty, in the oonduot oY his oifioe Yor said month, which report-appearing aorraot, be and Se hereby approved Yor its toll amount. o-o-o-o-o-o The Bt ate of TezaB, In Commissioners' Oourt, Kerr County, Tezaa, No, 1741 County of P:err. $agaler January Tex, 1838. This 20th day of January, ~, D. 1938, Dame on Lo be oonaidered by the Court, the oiler of The $aneon-Davifleon Oompany of Ben lntonio, Tazaa, to sail unto Kerr Oopnty foe the uas and benefit of Kerr Coanty $oea District No. 3, five X100.00 Harper Independent School DietricL bonds, dated Dso, 1, 1834, due Deo. lot, in the late eiztiss, bearing bj~ eemi-