toa~payment Dy the County Clerk in amounts and oat of reepeotive'innde as shown y minutes of tea ounte dl lowed Yor Kerr County, Tessa, wh ioh ere made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1736, APPROV6L OF RRPORT OF TBR JUSTICE OF TAE PE6CS, PRECINCT N0. 1, FOR AEC. 1937. This 10th day of danuary, 1938, Dame on to Da examined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr., Juebios of the Peao• of Preoinot No. 1 of Kerr Ooanty, for the month oY Deosmber, 1937, of criminal oases tiled, fins e, judgment and ~nry iota oolleoted, showing the enm of $78.30 oollsoted and deposited with the County Trsasarer, entitling him to a fee of $84.00, and it appearing to the Con;t that said report is oorreot, same be and Se hereby approved, and the County Clerk shall pay auto dnatios Hackett h1e fee of $84.00, azd it appearing to the Court that said repor4 i• oorreot, ^aN be and is hereby approved, and the County Olerk shall pay onto Jnetio• Hnrkett hi• te• of $84.00 as follows: $16.21 oat of the R. ,b 8. fund and $67.78 out of the Bsneral 7nnd, by proper warrants on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1737, dLLO111NCE OF OFFIOR EEPRN88 FOR LOCLL EYPTAYYENT OFFICE. This 10th day of January, 1938, it appearing to th• Court that the oonduoL of the employment ottiae by the laoal junior interviewer for the State ottioa, Doa Stovall ha• and ie now of great benefit and aonvenienoe to the tax-payers and oitizena of Kerr County, and that the applioation of said interviewer for partial ottiae expense to the ezteat of $10.00 per month should ba allowed. Hie sai8 applioation for said ellowana• of $10.00 per month be and Sa th eretor• granted, payable by the Conntiy Clerk out of the 8eneral Band to the Teas Btate $aploymenL 80rvio• on or otter the first day of each and every moth, beginning Hb. 1, 1938, until disoontinned by further order of this Court. O-O-o-O-O-p-O No, 1738, JPP$OVLL OF DEC$1038$, 1937 REPORT OP COUNTY POBLIC H$17IPH HQRSE. This 10th day of January, 1938, Dame on to D• heard the report for Deosmber, 1937, of ]fre. •iniired Borg Hankins, which report be and it hereby aooepted Dy thq Court. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1738, ~PPROQ3L OF DECE1diER, 1937, COURTY HO]DZ DEiWNBTRdTION •C.ENT'8 REPORT. This 10th dqy of Janaarg, 1838, Dame on to bs heard the report for Deoembsr, 1887, o! Yiaa Jene woitord, County Home Demonstration Igent, which report b• and Se hereby aooepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1740,.ApPROVdL OF •S8E880R & COLLECTOR'8 DECEYBEB, 1937, OFFICE EKPENSE BEPORT, This 10th day of ienuary, 1838, same on to be examined by the Oourt the Dsoember, 1937 report showing a total of $44.61 of actual and neoeaeary ottioe expenses inonrred by E. H. Nichols, iaseeaor end Collaotar of Tas•e for $err Oonnty, in the oonduat of his ottiae for said month, which report appearing aorreot, b• and ie hereby approved for its full amount. o-o-o-o-o-o Th• State of Texas, In Qommieelonera' pourt, Yerr Oonnty, Tszas, No. 1741 County of $err. Regular January Term, 1838. This 10th day of January, I. D. 1938, Dame on Lo b• ooneldered by the Court, the otter of The Hanson-Davidson Company of aan lntonio, Tezea, to Ball unto Kerr County for the use end benefit of Kerr County Roaa Dietriot No. 3, five $100.00 Harper Independent School Dietriot bonds, dated Deo. 1, 1934, due Dec. let, in the late sixties, bearing Sj~ semi-