eaoh,. payable on or after the last dqy of eaoh calendar month, beginning Jan, 31sS, 1838, ~ 3 ~ with proper warrants on the Qonnty Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 17•6, ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLERK'S SOLAHY. This 10th day of January, 1938, it Sa ordered by the Conn that the annual salary of the Diatriat Clerk of Kerr County be and ie hereby tiled as provided by the 1935 Qonnty Budget at the eam of X720.0,0 per annum, for the currant year, 1935, which salary ehnll be paid unto the Dietriot Olerk in 12 monthly installments of X60.00 eaoh, out of the General Fund by proper warrants drawn by the Qonnty Clerk On or after the last day ei eaoh month's earviaea oa the Coanty Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1745, ORDER FIXING SALARY OF COIINTY •TTORN$Y. This 10th day of January, 1938, 1t ie ordered and decreed by the Oourt that the salary of the do anty Attorney for the oarrent year, 1938, be and ie hereby 41xed ea provided by the 1538 County Sadgat, at the sum of 360.00 Per annum, to be paid out of the General Fund in twelve monthly installments of #50,00 eaoh by property warrants drawn by the Oounty Clerk on the Oo unty Treasurer on or after the la at dqy of eaoh calendar month beginning Jan. 31st, 1835. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 1748, ORD3R FIXING SALARY OF SHERIFF 1ND JLIL GUARD OF KBRR COUNTY. This 10th day of Janaary, 1938, it is ordered and decreed by the OonrL that the Sherifi~ salary for the currant year, 1838, be end le hereby iixsd ae provided by the 1938 County Budget at the sum ai $1,780.00 per annum, ae follows: {1,190 per annum ea Sheriff of Karr County, and j540.00 per annum ae Jeil Guard of Kerr Coanty. 9eid entire salary to ba paid by the Cotwty OlerY to Sheriff A. F. Poore out oP Lhe General Fund in twelve monthly installments of X144.17 eaah by proper warrants drawn on the County Treasurer on or after the leaf day of each month beginning Jan. 31 et, 1938. And said Sheriff shall be further allowed the sum of eizty Dente per day for boarding eaoh prieioner in the County Jail plus fifteen saute per day for sate-keeping eaoh priadner. Oo-o-o-0-0-00 No. 1749, ORDRR BI%IN6 COUNTY TREASURER'8 COMSISBION. This 10th day of January, 1938, it is ordered by the Court that the oommiaeion of the Coanty Treasurer for the oarrent year, 1938, shall b• and le hereby fined according to the 1938 Ooanty Budget et She rate of 2p on all reaeipte and diebarseounta, not to exceed howe the sum of X133.33 for any month, or, the aggregate of X1,600.00 for the year, 1938, and said Coanty Treasurer shall draw eaoh month's oomiseion of X133.33 ae earned. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Na. 1760, ORDKR FIXING 8ALARIES OF CON;JIISSION6RS. This 10th day of January, 1938, it Se ordered and dearaed by the Court that the oompen- astion of the Commieai one re of Kerr Coanty b• and ie hereby fixed by the po art for the oarrent year, 1935, aoaording to the 1938 County Bndgst, os follows: Raoh oommiesioner shell reoedve X5.00 per day ea per diem Yor eaoh day earved by him ae a member oY Lhe Commieaione re' Court to be paid out of th• general &oad and Bridge Fnnd, and eaah oommieaioner shall further receive ~b.00 for eaoh dap earved in the inapaotdon and supervision of county roads, same to be paid out of th• Road and Bridge Lund oY hie raepao- tiv precinct, previded however, that the total oompe neation or salary of eaoh commie eioner